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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Claira used iron tail on him as she used waterfall on him smirking" we do what we want" she say to him" no I work for her she saved my life" she say pissed" no one ever cares for me but my boss" she say expressing her feelings" she not a scum she perfect my boss caress" she yelled
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"What if someone does?" He asked, tossing Maya aside and evading the attack.

"You water types hate Grass, huh?" He smirked as someone approached from behind Claira, sword raised.


"Mr. Ivan? Where'd you go?" Tachikoma called out. She was lost. And she hated it. She was following the beacon that Tachikoma attached to Dusk, but something was interferring. She wheeled down a path and stopped, spotting someone clad in a tan set of armor. A metallic, smooth helmet covered the figure's face.
Claira just looked at him" you don't know what I been through or anything about me" she say to him as she felt a sword on her neck
"Get away from my Colleague, Ma'am." Servane said, sternly. He promised not to leave the house, but he had to keep tabs on Dusk.

"Took your scrawny ass long enough." Dusk laughed, his sadistic smile a little less extreme.
Claira looked at her" fine" she shrugging her off as she just looked at the other boy who was there
"You, Ma'am. Both of you. Leave at once or suffer divine retribution." Servane said, his chin held high and chest forward.

"Looks like the snake ain't fucking around..." Giggled Dusk.
"This is Maya, And I'm not surrendering at the likes of you because I know I'm so much better..."

She said, smiling sweetly,

"You don't know how much of an advantage I have, dear..."

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl
"Just cut the chatter and leave us alone." Dusk's maniacal expression was gone. Replaced by a look of frustration and annoyance.

"God, what the fuck is wrong with you being all stubborn."

Servane sheathed his sword.

"Pretty much, Ma'am. All we want is for you to leave us alone, please and thank you."
Blossom went back to the girls without the boys to know what was going on" I go back with you with am exception" don't harm my family take me in" she say to her @IIQueenestII
Trebuchet tapped Tachikoma's sensor pod.

"So, you're a walking tank. Made by that bloody bloke Mr. Iphil...And now you're lost."

Tachikoma waved her arms.

"True, Mr. Trebuchet! Can you help?"

Trebuchet stood up straight and rubbed his chin.

"Aye, Servane's helmet is built-in with allo' these different functions. Very similar to mine. So I can easily track the bloody snake down."

He pressed a few buttons on his helmet.

"Aha! Got a beacon. Follow me, Tach!"


Dusk's eyes went wide.

"Huh? Oh, hell naw. Blossom go back. It's too dangerous here!"

Servane quickly rushed to Blossom and leaned over her.

"Ma'am, you're supposed to be in bed! You can't be out here with your injuries!" He scolded.
Blossom just smiled as she used sleep powder on them" sorry boys" she say going with them
Dusk quickly grabbed his mask and closed the valves, but Servane wwas too slow to close his own. Servane fell down and Dusk watched Blossom collapse too.

"Shit..." He cursed.
"What's this? You again?"

She said watching as the three collapsed.

"Well isn't this just WONDERFUL! Clair, grab one of them, this will be..."


Brianna called out, putting the young girl in her arms behind the bushes.

@Zeldafangirl @Noivern
"Anna!" Dusk exclaimed, removing his mask.

"Glad to see you here. Hold on a sec, lemme just..." Dusk knelt beside Servane and removed his mask. Without hesitation, Dusk craned his arm back and slapped Servane's cheek full force. His head was jerked to the side, and his eyes shot open.

"Gah!" He screamed, clutching his red cheek.

"Wha?! What was that for?!" Servane yelled angrily.

Dusk smiled a little.

"Wakey Wakey, sunshine."
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Blossom was passed out as she was lift the girl was taking her back to the base as she got the other members to watch her" watch her I'm going back with the boss" she say to the pathetic members

Claira was holding the girl as she saw the little girl that escaped
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One of the members said as ahe carried Blossom to the lab and strapped her in.

"W-What did you call me? A bitch?!"

Maya said, glaring at Brianna.

"Well, that's what you are, right?"

Brianna chuckled, bending down to flick Servane's mask.

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl
Claira got back to her boss as she used iron tail on the people" boss you ok out prisoner is striped in tightly with a passcode" she told her fighting

Blossom looked at the lady"Let me go my family will come and kill you" she yelled as she was strapped in tightly she couldn't get free the room had a past code no one can get in except for the pokehuman that carried her or the boss and one of the high members
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"Wh-, Hey!" Servane grabbed his mask and shoved it on his head.

"Alright, what shall we do, Ma'am?" Servane asked, motioning to Brianna while standing up.
Dusk crouched to avoid the attack, but Servane was barely grazed.

"You okay, Snake?" Dusk chuckled as he saw Servane almost get the full metal jacket of Claira's attack.

"Water types have nothing on me!" Servane yelled, rushing towards Claira with a leaf blade ready. Poised for deadly accuracy.
Claira just smirked she used double team as the fake used iron tail" who is the real one I wonder" she say smirking
"The real one has a heat signature!" He thrust the leaf blade forward at the real Claira. He dove back and unsheathed his sword.

"Had enough, M'lady?" Servane asked politely, holding a hand outwards.
Dusk slightly backed up, afraid to catch wind of Servane's attacks.


Trebuchet advanced, until he came to a ravine.

"Uh..." Tachikoma said. "Do you think the coordinates were off?"

Trebuchet bowed his head in defeat and recalibrated his beacon.

"Wait...Aha! This way, Tachikoma!"

He trudged off as Tachikoma followed, doubtful.
Maya took out a bladed whip and swings it at Servane very accurately.

Brianna jumps in front of Servane, taking the hit.


She yelled in pain,

"Servane... Y-You get Blossom, me and Dusky will handle this!"

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl
"Oh! I am so sorry!" Servane held out his hands in fear, but retreated to retrieve Blossom.

Dusk slipped his mask back on with a cocky grin.

"Now, Let's see what damage we can do."

He parted his long hair from his face. "Let's get this settled with."

Dusk turned his heel into a signature attack stance. His combat knife gripped tight.

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