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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"How the fuck do I do this."

Trebuchet slid down the stairs, face down. His helmeted head hitting every step he slid his body over. Eventually he reached the end of the staircase and slumped his body.

"Good mornin' citizens of..." Trebuchet tried to think.

Blossom looked at her sister as she crossed her arms" what you want" she say as she looked around

Katherine just woke up" auntie" she yawns a little holding her charmander doll she just rubbed her eyes
Blossom looked at her" so what your mad i'm mad at myself for hurting you i prove you all wrong i'm strong i prove it" she say to her sister watching her facial expression" YOU NEVER CARED FOR ME I HATE YOU" she yelled at her sister
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"Care for you? I alway care for you! I even give you tip about being strong! But you're still not strong, little sister!" Nina yelled at her. " Cause you know, why? Because you still acting like a baby!" Nina point out. "All you're life, you keep saying, "I wanna be strong like Mommy!' or "I weak against fire-tpye!" You are such a whiner! You such a big baby! And a wishy-washy baby!" Nina turn around and looked back to Blossom. "You think you can be strong? Yea right, there is one thing that Mom have and you don't, little sister...."

Blossom looked at her" i'm not a baby i'm 14 years old i'm not a baby i will prove it to you" she say to her as she grabbed her bag as she was thinking about going to the outside world" i bet you won't miss me after i'm gone" she say to her" I'm going to the outside world you can't stop me or mom" she say to him @JessBeth
"The outside world? Ha! What a great idea...." Nina follow her down to the beach where there a boat. " Oh Blossom, I don't think you won't last for 2 weeks....the outside world...only the tough PokeHuman can survives...." Nina laughed.

Blossom looked at her" i prove you wrong tell mom i say bye" she say getting on the boat as she smiled as she was ready to leave she wasn't scared of doing this" bye mom" she say

Kendra walked in the room where her frirend was" so what you like to do today sherry" she asked as she smiled" i was thinking about staying here for a while" she say" i don't want to leave" she say sighing @JessBeth
"Oh Kendra.....First off.....I wanna get out of the bed....I'm staring to get fat and lazy if I stay in the bed too long!" Sharon joked as she get out of bed.

"Heh...you'll see....you'll come back....sooner" said Nina.

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Blossom just waved to her sister" bye and i come back in 2 weeks maybe a month" she say as she was watching her island getting faw away as she was on the boat

Kendra just laughed" god i missed you so much" she say to her" oh thanks for taking care of nikki while i was away" she say to her as she smiled" where is the kids anyways" she say walking with her
"Well, Nina an Blossom should be in the kitchen....Cosmo is sleeping outside the forest, taking care a little girl that he found.....two other boys must be around the forest too.....and I'm stating to get slow as I walk..." Sharon walk a little as she pick out a dress.

"The outside will chew her up and spit her out."

Dusk said from behind Nina.

"And it will do so to you too, Kid. Jeez, why did you insult her like that?"
Brianna giggled as she saw Trebuchet walking down the steps ever so carelessly.

"Aye, ye put some heart into it, Buch!"

She said to Trebuchet in a fake, teasing Australian accent.


(Btw, I changed Brianna's age to 17 to match Trebuchet's, I see them as a good couple!)
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Kendra just looked at her as she giggled" your not slow" she say as she smiled" your just still weak from being in a coma" she say to her as she was using her crutches" ug i hate having a broken leg" she say

Blossom just sighed as she was out of the island she was going to miss her mother as she had her phone' goodbye' she text her family
Nina looked behind her and see Dusk. " Its the only way to make her more tougher and more brave....plus she will stop acting like a baby....." She looked at him. " And why are you here?"

(Oh? 0w0)

Trebuchet shook his head.

"I-I'm drained form last night's events."

Trebuchet lifted the helmet off his head and stared up at Brianna with a tired look.

"I was 'fraid you were gonna die or somethin'. But at least Tachikoma let me sleep in her pod. She's a really nice gal for a huge spider robot huh?"


Dusk crossed his arms.

"You said you were gonna give me some advice. Well are you or not?"
"Its will heal sooner then you think......" Sharon smiles as she go and change herself.


"Oh, right, a love a dives. Ok then...." Nina turn and face him. "What is it that you wanna know?"


Brianna widened her eyes,

"Y-You were afraid I was gonna die...? Why would you care about me..?"

She said, a tint of chestnut appeared visible on her cheeks.

Kendra just smiled as she just wait for her friend" so what you want to do" she asked

Kenzie just went back to the house as she sneek back in as she had dirty feet as she tried to sneak back in
"Ah. I dunno. I care for people. You know I was once the leader of the Earth Faction? The big Basalt City was my domain. But I gave up the ol' job to my brother since I was young as hell."

Trebuchet stood up.

"I guess bein' a king taught me howta care for peeps."


Dusk ruffled his scalp.

"Fuck, I dunno! Just teach me something.."
Zeldafangirl said:
Kendra just smiled as she just wait for her friend" so what you want to do" she asked
Kenzie just went back to the house as she sneek back in as she had dirty feet as she tried to sneak back in
"How about we eat breakfasts downstairs"
Kendra just looked at her as she smiled" sure lets go" she say to her as she went downstairs

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