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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"Let's do this shit!"

Brianna said raising her two long ponytails as her attack stance.

"Don't you worry, I have the mixed pokehumans I forced together!"

Maya said as she brought out a large mixed forced pokehuman like other forced pokehumans, it was deformed.

"...P-Please... S-Sa... Save us..." The deformed pokehumans said, and started fighting against their own will.

A tear fell down Brianna's eye, did she say they were forced together? They were forced to mix their powers even if they didn't want to? This isn't right!

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl
Celia just watched them she wanted Clair to stay out of it" I'm going to protect our prisoner" she say she been hit with the whip before she went after the boys

Blossom was scared she didn't understand what was going to happen to her" hey stupid are you an scientist" she say laughing @IIQueenestII
dusk watched Brianna hesitate, and he stopped as well. She saw her shed a single tear, and watched it hit the ground. He realized a darker substance dripped from Brianna's body as well. Dusk approached her cautiously.

"Anna, you're bleeding..."
"I-I don't c-care! Y-You can't do that! You can't make us do something against our will! You can't limit our freedom!"

Brianna said running at Claira and then punching her with one of her ponytails,


"Oh?! And why not? You guys are just another species of SCUM that walks this earth!"

Maya said, hitting Brianna with her whip in frustration.


The member slaps Blossom hard,

"Yes, I am... I'm part of the scientist group of Team Meteorite... Don't mock me, because your my test subject..."

She said, holding a small knife.

"Let's get started..."

Servane spotted a concrete settlement placed in the woods. An unusual and tall structure.

"This must be their..Headquarters. I guess."

Servane spent no time in destroying the front door with a well-placed attack. The door was sent flying into the main lobby of the building.

"Oh Excuse me. It seems that I made an awful mess..."


Dusk blocked the whip with his forearm and let the whip coil around his arm. The barbed segments scratched against the metal armor plating and he smiled devilishly.

"Looks like someone got their little Yo-Yo stuck on a ceiling fan."

He locked the barbs together and started dragging Maya towards him.

"Come over so I can get a closer look!" He exclaimed, tugging the whip violently.
Blossom got slapped hard she groans in pain as she saw the knife trying to get free" noooo don't do this please" she said acting scared screamed in pain as it started the experiment
All eyes turn to Servane in the building...


Someone yelled, then a large group of Team members come at him with weapons and bondage items.


Maya pulled away with as much force as could,


Brianna wrapped her ponytails around the whip,

"So now we're playing tug-of-war? Its Two on One this time!"

She said as she started pulling back.

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl
Claira just pulled her boss back as she laughed seeing the girl she walked up to her and used iron tail

Blossom was calling out for big sister and screaming and pain wanting the pain to stop
Servane sighed and smiled faintly. Suddenly, all members converging on him were thrown back by Servane's sword's dance. He levitated in the air like some spectre, poising all of the sword blades at his fallen opponents . "I thought you could hold your ground much better."


Dusk still held the whip. With all his might, he pulled the bladed cord all the way, sending Maya flying off the ground and right into Dusk's fist.
Maya flew right into Dusks fist and fell down having a bloody eye as a result...

"Ughh... M-My eye..."

She muttered, trying to get up...

"Clair, we n-need to synchronise!"

Dusk repelled his fist and his red eyes on his mask briefly turned yellow.

"How does that feel, Kid?" He smiled in triumph behind the mask, knowing his attack crippled Maya.


Servane held a Member by the throat, his sword pinning the man against the wall.

"Where is the girl you're keeping here." He demanded, his voice hard as stone. The man shakily rose a pointing finger to a coded door at the end of a hall. With deadly speed, he dispatched his hostage by dropping his head upon Servane's knee. The K-O'ed man fell to the floor. Servane walked forward, but stopped at the sight of an elaborate passboard on the wall.

"How in the world..."

Suddenly, a large metal claw tapped Servane's back. He turned around to face Tachikoma and some other figure.

"Let me handle it, Mr. Iphil!" She said, wheeling closer to the door and feeling it with her wires. Servane looked at the figure, a tall and skinny fellow with armor resembling Dusk's, but there were modifications. Servane was about to ask the identity of Trebuchet until he realized who it was.

"Lance Corporal Elijah Trebuchet?" Servane asked. Trebuchet nodded.

"Oh my word! You were a part of Fireteam five, if I am correct?"

Trebuchet nodded again. "Aye, funny seein' your face 'round here, bloke." Trebuchet laughed.
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Two hooded girls stood behind the three,

"Hello, unwanted trespassers..."

One of them said coldly.

"We see you are looking for an Ivysaur gal, is that right? Unfortunately for you, we can't allow that.."

The other girl said.

"Yer point is?" Trebuchet said, turning around as a circle of floating stones rotated around his body.

"I'd hate ta' hurt ya fine lasses but Snakey over 'ere says we gotta bust 'er out so she doesn't turn into a fuckin' nightmare, aight? So movalong and leave. We don't want any o' yer girl scout cookies."
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Claira nodded as used waterfall and pulling out a smokescreen to escape while holding her boss hand running to get to the base
"Too bad We're not a girl scouts organization, the experiment still needs to go on for your little friend, so please be patient... Matey."

The girl said, mocking Trebuchet's pirate like language.

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"Aw blah blah blah, shut the hell up." A rock flew in between the two girl's heads, Trebuchet's voice sounded irritated.

"Got it open, Mr. Iphil!" Tachikoma said as the pneumatic door opened. With little hesitation, Trebuchet walked up, forming a chunk of rock around his fist, and punched the scientist on the forehead, knocking him over onto his back.

"Sit down, Son!" Trebuchet taunted, thrusting his foot in the man's groin to make sure he stayed down.

"Alllllright, now we gotta get the little girl outta this joint, aye?"
"Dammit..." Dusk grunted.

"Guess I'll have to...I'll just do it." Dusk groaned and shifted into Mira. Pursuing Claira and Maya, her speed undisputed.

"Hey remember when I used this guise to trick your imperceptive little asses?" She said, tripping Claira with a branch she picked up.

"Happy travels!"
"Keep going, Claira! We're almost there!" Maya said, running with her.


One of the girls put a pistol to Blossom's head,

"One strike, she's out..."

The other girl guided the scientist out of the room, Then she took out two katanas.

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl
"You know, this can be resolved over a nice conversation with tea!" Tachikoma said, waving her arms as Trebuchet and Servane stood still.
"Or, but what is the purpose of this? Why is this girl primarily so important to you? She's smaller and weaker regarding to Mr. Trebuchet, Servane, or even Dusk! If there really is a sound reason why you are conducting these experiments on just Pokehuman's and disfiguring them in hideous ways. Because I will open fire." Tachikoma said, placing her right arm's muzzle directly to the girl's temple.

"I'd hate to disregard life, but if it's for the greater good, I will kill after all..."

She had a brief flashback of the Section 9 tower exploding, the other Tachikoma disbanding, and being dismantled.

"I was built for war." She said, her sensor pods pointed at the ground.
"Because we discovered a hidden chemical in her, that chemical can be used for powering up fusing, a talent Ms. Deguchi taught us, If you don't know what I mean, then..."

The girl's eyes start flashing green and so does the other girl's eyes, they then start performing a synchronized dance together their eyes growing brighter as they do so, they then morph together, growing a much larger Giant Woman with four arms.

"Oh, b-but still! Why not care for life at all? I mean, I can't die. I'm a machine. But what is the purpose of this sacrifice for so much for something so little? Why is Blossom your priority? Why are you doing this? If you hate Pokehumans, is there reason as well? Or is it blind prejudice? Discrimination? There's a lot more going on, you have to open your eyes. If your job is doing exactly this, are you being paid? Or are you merely doing it for fun, or doing it because you can? It's not legal, and I can contact authorities at any given time. Why I haven't is because there is good still left in everyone involved with this experiment. Do you really hate Pokehumans all that much? If you want to kill them, you're going to have to go through me first."

Tachikoma wheeled around the morph, her muzzle still trained.

"Just let i-" Tachikoma was cut off by an abrupt explosion. Trebuchet made the mechanism to go off inside the girl's gun, causing the bullet to explode in the chamber. Trebuchet yawned.

"Sorry, Tach, but you were kinda makin' me fall asleep.
"I... I don't even know what I'm fighting for, but..."

"We know... Ms. Deguchi treats us like as if we were her sisters..."

"Ever since me and my sister were little... We were homeless, Our mother and father died and our stepmother was... Just so fucking abusive... Until Maya Deguchi found us..."

"I... Remember how nice she was, she was angelic... She invited us to join Team Meteorite for shelter and... Killing..."

"She talked to us about how killing innocent lives was 'fun' and a way to get revenge on the world... At first we weren't up, but did it anyways for our shelter and overtime... We were addicted to killing..."

"We would go on missions and assassinate random people..."

"And we had a hell of a good time doing it..."

(Aww... Bye!)

Blossom looked at them scared as she sighed looking back and forth she was an experiment she just want to scream

Claira saw the base as she walk in" you ok boss@ she asked tired about to check on the prisoner" let's go back to headquarters we gots we needed" she said this base was just a camp they maded @IIQueenestII

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