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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Blossom just smiled" SISSY" she yelled for her as she saw her house" my home thank you" she say as she held onto to her as she look for her big sister she kept pressure on her wound" ah" she say say opening and closing her eyes she felt weak she needed stiches on her wound she was so scared
Mira skidded to a halt and ran inside the house carrying Blossom. Mira dropped her onto the couch and ran back outside.

"I'll be back later! I need to arrange something!"

Mira ran off into the bushes and heaved a large breath.

"You did it Dusk." She said slowly changing back into her former self.

"You did it. You saved your friend." Dusk said, looking at his body.

"Damn, being in that robot girl form makes me feel weird." Dusk shook the strange feeling off, but then reemerged from the bushes.
Blossom looked around for someone to notice her but she was lonely in the house she was in a lot of pain she was grinning her teeth trying not to scream in pain but she was crying hurting
Servane stood up as he heard someone weeping. He closed his laptop and walked down the stairs. A expression of horror passed across his face as he saw Blossom bleeding.

"Oh, No! Uh..." H quickly felt her wound. It penetrated the skin but didn't damage any bone or organ. Worst case scenario, there's a severed artery.
Blossom was panting as she felt him touch her wound" mmm that hurts" she say crying" where is my sister" she say as she winced in pain" my body hurts" she told him" i was kidnapped by some bad people and experiment on" she say tears coming down her face" some girl saved me and brought me home" she say paning and sweating she was screaming in pain" please help me" she say closing her eyes a little
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Servane put on his helmet and closed the valves.

"Ma'am, I must sedate you and work on your wound as you sleep." He opened a small plastic box full of needles. He pulled out one and injected morphine into the vial on the syringe.

"Close your eyes. I will inject a small dose of Morphine and another sedative to keep you under. But first..." He pulled out a large plastic bag with a mouthpeice attached to it. A long plug-in cord ran from the bulk of the breathing device, which he plugged in.

"Do you want this machine to provide air? Or do you want someone to help you breathe? I won't judge if you want someone to give you air, Via CPR..." Servane's empty expression stayed stiff, waiting for Blossom to utter a reply.
Blossom just point to the machine" i want the machine" she say weakly and tired as she start to close her eyes scared out of her mind she wanted her mom to wake up all she wanted was her sister and her mother she start to dream
A siren went off as Blossom and Mira escaped,


She said running up the stairs with the team behind her,


She yelled.

Servane strapped the device to blossom's head and turned it on. The mechanical whirring started and He injected the sedatives into Blossom's arm.

"Alright..." He said, pulling on a pair of latex gloves and grabbing a small tube of superglue, a spool of string, and a sewing needle.

"Let's get to work."
Claira looked at her boss as she gulped she was little scared to answer" the girl took her we tried to stop her but her running skills was too fast but we know where she lives" she smirked a bit" i'm sorry ma'am" she say looking down she was scared that she will get hit @IIQueenestII

Blossom was asleep as she was really scared she was getting help for the guy as she was dreaming she was smiling seeing her mother in her dream
Servane swiftly rubbed a dab of antiviral creame over her cut and inserted the sewing needle into her skin.

"Only three stitches." He murmured. He pulled the string through Blossom's separated skin and penetrated the other side of the cut. He repeated the process two more times. To finish it, he sealed the cut fully with he glue and wiped all the blood clean. Satisfied he removed the gloves and set the equipment aside. Sitting next to Blossom to observe when she will come to.
Maya glares at Claira,

"Then we're doing a raid in their home, gather the other pokehumans we forced to fuse together!"

Maya said,

"Screw up this time, your not eating tonight, Claira!"

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl
Claira just gulps" yes ma'am I get the girl back" she say running out as she smiled going to do her job as she was watching the girl she used to be good but everything changed when she got experiment on @IIQueenestII

Blossom just was groaning as she was confused" can I go to my room" she asked
Claira looked at her" yes boss" she say opening the door the forces pokehuman they were experimenting on humans too they turned into pokehuman like herself
"Yes, you may." Servane said, standing up and holding a hand out to Blossom.

"Do you want me to escort you? Or will you be fine walking on your own?"


Mira jumped from the tree and landed behind Maya.

"Looks can be deceiving, yes?" She asked, her voice no longer having the innocent goodie-two-shoes emotion. She had a sadistic, subtle smile on her face.

"Do you know who I really am?"

Suddenly, a bright flash engulfed the entire scene, and reappeared. A tall, hooded figure now bent over Maya to look at her. A predatory stance that no one else could claim ownership of.

"You have hurt a lot of people." With a swiftness, he pulled his sidearm from his hip and held the barrel up to Maya's chin. With his free hand, he grabbed Maya and pulled her against his chest.
Blossom looked at him" I can't walk on my own my body still hurts" she say holding onto his hand she was curious when her family be back" can you stay with me I'm too weak to fight I'm scared they come back" she told him
"Alright, I'll stay here."

Servane picked Blossom up and carried her upstairs.

"Which one is your room?" He asked, tilting his head.
Maya struggled to escape the figure's grip,

"Haha... So what? It's fun watching the rubble that walks this earth suffer..."

She said, not a hint of worry on her face.

"Look what I did to your species..."

She said as a forced mixed pokehuman came out, the pokehuman seemed to be a deformed mix of another Ivysaur and Pikachu.

"I forced them to fuse together, and you can't do a THING about it, even if you tried..."

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl
Blossom was getting carried" it's on the left " she say as she smiled looking at him as she point to her room that had her name on it" when will my mom wake up I want her" she say getting lay on her bed she snuggle next to her stuffed bulbasur
Out of anger, Dusk shoved Maya against a nearby tree with immense force, Dusk grabbed her by the scruff of her collar and forced his palm against her temple, digging her scalp into the bark of the tree.

"You think you're so high and mighty, degenerating us." Dusk removed his mask and stared into Maya's eyes. A true expression of a killing machine. His black pupils contracted and a grin so wide it stressed the ends of his mouth.

"You don't know what a Monster truely is." He cackled, a hoarse and otherworldly laugh that shook the skulls of everyone near.
Claira stood up in front of her boss" don't hurt her" she say punching him she knew she could protect herself but she was her boss
Dusk turned his crazed stare as he felt something hit his side.

"You stay outta this..." He removed his hand from Maya's temple and pointed his P29 at Claira.

"Do you value your own life? Or would you work for these wretched scum like her?" Dusk said, motioning towards Maya, who he had pinned against a tree.

"You're smarter than that, sweetheart. Now leave me be if you don't want to be filled with holes."

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