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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"Well, Maya is..."

"One fucked up kid, I'd say." Trebuchet cut in. Tachikoma seemed to glare at Trebuchet, but continued.

"Let me talk to Maya, I think I can strike a deal with her." Tachikoma lowered her muzzle.

"Please? I think we can make some peace out of all this mess."
Dusk ran back to Anna, still in his Mira form. He quickly shifted back and panted heavily.

"Lost...Track...of the damn...Human." He heaved in a large breath and sat down. He saw Brianna still bleeding.

"Uh, you should really go patch yourself up. You'll pass out from blood loss..."

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Brianna looked at Dusk and closed her eyes,

"I'm... Just... Nevermind, I'll go back..." She said, walking back to the house.


"I... I don't know... But now that I think about it..."

"I feel like all the nice things she said are... A little fake..."

The morph said, closing its eyes,

"I just don't know what we're fighting for anymore..."

Blossom looked at them as she was scared as she saw her watch that had a gps on it" they will find you and hurt you so you can hurt me all you want" she say to the boss lady she haven't told them her name

Claira was in her room her duty was over as her boss was watching over the prisoner @IIQueenestII
"So, can we see Maya? I think I know a way to get her what she wants and still keep Blossom safe. Believe me, I can change anyone's mind!" Tachikoma said, her four legs stomping around happily.
Dusk walked alongside Brianna, his face partially obscured from his hood. He was silent for a long time, but he mustered the energy to speak.

"Ma'am," His voice cracked, "You shouldn't feel so sorry for loosing Blossom. It wasn't your fault. Most likely, it was mine."

Dusk clenched his red claws and took a deep breath.

"All those deaths I caused popping up probably grabbed Maya's attention. It was a glowing red beacon towards us. I'm sure of it. Fourteen simultaneous Pokehuman deaths don't go unnoticed, yknow." He chuckled weakly, but returned to silence.

"Still, I think people like you shouldn't get hurt for my wrongdoing. It's bad enough I almost killed Nina."

He turned towards Brianna and frowned.

"Am I really a monster? I was born for no function other than to kill, harm, and gather information. Also protect, but is the loss of life really necessary to claim protection?"
Kalie came out of the bushes as it seemed safe as she held onto Brianna shirt she was scared she was making sounds she was mute she couldn't speak as she saw the man her ears was twitching

Blossom just looked at them" I want my sissy" she say scared as her body was hurting she was screaming in pain she was in agony
Blossom just looked at him" it hurts" she say in pain trying as everything hurt in her body" Nina " she screamed scratching her face
Servane bared his fangs and turned round.

"I-I'm sorry, but you'll just have to bite the bullet. It'll be over soon."

Servane felt guilty for turning his back on Blossom, but Tachikoma stayed vigilant.
Blossom just sat up on the bed even though she was still strapped on the bed her body ache but she looked at the boss" what do you want with me are you going to kill me or do what you did to the other poke humans" she say pissed

Kalie just saw the lady as she pulled her shirt she wrote in her note book' are you okay can i stay with you' she wrote as she saw the man she just was stepping in puddles as she laughed she didn't have the ability to talk she held her hand back to the house

Kenzie was in the house just eating as she didn't know where her niece or nephew she was watching sharon" why don't wake up i gonna save your daughter she's in danger she was kidnapped i will see you soon sherry" she say as she saw some people outside the new girl anna" watch my niece Katherine she taking a nap now but just watch her play with her if you can" she say to anna worried about her niece

@JessBeth @IIQueenestII
Brianna looked at Dusk,

"Dusky, I would never blame you for a thing... Not even what had happened..."

She said, smiling passionately.

"I've known Maya for a long time... But I never knew the reason why she wanted to kill..."

She looked down at the little girls and patted her head,

"I'm alright..."

She assured the girl.

Maya looked at the group and at Blossom.

"One way or another, someone is gonna die!"

She yelled,

"Someone NEEDS to die..."


"Why does someone have to die?" Tachikoma asked, wheeling forward at Maya with a strange gait.

"Is everything really supposed to be killing? Look at yourself. A girl at a young age so vile and malicious...Was there anything to bring this on? Because you know something like you is unlikely."


"Why do you keep calling me Dusky? It seems too much of a pet name." Dusk said, hiding his eyes under his hood.
Blossom just looked scared' i don't want to die please someone help me' she thought to herself" your crazy no one deserve to die it's not right" she say to her" you can't do this to me" she say to her as she spit in her face as she smiled a little she saw one of the memebers stabbed her as she look at the blood

Kalie just looked at her as she smiled holding her hand as she got inside the house

Katherine just walked down the stairs as she was tired she just woke up looking for her aunt" where auntie" she asked as she was sucking on her thumb she was only four" who are you" she asked tirdely she was a little charmander
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Brianna laughed,

"It's a cute name! Duuuusssky!"

She said, walking into the house, and picked up Katherine.

"Shes off to handle some business, so I need to an eye on you."

She said, petting Katherine.

Katherine just poked the girl ears as she giggled a little" okay" she say as she was pulling on her ears she liked pulling on thigs like hair tails it was funny for her

Blossom just looked at them" just let me go" she say as she used petal dance on the boss as she laughed" my family will be pissed when they find me" she say

Kenzie sniffed out blossom and her blood seeing nina looking for her" Nina i have her sent i know where she is" she say to her walking to the base with her niece

@JessBeth @IIQueenestII @Noivern

He hissed as someone held him down.

"We know you don't like this but deal with it." A man said as he smashed a child's head onto a metal bed as two others got his arms and legs.

Yellow was all he saw. Yellow, gray, White, and black. White wallss. Yellow suits, Black when his eyes closed. Gray when his Needles came and when food was brought. He hadn't spoken seince his first few words. All he said back then was "Monster, Kill, Sad." That was all and it was all he could speak back when he heard them the first time.

"Let go of him and run" Rough voice said and the five people bolted. As soon as he was released, the person shot fire in all directions before he jumped off the table he was on. Then it sank into the floor.

"Calm down Marth. It will be all right in a few more minutes." A voice said overhead. It angered the person named Marth. "It's all right young one just quiet down." The voice said.

Marth Jumped up onto the wall and tried to stay but he slipped off. Then he went to a corner he was all too familiar with and cried.

"someone help..." He thought, not knowing if anyone heard him. No one ever did. He only thought to himself and the shadow who responded as he fell asleep.
Brianna pinches his cheek,

"Aw, come on! Don't be so stubborn, Dusky!"

She said jokingly,

"H-Hey! My ears are sensitive!"

Brianna squeaked as she felt the little girl pull her ear.

Maya looked away from Tachi...

"I hate my own kind, knowing I'm a part of my species..."

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl
Katherine just looked at her as she smiled" i'm sorry" she say holding onto her poking her check" you good friend" she asked tilting her head" i'm Katerine" she say saying her name wrong" what you name lady" she say to her

Blossom just watched as they go back and fourth

Kenzie walked in the building as she used her fire power she was pissed as she burned the humans she walked into a room with a boy" need to escape boy now go" she say to the boy in the room as she was ready to save her niece using her power seeing her niece with a knife in her

@IIQueenestII @GoldenChari
Zeldafangirl said:
Katherine just looked at her as she smiled" i'm sorry" she say holding onto her poking her check" you good friend" she asked tilting her head" i'm Katerine" she say saying her name wrong" what you name lady" she say to her
Blossom just watched as they go back and fourth

Kenzie walked in the building as she used her fire power she was pissed as she burned the humans she walked into a room with a boy" need to escape boy now go" she say to the boy in the room as she was ready to save her niece using her power seeing her niece with a knife in her

@IIQueenestII @GoldenChari

"need to escape boy now go" Someone said as they entered the room, Causing Marth to look at them.

He growled. A trick for sure. Nonetheless he would rip the girl apart and try to run. Ears lifted from his skull and a tail unraveled from his waist and as it fluffed out, Fangs became evident on his mouth.

He bolted at the unknown person and jumped on the top of her head, using her as a foundation to jump from. He dug claws into her scalp and jumped, rocketing off, knowing he probably made her smash down on the ground.

"Subject 4 is esca-" A man in a labcoat tried to say before Marth spun a hole into him by mixing rapid spin and Fire star, causing fire to fly onto the walls, scarring them as the man he ripped through burst into flames as the child landed.

This time, he was going to escape, no matter what. in his head and with his vocal coords he screeched, anyone close by would hear it. the closer the louder and more painful.
Kenzie got scared of the boy as she stood up as she lashed her powers everywhere" WHERE IS MY NIECE" she yelled looking at the people trying to resque her niece she was really pissed walking around

Blossom was closing her eyes her face was pale from the experiment she was so scared
"Ah!" Dusk's hood was brushed off his head, he rubbed his cheek and growled in a sort of embarrassed way.

"Why do you insist on prodding me?"


Tachikoma rotated her sensor pods.

"YOU'RE a Pokehuman?"

She wheeled in a circle around Maya.

"Now I get it...That hair is a natural color..."

Servane's head turned to an awful noise.
Kenzie saw maya as she was pissed "hello tachikoma lets beat this bastard girl" she say mad

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