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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"Hurt Maya, I will open fire." She said, pointing her muzzle at Kenzie.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, but we must try to gain peace with Maya. I have a deal that will work, I think... "She said, half-doubtfully looking at the ground. "S-So don't ruin this chance for me!"
Kenzie just looked at her" so you want to hurt her" she say " she deserve to die after what she put my niece through" she say to her as she sighed her eyes pure red from anger
"Don't cause more trouble for yourself."

Tachikoma said, wheeling in between Maya and Kenzie.

"If you want to hurt her, you'll have to go through me, first."
Kenzie just looked at" you and what army she hurt my niece she's my responsibility Sharon is going to kill me" she say
Maya's hair covered her eyes,

"Just stop... Please..."

She whimpered.


Brianna looked at Dusk and stuck her tounge out at him,

"You're too stubborn I mean, your at least cute in ONE way!"

She's said, looking down and with a tint of a chestnut blush on her tan cheeks,

"But Servane is c-- GAH! WHAT AM I SAYING?!"

She said, the chestnut blush becoming more visible.

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl

Claira held blossom with a knife to her neck" stop putting thoughts into her mind or she die you go away forever don't come back or she die" she say hurting the girl making her bleed

Dusk cocked a brow, slightly flattered and confused.

"Cute in what way?" He asked, leaning forward a little.


"Ma'am, please leave Maya alone."

Tachikoma said, a hint of authority in her voice.
Kenzie just walked toward her" never" she say as she laughed" you not in charge of me" she say to her
Maya backed away,

"Please just... Go AWAY!"

She said, backing away from Kenzie.


Brianna looked at Dusk,

"Your strong, brave and really funny!"

She said,

"But I admit... I feel a little more for Servane..."

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl
Kenzie just walked towards her" or what I'll hurt you like you hurt my niece" she say lifting her shirt
"Feel?" Dusk asked, slightly lost.

"Uh...Care to rephrase? I'm a little confused. But thanks for the compliment..."


"That's enough!" Servane yelled, drawing his sword and holding it in front of Kenzie.

"Stop it, or Corporal Trebuchet will dispatch you."

Trebuchet formed a chunk of stone around his fist again, and raised them.

"Aye. With pleasure, Sire." He said, stepping forward.
Kenzie just looked at them when her eyes were pure red she can't control herself it's because she was a slave a become a killer she try to be good she hold her head" shut up shut up leave me alone Katy" she say to them thinking it was them
"Katy?" Trebuchet grunted.

"Oh no, she's delusional..." Servane grabbed Kenzie's shoulders and looked her straight in the eye.

"Ma'am. Stop it. You're being no help."
Brianna closed her eyes in embarrassment, a deep chestnut brown blush was across her face...

"I... I love him... A little... Don't tell him..."


Maya's eyes turn darker,

"Will you all just... GO AWAY?!"

She yelled, purple crystals start to crawl along the walls of the building, getting bigger as they progress from Maya.

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl
Kenzie just sighed as her eyes turned back to normal" sorry I leave don't look for me" she say running from them

Blossom got persuading to become like maya" leave us be" she say evilly
Dusk's eyes went wide for a little, but then, a deep uncontrollable cackle came from the depths of his throat. Dusk fell over, hitting his knee.

"Y- You like him?" He stuttered through laughs.

"The kid is a scrawny little bitch who is only here because of me!" He got up and brushed himself off.

"He's my behavioral officer. If he hadn't enrolled me in the 3rd Article, him and me would have never even met."
Brianna gave Dusk a dirty look then she very slowly turned herself in a full clockwise position, then gave him a small but hard slap to the face,

"...I'm really trying not to take back what I said about you..."

Katherine was looking at pictures of her mother as she sighed she died when she was born as she looked at Anna and the man she didn't know

Kenzie just sighed" I'm sorry k wasn't myself if you forgive me it's fine if you don't I just go away again" she say
"Argh..." He stumbled back, clutching his face.

"Still. He's supposed to leave at the end of my two-month periodical observation. All this time he has been watching me. I'm guessing my little breakdown yesterday probably hurt my behavioural score a lot. Then he's going back to that stuck-up manor of his with his family. A big ol' family of cunning, deceptive snakes if you ask me. He'll stay there for two months, and come back again. Get the cycle? But we have about a week-or-so left of him being here. Can't wait until he goes back, and taking that annoying little hunk of metal with him. Then i'll have all the time to myself! Perfect leisure."
Brianna's cheeks inflated with anger,

"Apparently, he isn't as scrawny and bitchy as you are. I GUARANTEE you."

She said,

"And Tachi? She may be annoying but shes optimistic! So, what bad do you have to say about the rest of us, huh?!"


Maya unstrapped Blossom,

"Just... Go..."

@Zeldafangirl @Noivern
Blossom looked at her than looked back as she ran but got hurt cuts all over body" I can't I hurt all over" say blossom to the others when blossom got to the house she collapsed entrance of the house" help me" she said weakly
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Dusk growled and splayed out his claws. A tinge of common sense kicked into his brain, and he lowered his hand.

"Sorry. Just when I'm in a laughable mood I tend to act like a dick. But...I need to tell you something really important about Servane."

Dusk sighed and clasped his hands.

"Whatever you do, do not trust him."

He stopped, and heard Blossom's struggle.

Blossom just looked at dusk scared as her body hurts" help me dusk my body hurts please I want my mommy and my family" she asked scared watching them she couldn't breathe normally she was coughing hard
"Urgh..." Dusk helped Blossom to her feet and escorted her inside. He laid her down on the Sofa and checked her wounds. A few cuts, a few bruised limbs, such and such. She definitely been through a considerable amount of physical trauma.

"Uh, Blossom. You're gonna be fine. Just let me see if there's anything I can use..."


"Where did the gal run to, Aye?" Trebuchet asked, his helmet's light's glowing in the vast night.

Tachikoma's searching beams crossed over a path that seemed regularly used.

"All evidence concludes she most likely retreated back at the manor." She said, stopping her movement.

"All we have to do is follow the trail!"

Trebuchet and Servane exchanged uneasy looks. Suddenly a noise rang out into the darkness. It was Servane's cell.

"Excuse me. I'll catch up in a bit!" He hollered, shuffling behind a tree and flipping open his cell.

"Tick Tock, Sir Iphil. It's almost time we meet again." A deep voice murmured. Servane huffed and leaned against the tree.

"Look, Minister...I just need to gather some more information on this family. But people keep popping up like a rash. I cannot cope in trying to get to know all of them!"

The voice replied with a small, sinister chuckle.

"Once the study is done, deduce the probability of one of them being her. But we don't know who exactly it is. Yet. If she isn't there, move along to the next family."

The voice paused.

"How is Ivan doing, Mr. Ihpil?"

Servane swallowed a lump in his throat.

"He is..." He lied through his teeth. "Doing great. Minister."

"Good. I'll call you tomorrow. The Enclave's future is counting on you, my student."

The line went dead, and Servane wiped sweat from his brow.

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Blossom just looked at him as she place her hands on her face as she just cry she felt like she broke something" I'm scared" she cries looking around as the others was making sure she stay still

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