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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Kendra just looked at her she just sit in a chair" yeah" she say as she sighed keeping a secret from her that she was pregnet she just rubbed her stomach" look who i brought saw her watching you" she say pointing to katherine

Katherine was with kendra as she looked at her aunt she was sucking on her tumb to calm herself she was scared
(Kristina would be a good name)

Edal turned back and faced Brianna.

"You cannot come! It is far too dangerous and the site for the Enclave is highly classified!"

He yelled. Suddenly he spun on his heel and entered the Heli.

"Maybe one day you can know what happened. But for now you are far too reckless and young. I cannot afford to loose you too."


Dusk brushed a strand of hair away.

"I don't think so. I figure..."

Dusk leaned in, the eyes on his mask red and his antenna angled upward.

"That he's using you. He doesn't love you. He only likes you for your body."

Dusk pointed accusingly at Nina.

"That scumbag is using your love for him to fuck you dry!" He yelled.
Noivern said:
Dusk brushed a strand of hair away.

"I don't think so. I figure..."

Dusk leaned in, the eyes on his mask red and his antenna angled upward.

"That he's using you. He doesn't love you. He only likes you for your body."

Dusk pointed accusingly at Nina.

"That scumbag is using your love for him to fuck you dry!" He yelled.
"What? That a lied, Dusk! Chad love me!" Nina said as she look mad. "I was able to evolve into a Houndoom because of our love." Nina said it. "And it not my body......"

Zeldafangirl said:
Kendra just looked at her she just sit in a chair" yeah" she say as she sighed keeping a secret from her that she was pregnet she just rubbed her stomach" look who i brought saw her watching you" she say pointing to katherine
Katherine was with kendra as she looked at her aunt she was sucking on her tumb to calm herself she was scared
Sharon looked where Kendra pointed as she smiles. "My little fireball....come here...." She open her arms.

Katherine just looked at her as she smiled" auntie" she say as she went over to her aunt as she got hugged" i missed you" she say as she smiled poking her cheek as she laughed

Kendra just looked at her" um sharon later we need to talk" she say to her" right now just conect with your family" she say to her
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Blossom just was getting squeezed" mom not so tightly I just had stitches" she say as she cover her mouth as she look at her mom" um mom am I grounded" she asked

Katherine was smiling" safe with auntie no bad people" she say relaxed
"I'm a perceptive son-of-a-bitch. Even though you may have been together for a long time, I know this cycle of abuse. I know how it'll go down..."

Dusk met Nina Face-to-Face. His mask's eyes seemed ablaze with abysmal rage.

"He'll try to get into your pants ever single day. He will try his damnest to get a full fill out of you. Can't you see? He's taking ADVANTAGE of you. Sure you guys can be in an amorous relationship...But if he ever begins that sort of thing again, if he even comes back, I'll show him justice. Lemme quote Servane here..."

Dusk leaned over Nina, his claws gnarled into deadly curves.

"Divine Retribution for degrading my first ever true friend." Dusk fired a round into a tree off to the left to vent his anger.

"A lot of fucked-up shit has happened. But Chad using you like that has to be worse than when I went on that murder spree..."
Zeldafangirl said:
Blossom just was getting squeezed" mom not so tightly I just had stitches" she say as she cover her mouth as she look at her mom" um mom am I grounded" she asked
Katherine was smiling" safe with auntie no bad people" she say relaxed
"Grounded for what? Getting bad grade?" Sharon laugh. "I heard from you're father...." She then petted katherine.
Noivern said:
"I'm a perceptive son-of-a-bitch. Even though you may have been together for a long time, I know this cycle of abuse. I know how it'll go down..."
Dusk met Nina Face-to-Face. His mask's eyes seemed ablaze with abysmal rage.

"He'll try to get into your pants ever single day. He will try his damnest to get a full fill out of you. Can't you see? He's taking ADVANTAGE of you. Sure you guys can be in an amorous relationship...But if he ever begins that sort of thing again, if he even comes back, I'll show him justice. Lemme quote Servane here..."

Dusk leaned over Nina, his claws gnarled into deadly curves.

"Divine Retribution for degrading my first ever true friend." Dusk fired a round into a tree off to the left to vent his anger.

"A lot of fucked-up shit has happened. But Chad using you like that has to be worse than when I went on that murder spree..."
"D-Dusk...." She have never seen Dusk get so angry about this a she see he fired it to a tree. "Dusk, calm down!!" She push him down and top of him. "You better come down, and don't hurt yourself!!!" Nina thinks he'll go crazy again just like before.

Blossom looked at her mother" let me explain I well rika made me give her my homework but I'm not scared of her in going to face my fears" she say avoiding the part she got kidnaped she had bruises on her face
"Get off of me!" Dusk shoved Nina off him and Dusk stood.

"What is your age? Si.xteen...?"

Dusk chuckled a little.

"You're practically a kid to me. At that age, you're getting plowed by some pretty boy?!"
Blossom just looked at her" I can handle it nothing to worry what else daddy say" she say to her" mom I was experiment on from team metroid" she say to her finally telling her" I can read people thoughts" she say scared

Katherine was just was laying on her aunt
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Noivern said:
"Get off of me!" Dusk shoved Nina off him and Dusk stood.
"What is your age? Si.xteen...?"

Dusk chuckled a little.

"You're practically a kid to me. At that age, you're getting plowed by some pretty boy?!"
"Oww, be gentle will you....' Nina stand up. "Yes, I'm sixteen, so what?" When she hear him chuckles, "What's so funny? And I'm not a kid! I'm a woman, as you may know...." Nina said since she already done it with Chad.

"You're seven years younger than me." Dusk said, his mask's lights blinking.

"You are not a woman. You are not an adult. You are a child." Dusk growled.

"And at that young of an age you have sex."

Dusk laughed, a hollow cackle.

"I'm past twenty and I'm still a virgin. At sixteen years, you indulge yourself in that god-forbidden sin. That would be classified as being a slut."

Dusk shrugged, giggling lightly.

"Ultimately, you lose."
"Hey, who care about gods or sins or whatever, its doesn't matter as long as its love." Nina growled back. " When you love someone, its for real!" Nina laugh a little when he said he a virgin. "Obviously, you won't understand it, since you're still a virgin!' She laughed more. " You suppose to have a girl with you or a wife. But no, all you're life is fighting....you are such a whip....or are you scared of falling in love?"

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Blossom looked at her mother as she saw Katherine fell asleep on her mom as she smiled" she missed you she barely ate I got experiment on I got kidnapped by a bad group" showing her the scars on her body
Zeldafangirl said:
Blossom just looked at her" I can handle it nothing to worry what else daddy say" she say to her" mom I was experiment on from team metroid" she say to her finally telling her" I can read people thoughts" she say scared
Katherine was just was laying on her aunt
"What?1" Sharon looked at her.
Blossom just sighed looking at the window" it happen a few days ago they took me away and hurt me" she say giving her a sad look
"Oh, you shut up. At least I didn't expose myself to such bad habits at a young age."

Dusk stared at Nina and clenched his fists.

"You don't know what goes on outside this island. You're completely imperceptive. You know nothing. And you think you have wise words..."

Dusk lifted his gun and pointed it at Nina.

"You're dead wrong."

He fired a round, but he purposefully shot close to her head. The bullet almost touched Nina's shoulder and shot off into the woods.
Servane casually glanced at Brianna.

"Trebuchet is off somewhere. He's possibly in the house sculpting another statue."

Edal stepped into the Heli and removed Brianna from him.

"I'll be back in the next week. Until then..."

Edal turned toward Brianna.

"Stay safe. This island is dangerous."

The pilots flipped a few switches and called out for takeoff.

"Farewell, my Brianna."

The Heli rose and floated away. Drifting inland towards a not-so distant Region.
Nina growled at him when he pointed a gun at her. "What are you doing....." She sound scared as when the shot the gun she didn't move. "......Why.....Why are you making me feel bad....all I wanted to have someone to love....is that wrong......Dusk, I thought you should be happy for me.....when I an happy......and you call yourself my friend?" Nina yelled. She try not to cry as she trying to be tough.

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"Maybe you aren't if you constantly excersise in that disgusting little...'ritual'."

Dusk slammed his fist against his chest armor.

"Like I said before. Stay away so you don't taint me."

Dusk trudged off, fury boiling inside him.

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