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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Ambre just watch the sun set going down as she feels relaxed as she smiled" we should go before sis get worried" she say to nina

blossom looked at her mom" cosmo helping a hurt pokemon and i dunno where big sis went" she say" do you like my drawing mommy" she asked happily
Nina signs. 'Ok...." Nina start to climb down the mountain as she headed home.

"Of course I do like it, sweetie...." Said Sharon as she look at Kenzie. "Now you see, Blossom is the youngest and of course the bulbsasaur...."

The Cosmo walk in carrying a injury Cottonee in his arm.
Kenzie look at the kid as she smiled" wow cool" she say wanting her big brother she just pout a little

blossom just smiled" buba" she laughed" do i has to go to sleep early i dont wanna i wanna play with nina" she whined to her mom
Nina came inside with Ambre as she shouts. "We're home!!!"

Sharon looked and see then. "Nina! Look at you...you all muddy!!! And you, Ambre?" She not looking happy.
Ambre looked down" uh oh" she say as she was looking down to the ground not making eye contact to sharon" no ear pulling" she wined a bit sharon was strict but she can ground her longer for being so dirty" sorry we were racing and kinda got dirty" she say emberessed

Blossom just went downstairs to watch tv as she continue to coler in her colorbook as she smiled as she waited for her big brother to come home as she heard someone at the door as she was scared as she ran teamrocket grunt was after her" let go of me let go of me" she say near a cliff she screamed for her mom

Lilia had good hearing as she looked around seeing blossom wasn't there" mom i think team rocket kidnaped um Blossom" she say as she ran to the place" volt tackle" she say trying to not hurt blossom as she watch her fall

Blossom was scared as she couldn't swim" MOMMY" she yelled trying to swim but couldn't she just drowned before she drowned she used sweet scent

Kenzie came out as she heard what was going on" Flamethrower" she say as she smiled as she smirked as she put her foot on the team rocket" leave my family alone or else" she say her eyes turning red from anger
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"You two are in big trouble again!!!" Sharon yelled at Ambre and Nina. Just when she about to pull their ears, suddenly she hear Lilia said Blossom is kidnapped. "My baby!!" She waste no time as she ran outside and hearing her voice by the lake. She just in the lake and save Blossom on time.

"Blossom?!" Nina hear that she got kidnapped and she run after her mom as she saw her mother is swimming to save her little sister.

Cosmo is putting a injury pokemon to sleep as he hear someone yelling as she see outside that Blossom is kiddnapped. "No!!" He ran outside as he see Kenzie looked angry as she beating the team rocket.
Blossom sees her mom as she was trying to swim too much water was getting in her mouth" mama" as she coughed up water she just was scared as the water was super cold for her she finally got saved as she hold to her mom

Ambre ran out seeing everyone worried about blossom as she was worried too

Blossom got saved as she was held by her mom as she saw nina" mama i'm scared" she sniffed" nina worried about me" she say hiccuping as she sneezed from the cold water
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Sharon hugged her daughter tightly. "Its ok, Sweetie, you're safe now...."

Nina run to them after they are safe. "You dummy! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Nina said as she is worried. She show that even that Nina is acting mean to Blossom but also care about her, too.

"Nina...be nice to you're sister...." Sharon said as she slowly get up and carry Blossom to their house.

Cosmo watches at Kenzie, who is showing anger at the team rocket man. "Aunt Kenzie?"
Shadow Comet headed out of NTG base, this time teleporting to some random forest. Something must have been screwing with the teleporter's signal. Still, what better to do when in a forest then burn it to the ground!

Jack had woken up, and had a vacant look on his face. He was holding a knife, as well as the keys to his cell.

Comet yawned, waking up from her nap only to see Jack awake. "Oh, good, you're finally a-" She stops before finishing her sentence. Something was off about the way Jack was acting.

Jack sprinted to the front of his cell, stabbing Comet in the arm and causing her to scream.

Shadow Cathy heard Comet's scream and ran off to go see what had happened.

Cathy frowned. Comet had always been the least mean to her out of everyone in the NTG, so hearing comet scream made her kind of nervous. She hoped Comet was alright.
(you can find kenzie talking to her nephew by the house blossom got kidnapped she is resqued though )
Kenzie saw her old friend when she was a kid"Karie is that you" she say a bit shocked" oh my gosh how you been" she say sounding excited
Kenzie just looked away" i'm fine" she say as she smiled a little she didn't want to get into what happend to her when she was a slave
Rampy Coughed really hard getting karies attention,"Kenzie this is Rj" Karie said putting Rj in front of her.
Olivia was bored as she was sitting up in a tree as she smiled as her stomach growled as she looked for kuro' where is he' she thought @Red Reaper

Kenzie looked at him" hi there i am called Mckenzie but i go by Kenzie this is my nephew Cosmo" she say smiling
Olivia just smiled" heya" she smiled looking at him" i'm fine just a little hungry" she told him as she just blushed she grew up with him as she didn't know who were her parents was so she was found by him she was a year younger than him" so um what we do" she asked him
Olivia smiled as she giggled" sure that be nice i am hungry" she say as she smiled as she climb the tree looking for other pokehumans around
Kuro blushes at the sound of Olivia's giggling, 'Her giggles are so cute,' He thought. Kuro then jumped off the tree and found a tree fulled with beries not to far away. Kuro went up to the tree and punched it with power-up punch. Berries then started to fall down the to floor. Before they could touch the ground Kuro caught 4 of them. He then went back to Olivia's tree. "Olivia! I got some berries!" Kuro yelled up to her.
Olivia jumped down from the tree as she smiles" FOOD YAY" she say excited" hey should we look for other pokehumans like us we can get help or something" she asked sitting next to him

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