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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Comet smiles. "Well, Enigma berries have alot of strange effects. I'm bringing them...somewhere... So we can test some of them on random humans. and pokehumans." She aimed the NTG Neo 200 at Cosmo's head. "We could always use more test subjects though." It was hard to tell if she was joking or not.


Cathy smiles. "You're welcome. I felt a bit guilty about not telling you that when we first met."

@The Unamed Character
Ambre just looked at her adopted sister as she smiled" what is it i have things to do" she say as she smirked a little as she crossed her arms as she walked to her sister" uh sis i need more of my adhd medicine" she say looking at the lady" who is that" she asked really she just wanted to stay with nina play video games together

Blossom looked at the cookies as she ate one more" thanks mommy i want to train with you" she say to her smiling
Cathy went back into her room, sighing. It was too late to get any sleep, but she doubted skipping a night of sleep would be much of a problem. She layed down, staring at the ceiling and wondering why Flare had wanted Rayquaza.
"Whoa,whoa, don't shoot...don't shoot me...." Cosmo back away from it.


"Wait for a little bit....Cosmo went out to get some...." Sharon said as she looked at Blossom. "Not today, Sweetie. Go play with your sister...." Then she look at Ambre. "Do you remember, Kenzie? Dresden little sister? The one I told you about her?"

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Comet smiles. "I'm not going to hurt you. Test subjects are no good dead. Besides, you'll be taken care of very well. The NTG treats its experiments well. Plus, you'll be paid for your help in our research." She kept aiming at Cosmo's head. "So, will you come quietly or do I have to put a dart in your neck?"

Cosmo look at her as she about to come with her until suddenly a razor leaf aim at the lady and hit her gun. A shiny Bulbasaur appear and attack her with his razor leaf. Cosmo quickly run and hide.

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Comet frowns. "Darn. Oh well. We've got enough test subjects anyway. Thanks for the Enigma berries!" She shrugs, walking away.
When she walk away, Cosmo signs as see his shiny Bulbasaur come to him. 'Thanks Buddy.....' He pet his head. 'We better go home or else our mothers will be upset...." Cosmo take a bucket of berries and plants and headed to a beach, where a Lapris is waiting for them. Cosmo and Buddy get on the ride on the Lapris and it headed to his home Island.
Ambre just look at her" yeah why" she say she just was trying to focus not trying to be hyper around her sister she just breath in and out as she look at the lady" is that her Kenzie" she say trying to focus" when is he coming back" she say a little shakey

Blossom just nodded" okay mummy" she say as she got up from the floor" Nina want to play with me while mummy talk to ambre" she asked
Sharon nodded. " That's right....this is McKenzie...." She pat her shoulder as she smiles.

Nina smirks. 'If I win, you have to pick up my stuff for a week...." she said.

Meanwhile, Cosmo return to the Island as he and Buddy headed ti there house. "Mom, I'm home...oh...." He see his mom is with Ambre and the lady he didn't know.

Nina ear perk up as she hear his voice. "Big brother!!!'
Comet sighed, teleporting back to base. Something wasn't right, everything was oddly quiet and all the lights were off. This was exactly the kind of setting for an ambush. The next thing she knew there was an anesthetic dart in the side of her neck and she was out cold.

Gigas was so close to escaping. He'd been slowly weakening the walls of the cell, thinning them so he could bust straight through. It was working, but he was afraid that he wouldn't escape in time.

Jack sighed, sitting in a tree outside of Canalave City and staring up into the sky. "I wonder..." He shook his head. It was best not to think about that subject again.
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Ambre just smiled" mckenzie" she say as she smiled" is that all" she say to her sister" i want to play my video games" she say

Kenzie looked at amber" hi there" she say smiling

Ambre just rolled her eyes" whatever i'm out of here" she leaving the house as she put her headphones she couldn't control her adhd she just went to the forest again as she climb the tree

Blossom just sighed she didn't understand why her sister was always so mean to her she bumped into the glass table as she yelped in pain she was trying to run to her brother but hurt herself
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"Blossom...you clumsy..." Cosmo pick her up since she light as he smiles. He watched Ambre walk passed him as he looked at mom. "Mom....who is she?" Cosmo looked at Kenzie.

Nina go and hug Cosmo. "Welcome back...and that lady is Mckenzie...."
Blossom smiles at her big brother as she hugged him while being carried she just yawned a little" big brother why ambre mad" she asked

Ambre just sat outside all upset she wasn't happy

Lilia just came downstairs hearing voices as she saw the lady
Cosmo smiles. "Ambre not mad...just hyper..." He put her down as he look at McKenzie. "McKenzie...as in Auntie Mckenzie?" Cosmo come close to her and smiles. Seeing Cosmo all grown up and handsome.

Nina look up and see Lilia. 'Done taking a nap?"

Sharon look at Cosmo and smiles. 'That right..."
Ambre just sighed as she just went back inside her feet all dirty as she forgot to clean it up as she sighed as she saw the dirt on the floor' crap sis will be mad' she thought

Blossom went to her mom as she was rubbing her eyes her mom usally take her for her nap" mommy i'm tired" she say rubbing her eyes as she was dozing off a little she just yawn

Lilia smiled" i wasn't taking a nap i was just talking to some friends" she lied she been play games all night she didn't get any sleep

Mckenzie see cosmo as she smiled" hi there cosmo" she say as she smiled she took care of him when she was 10 the other kids she didn't know she only knew cosmo
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Sharon smiles and pick up Blossom. "Its nap time for you..." She stand up and said, 'I'll put her in her bed..." She walk to Blossom room and tuck her in.

Nina rolled her eyes. 'Yea right..."she said to Lilia. Then she look back and see Ambre come in and see the floor dirty. "Ambre! Mom going to kill you if she see this!'

Cosmo look at Lilia. "Hey, Lil, Auntie Kenzie is back!!"
Comet woke up, and noticed two strange things right of the bad. First, she was in a room completely made of glass, and second there was a shadow version of her standing on the other side of one of the glass walls. She stood up carefully, staring at the shadow version of herself and wondering why it wasn't the one in the glass room. Shadow Comet smiles, giving Comet a quick thumbs down before teleporting away and leaving Comet all alone, trapped in a fragile prison. Comet sighs. "Well, this can only be the work of one person. Flare. When I get out of here he's going to regret this little prank of his."

Gigas had done it, he'd broken through the wall into some sort of teleporter room! He hopped onto one of the teleporters, finding himself in Pallet Town. "Huh, well, anything's better than that cell."
Lilia just smiled" that is awesome" she say happily she was glad to see her aunt again

Ambre looked at her" i know i have to clean it before she come back downstairs" she say as she got a cloth" even if i'm in trouble its okay she only do it out of love" she say

Blossom just yawned as she start to fall asleep as she hugg her stuffed bulabsar she just smiled sleeping
Cosmo almost forgot something. 'Oh right...." He take out a new medicine for Ambre. "Here, Ambre...." He give it to her as he awl to talk to his aunt. "So you are Mckenzie....Mom and Dad told me all about you..." He sit next to her.

Nina go and help Ambre out to clean the floor. "What is wrong with you? Are you mad at someone again?"
Ambre just looked at her" no don't help me its my mess i don't want you get in trouble too" she say cleaning the floor as she smiled she saw cosmo give her the medecine as she smiled" thanks" she say" i'm not mad it just my ADHD is getting a bit worse" she say to her as she took the medicine as she start to calm down

Mckenzie just start to blush" you can call me kenzie whatever you want to call me i'm not the same though" she say looking down as she held onto her pants" i'm pretty sure your parents told you i sacarfice myself to keep this family safe" she say" i can be with anyone anymore i don't even know why i'm here" she say as she put her head to her knees showing some scars
Nina looked worried. 'Are you going to died?" She sound scared.

Cosmo looked at her. 'Yea....you ran off with that Ninetails girl...Katy right?" Cosmo take out a berries from the bucket. "I bet you're here because there no one else to go...right?"

(brb eating)
Comet sighed. This was a typical Flare prank, extravagant and annoying. She could easily break out of the glass room, but the shards would cut her all over. Plus, after she escaped she'd have to go hunt down Shadow Comet and bring it back to base. Actually, she didn't care about that second part much. She used Boomburst, breaking the glass room into millions of tiny shards.

Meanwhile, Shadow Comet was wreaking havoc in Canalave City, killing any and all civilians she could find just for fun. Her uniform was stained with the blood of many innocents. She'd just wash it later, the uniform wasn't really special to her. She could hear people screaming in terror, and it was music to her ears. Shadow Comet was wielding an upgraded version of the NTG Neo 200, one with the capability to amplify special attacks from the user. She aimed at a random building, using an amplified version of Hyper Beam to blast a hole straight through it.

@The Unamed Character
There was a man in the midst of the Hyper beam and seemed to be unaffected by it. He just stood there and looked at his fingernails and waited for it to be over. "Could you possibly be done ((New character will be intergrated soon.... just wanna piss someone off by inturupting something))

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