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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Nina is looking at her sister as she is apologizing, " Oh right....." She almost forgot about it as she signs. "Sorry.....but I'm not in the mood....." Nina said as she walk away, and headed upstairs. She see the room where Dusk is, she stop there and is about to knock the door but can't do it. ".....'


Blossom looked up at her sister as she frowned she went to her secret place only Nina and her mom knew where it was

Katherine finally woke up as she cried a little " waaaah" she cried " daddy scary" she start to suck her tumb she wasn't allowed too
"Fuck this I'm watching Fullmetal Alchemist."

Tachikoma stuttered.

"B-But Mr. Trebuchet! I didn't finish episode 4!"

"Tough titties." Trebuchet said.


Dusk calmed down and ruffled his hair.

"Huff...Huff...I just want to be considered normal."

Dusk pulled out his Laptop from under the bed and stared at the black screen. He saw his reflection.

"Emotion is weakness...My ass." Dusk shut the computer and buried his face in his claws.

"Why do I have to be such an asshole." He growled.
Zeldafangirl said:
Blossom looked up at her sister as she frowned she went to her secret place only Nina and her mom knew where it was
Katherine finally woke up as she cried a little " waaaah" she cried " daddy scary" she start to suck her tumb she wasn't allowed too
"Aww, Katherine, its ok, Daddy is gone forever! You will never see him again..." Sharon said as she calm her down.
Noivern said:
Dusk calmed down and ruffled his hair.

"Huff...Huff...I just want to be considered normal."

Dusk pulled out his Laptop from under the bed and stared at the black screen. He saw his reflection.

"Emotion is weakness...My ass." Dusk shut the computer and buried his face in his claws.

"Why do I have to be such an asshole." He growled.
Nina slowly knocked the door twice but she stopped herself. "........" What in the world am I doing? I shouldn't do that! She feel like not ready to face him as she quickly walk away from Dusk door and about to headed to her room until she stop by Chad door. "Chad...."

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Katherine just looked up" huh really auntie no more daddy what hapen while auntie was gone" she asked confused lying on her aunts chest
Katherine just smiled as she was happy as she hugged her aunt" yay no more daddy we can be happy hi auntie friend" she say happily

Kendra just waved to her as she was still thinking who she was she had red hair like Ambre ' Ambre kid like Sharon told me in the warehouse' she thought
Brianna's eyes widened,

"Fullmetal Alchemist?! Let me join!"

She said, crawling inside the pod.


A hooded woman sat on a throne in a large Airship, located just a few miles away from the island.

"Is the Minister gone, Marie?"

She asked, and a girl in a labcoat replied,

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty and his daughter is still at the island..."

"Good, Good... Now Kristina will have her daughter accompany her while she's imprisoned, and that crap island will be mine to control, then we'll take our control WORLDWIDE!"

"N-No! Don't you dare put a finger on my baby girl!"

Kristina said, her arms and legs were chained together.


Zeldafangirl said:
Katherine just smiled as she was happy as she hugged her aunt" yay no more daddy we can be happy hi auntie friend" she say happily
Kendra just waved to her as she was still thinking who she was she had red hair like Ambre ' Ambre kid like Sharon told me in the warehouse' she thought
Sharon smiles as she see that it almost time for bedtime. " Katherine....time to sleep...."
"What was I even thinking. All of this shit could've been avoided if I didn't draft for a release."


"Man, I hope I get to go out into the wide world and explore!" Ivan said, his eyes sparkling with wonder.

"That's if you get picked." Servane said, nudging Ivan with his elbow.

"Aw, shaddap Grass ass. You know you're desperate, too." Ivan teased.

"Can you two stop flirting for once?" Spire said, rolling his eyes.

"Drill said emotion is weakness. Not quit the yammer and put your helmets on."

Ivan and Servane both slipped on their rookie helmets giggling.

"You're only here because of Article 3, grassy." Ivan giggled.

"Shut the fuck up, soldier." Spire hissed. Their platoon head stepped into the barracks and called attention.

"Atten-tion!" Sargent Baker exclaimed.

"Sir!" All cadets said in unison, saluting Baker.

"As you all know we have a yearly draft of which soldiers will be sent out into public for social observation. Each of you cadets have been hand-picked by the directors of Article 3 themselves and will be assigned to another cadet. Each team is here, including Fireteam squad, Female squad, Bomb squad, Military Police squad, Navy Squad, and Air-Force Squad. Drafting will begin..."

Ivan and Servane held their breath.

"Cadets Duskburrough and Iphil, Reigan and Stevenson of Fireteam, you are drafted." Ivan, Servane, Spire, and a additional Pokehuman walked to the front of the Barracks.

"Cadets Seiesx and Vorpal of Female Squad, you are drafted." A Zangoose and Serviper walked to the front.

"Cadets Stoll and Krac'til of Bomb Squad, you are-..."


Dusk remembered the doors closing behind them as they left the drafting ceremony. Afterwards they ate dinner and said their goodbyes. With little confirmation, they were booted the next day. Into the wide expansive world, free to Explore.
Katherine looked at her aunt as she pouted " but I wanna sleep with you I like bedtime story or the lullaby auntie sings" she yawned
Trebuchet sat inside the pod, messing with the controls.

"Aye, Blue. Howd'ya get it to work last time?"

He was fumbling with the touchpad.

"Sir, I suggest a re-calibration..."


Dusk was exhausted, he was completely worn out from his outburst of anger.

"Damn..." He huffed.

"Why can't I just be normal? Know what, all this whining ends here."

Dusk stood up and walked out of his room, playing with his hair. He approached Nina's door and tapped his fist on it.

"Hey kid. I needa talk..." Dusk said, voice a bit dry.
Katherine just smiled as she crawled in the blanket with her aunt as she was yawning

Kendra smiled " night sherry" she say as she smiled going to her husband as she wait for him to kiss him to do it she missed sleeping with him
Noivern said:
Dusk was exhausted, he was completely worn out from his outburst of anger.

"Damn..." He huffed.

"Why can't I just be normal? Know what, all this whining ends here."

Dusk stood up and walked out of his room, playing with his hair. He approached Nina's door and tapped his fist on it.

"Hey kid. I needa talk..." Dusk said, voice a bit dry.
Nina wake up from the Dusk voice. She slowly get up and open the door. "......Come in......" She let Dusk in her room.

"What.....are you going to tell me more about me being a kid...." She didn't mean to say it but she feel upset about it.

Blossom was sleeping in her secret place she didn't want to come home she was too upset to' not going home mom' she texted her ' what we do about bully ' she texted
"Regardless, that stays the same. But I just came to you to confess something." Dusk sighed and ran his claws through his hair.

"I'm envious of you, kid." He smiled a little, but it quickly faded.

"I feel jealous of you. Look at you. A family, a bunch of friends, even a love companion. A nice house...And...Everyone likes you. You're like a star. And no need to tell me about your virginity..."

Dusk held out his arms at his side.

"Look at me. A killer. A practical demon. No family or real friends at all, no place to call home. I bet everyone hates me since I shot you.." Dusk looked at his feet.

"That's already been established. Sure I have things you don't but they aren't worth as much as the things you have."

He let his hair droop from his scalp.

"And a young lady like you accomplished all this. I'm impressed, but more Jealous than impressed."
In a secluded manor, just on the outskirts of the Kalos Region...

Servane showed Edal a collection of photographs. More of the black substance was evident in each photo.

"Turns out..." Servane said, pointing to a dead body whose skin turned to a mottled gray - black.

"The Hydrodroxaphine is a effective bioweapon. It completely speeds up the decomposition process of any biological substance. Even plant and animal flesh."

Edal was polishing his helmet.

"How will we use it?" He asked, taking a scone from the plate on the table.

Servane chuckled softly and held out a small rifle.

"With this, Minister Gahsma." Servane opened an ammunition box and held up a small black bullet in his palm.

"These rounds are laced with Hydrodroxaphine. It will be a new step in biological warfare. It is compatible with any typical rifle or handgun due to it's amorphous molecular structure."

Edal clapped.

"Bravo, Sir Iphil. I am impressed. But we still haven't found her..."

Servane crossed his legs and put the bullet back.

"I know, Sir. I'm working on it..."
Nina is surprise to hear Dusk is jealous of her life. She looked down and start to laughed a little. "I can't believe that you are jealous of me....." She stopped laughing and looked at him. " I thought I was the one who is jealous....you can go anywhere and not staying in one place......" Nina let out her smiles and come close to him. 'Dusk.....you may be right that you're a monster....but that doesn't mean anything.....you can have love one....you already have friends......" She give him a hug. "I am you're friend.....and so dose you're robot, Servine....."

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"Your Majesty, I think we need to eliminate Obsidian before we begin the control scheme, his daughter will have a way to contact him and--"

The young scientist was interrupted,

"I know! Thats what I'm going to do now, kill that ass-biting bitch..."

The woman said, then grabbed a microphone,

"Maroon, did you locate Obsidian yet?"

She asked,

"Yeeees, I did... In nearby region, Masss'er... At an enclave, enclave unknown to Maroon."

"Great! Just head to his location, we gotta take him down..."

The ship started heading towards the region, the ship's huge shadow covered part of the island as it went towards there.


Brianna saw that Trebuchet was fiddling with a tablet,

"What are you doing? Trying to break her?!"

"I guess so."

Dusk said, remembering the grinning reflection. The monster studying him.

"I guess we all can't shake our inner demons. Just be glad I haven't fully embraced them."

Dusk put his arm around Nina.

"But promise me if Chad comes back to tell him no about the whole copulation thing. I'm afraid you're too young for that, kid."


Trebuchet slapped the control panel and suddenly the screen displayed something playing.

"Yay!" Trebuchet cheered.

"I think that's the wrong-" Tachikoma said a moment too late. The screen displayed flashing cinematography of strange figures, moving shapes, and uncomfortable imagery. The audio was a consistency of a squealing backwards loop of a piano song. Trebuchet covered his eyes and ears as he stopped the video on a frame. The frame was bad resolution, but Tebuchet could make out the outline of a human body.

"what the fuck was that..." Trebuchet muttered. Tachikoma quietly spoke.

"It's the stuff Servane watches and listens to while he works." She said, a hologram Tachikoma popping up on the screen. It's ars crossed into a pose of guilt.
Zeldafangirl said:
Katherine just smiled as she crawled in the blanket with her aunt as she was yawning
Kendra smiled " night sherry" she say as she smiled going to her husband as she wait for him to kiss him to do it she missed sleeping with him
Zeldafangirl said:
Blossom was sleeping in her secret place she didn't want to come home she was too upset to' not going home mom' she texted her ' what we do about bully ' she texted
Sharon take a look at her texting and signs. "Oh Blossom...." Then she looked at Kendra that she leaving. "Good-night, Kendra...." She looked at Katherine who is already sleeping.
Noivern said:
"I guess so."
Dusk said, remembering the grinning reflection. The monster studying him.

"I guess we all can't shake our inner demons. Just be glad I haven't fully embraced them."

Dusk put his arm around Nina.

"But promise me if Chad comes back to tell him no about the whole copulation thing. I'm afraid you're too young for that, kid."
Nina looked at him. "You are acting like my Daddy....and beside....I still like you....even if you are a virgin..." Nina giggle more. 'Oh, ant I can give you some love a dive if you wanna meet someone...."


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