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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Jack sighs, deciding not to report it. He was feeling a bit strange, and decided it best to just go and get some sleep or something. That would've been what he'd done, if it weren't for the fact that a second later he was gone.

Comet smiles. "Gotcha!" She yells, having just shot Jack with an anesthetic dart and brought him to NTG headquarters. A perfect kidnapping! "And to think, Marcus failed to kidnap you twenty five times. That was way too easy!" She says, sighing. "He's really heavy." She tosses his unconscious body to the ground.

Shadow Comet had stopped her rampage of stupidity and fallen asleep in the teleporter room.

Marcus yawned, standing up and stretching. "Now that, that was a good rest."
Cathy's phone started ringing again, and unsurprisingly it was Flare again. It was strange, no one in the NTG had even seen him, if Flare was a him. Flare always used some sort of voice modulator thing, so it was hard to tell. Once again Flare started off with a threat, and it was the exact same one as before. This time what Flare wanted her to do though was to do something that she'd never be willing to do. She didn't care if she'd be punished for not doing it, it was just wrong. Still, if a shadow version of her ended up on the loose she was unsure if anything would be able to stop it. This was quite the predicament. She frowned, thinking it over in her head.
Cathy thought about it for a second. No, if she went through with this many people would end up suffering because of her. "No, I refuse. Screw you Flare." She says, hanging up on Flare. She knew she'd end up suffering instead, but she'd rather suffer then know many people had suffered because of her. She'd just have to accept the punishment for refusing to carry out an order. Still, she'd probably wait until Michi woke up so she could at least let Michi know that she would be gone for a while.
Comet sighed, tossing Jack into a holding cell. "At least I won't have to worry about anyone looking for him. No one would go out of their way to look for a murderer who'd been kidnapped." She mumbles to herself, more than a bit annoyed that she was the one who had to bring Jack to his cell.

Shadow Comet had woken up in a much better mood, and headed to the research labs to apologize to the scientists. She'd really trashed the lab, but luckily hadn't caused any irreparable damages. Still, she felt kinda bad for that.

Cathy frowns, writing a note to Michi to let Michi know that she'd be gone for a while, the reason why she'd be gone, and the fact that she didn't know when she'd come back. The letter also had her phone number on it in case Michi wanted to call her. She slid it under the door to Michi's room. "Alright, now that I've taken care of that I'd better go back to HQ." She called HQ, and was teleported straight into a holding cell.
Blossom just looked at her big brother" Yeah big brother i want berry sandwich" she say happily as her stomach growled" is she really auntie kenzie like mommy talk about a lot" she asked as she was smiling

Ambre just looked at nina as she smiled trying to beat her
" hey now thats cheating" she laughed

Lilia just looked at her"
well um someone threw a stone last night and i kinda touch it and i evolve i'm sorry" she say looking down at her feet

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"That's right....Mom and Dad even told us what she look like....only she was once about you're age when she left them...." Cosmo talk to Blossom as he making some berries sandwiches.

"There no rules about cheating!!" Nina laughs as she suddenly step on the hole and landed on the mud puddles.

"Why are you saying you're sorry? I'm not mad..." Sharon said as she fix a bed.

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Kenzie looked at them as she smirked" i didn't left cause i wanted to i left cause katy made me her slave" she explain" so have any more brothers or sisters" she asked

ambre smiled while running seeing nina jump in mud

lilia looked at her"cause you wanted to see me evolve" she explain

blossom just watch her brother" why is nina always mean to me" she ask while playing with her stuffed bubasuar

Cosmo looked back and see Kenzie answers his story. "A slave? Really? Wow....and how was it being a slave with Katy?" He finishes making some sandwiches and put it on the tables. "You know Nina is not that mean to you....she did being mean to Aster too, remember?" Cosmo said to Blossom as he ruffle her hair. Then he looked back to Kenzie.

Nina come out of the mud puddle and shake it off like a dog. "I'm still ok!" She start running off.

Sharon look at Lilia. "I see....but that okey....you're still the same Lilia I know and love...."

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Ambre just look at her friend" you sure you don't want your mom to kill me i'm already in trouble for 3 days" she say sighing

Blossom just look at her brother"
I know but still he hurts sometimes i just want to be friends with sissy where daddy big brother" she asked sitting at the table as she smiled as she sit at the table" how buddy big brother" she asked happily

Kenzie just slip out of the house without getting noticed she just went up to a tree she had a lot in her mind a lot to talk to sharon about as she sighed

Lilia looked outside"
come lets go outside i think Kenzie escaped cosmo" she say smiling
Nina looked at her. "She would be mad...plus I wanna see something...." She ran off and go climb up the mountain.

Cosmo didn't see Kenzie there as he is busy talking to his baby sister. " Nina is sad that all....since Dad and our brothers are went off to train....remember?"

Sharon looked outside the window and said. "Hmm..." She walk out the room and walk outside. " Are you leaving without saying anything, Kenzie?" Sharon already spotted her up to the tree.
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Kenzie looked at her" of course not i'm just thinking about stuff all i want to do is scream and be heard" she say" sorry you didn't need to know that i just been through a lot since i was 10 i.... i..... killed people cause of katy made me" she say looking down as she jumped down from the tree

Blossom just smiled" wanna play with me after we eat" she say smiling
Sharon look at her and didn't say a word.

Cosmo is about to answer her until, Buddy, a shiny Bulbasaur run inside the house and look panic. "Buddy, what's wrong?" Cosmo asked.

Buddy is saying that a pokemon is injury and needed healed.

"Ok. I'm coming...Blossom stay here and eat you're lunch!" He said as he and Buddy run outside.

Meanwhile, Nina finally made it to the top mountain and see the view of the big oceans. "Wow....so big...."
Ambre just run after her" don't do that again please i was worried" she say panting" are you okay" she asked

Blossom just pout as she eat her lunch as she enjoyed it

Kenzie just looked at her" see i'm a monster so i don't belong here your kids are beatiful like you" she say climbing the tree
Nina look at Ambre. "I'm fine....hehe...I'm just happy I beat you....and see this..." She show her the view of the ocean and a sunsets.

"I'm flatter that you like my kids, Kenzie....but don't say that you don't belong here or saying you're a monster....you're the Kenize we know and love....and what you didm is all in the past...but I think you came here to be with you're family...right?" Sharon said to her.
Kenzie start to tear up when she said that" i missed my brother so much and you i just didn't have anywhere to go i missed my family my home" she cried as she hiccuped" we can be friends all over again" she smiled a bit

Ambre just looked at the ocean as she smiled as she start to pick up nina to put on her shoulder" hows the view now" she asked smiling" you win" she laughed

Lilia just walk outsdie as blossom was okay she was watching tv" hey is she leaving mom" she asked as she smiled she looked like she was 16 but she wasn't
"Of course....you know me and Dresden will never give up on you...." She smiles.

Nina giggle as she watching the sun is going down. "Ambre....you never leave the island, before?"
Ambre just shook her head no" i'm the protector of the pokemon here if i leave it will hurt me thats why i'm always out of the house i been like this since i was 7 years old" she say" i do wonder whats out there though" she say

Kenzie just looked around" thanks that means a lot to me come lets go back inside" she say smiling grabbing her hand as she didn't want to let go of it the feeling was great" sorry" she say blushing
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Sharon giggle as she pat her head since she was a 10. Sharon show her a room to stay.

"All I wanted to see the world out there....but Mama and Daddy will never let me....expect my big brothers..." signs Nina

(brb eating)
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Kenzie just smiled as she look at the room" whoa its big do you think i can stay here i won't leave until i dunno until i find a boyfriend" she say sticking out her tounge a little as she laughed

Blossom was downstairs drawing a picture of her family

Ambre just smiled" i know how you feel your mom and dad won't let me leave they found me when i was 5 and been taking care of me ever since" she explained
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Sharon laugh. "You always say you wanted to have a boyfriend...and Dresden is being overprotected you and saying you're too young..." Sharon remember it when Dresden talked about it.

Nina signs and said. 'I wish I can go out...."
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Kenzie just smiled" i going to spend time with your youngest" she say as she smiles" i just don't want the feeling to being lonely again i want to have family like you and your kids" she say smilig

Blossom heard voices as she finished her picture" mommy lookie i finished my picture of family and auntie kenzie" she say smiling to her
Shadow Cathy frowns, standing outside Cathy's holding cell as a guard. She didn't like seeing her original self trapped in a cell like a pokemon in a pokeball, it just didn't feel right. She wanted to break Cathy out. But, she was too afraid to. She didn't know what Cathy might do to her, or if she'd be punished for breaking Cathy out of her cell, and not knowing that scared her.

Cathy sighs, sitting in her cell and staring at Shadow Cathy. They'd already used her for their experiment, so why were they still keeping her imprisoned? She could easily break out, but that would be boring and a bad idea.

Comet sighed, standing outside Jack's holding cell and waiting for him to wake up, just as Deoxys had ordered. He just wasn't waking up. Maybe she'd used too much anesthetic? She frowned, taking aim at Jack. If he didn't wake up soon she was going to practice her sharpshooting using Jack as a target.

Shadow Comet sighs, shaking her head. "I'm bored again. Canalave City, here I come!" She says, sprinting to the teleporter room of the NTG base so she could head back to Canalave City and continue her murderous rampage.
"Oh wow, you put more family on you're drawing..." Sharon said as she look at the time. "Where is Nina and Ambre? And Cosmo?"

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