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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows


Mira tapped the side of her head and her two antenna pointed upwards.

"Tachikoma, what is your current status?"

Tachikoma replied with a happy voice.

"I can mess with their communications devices on their roof and fake a police standoff, or something like that. But my logs don't have anything of the so- Oh wait!" Tachikoma yelled excitedly into Mira's receiver, Mira covered it with her hand.

"Pipe the hell down, will you?"

Tachikoma quieted down and began speaking again.

"I have logs about Major and Section 9! I can play an audio file from these logs and fake their existance here!"

Mira nodded contently.

"Good work, I'll give you the cue. When I say, 'Red Lips speak like Tenth' you activate the log."

"Affirmative!" Tachikoma said right before the hung up. Mira's antenna lowered to their original position and she gathered the clothes. As she was bundling them in her arms, she saw the door creak open a little. Her eyes went wide and her entire face turned red.

"What the hell, you peeping tom!?" The door shut adruptly. Mira sighed and slipped her clothing back on.

Damn, why am I so defensive about my body when the body isn't even my real one? She thought.
Blossom was screaming in pain" stop it hurts" she screamed in pain trying to get free everything hurting in her body" someone help" she say she hated the experiment
Ever since Dusk confess that he shot Nina, she is feeling uneasy to be around Dusk. Right now, Nina is hanging out in her secret waterfall lagoon where she can be herself while no one around. No one ever discover her secret hideout, expect her boyfriend, Chad.

Nina is sitting on the tree, staring at the waterfall. All she think about if she can forgive Dusk or not.

Blossom was screaming she was crying" Nina" she passes out dreaming about her mom her body ace from all the needles and the cuts she got from them she open her eyes again" help me" she say weakly
Nina then hear someone coming her. "Hm? Who was calling me?" Nina slowly get up and go run and check it out. She then smell something in the air, "Huh.....can't be...." Nina quickly run faster and spotted he. "Blossom?"
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Blossom just looked around the room she is in everything ace she got kidnapped" someone help me" she say moaning in pain" Nina" she say hurting all over she was experiment on she was all bloody thanks to the people who kidnapped her she screamed again" sissy" she cried
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Nina smell the ground, knowing its Blossom blood. "Blossom? Blossom?" Nina calling her name.
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Blossom grip her hand as she was trying to get free' nina' she thought as she was scared what the people will do to her' nina someone kidnaped me call team metrotie i'm strapped in a bed someone experiment on me' she say in her dream" nina" she keep repeting her name her body hurting all over" mommy" she cried the room locked
Blossom was screaming all she knew she was somewhere in the island" STOP IT PLEASE IT HURTS" she yelled to the people who expermient on her she really wanted to get out of here her blood dripping she start to pass out again" nina" she said as she passed out
"Aye, that bloody bastard knew I was gettin' in some sticky stuff...Damn."

Trebuchet stepped out of a thicket of trees and bushes, suddenly he fell from the small cliff he was standing upon and landed into the water below. He stood up, the water level at his waist.

"Dammit. Got my armor all wet." Trebuchet waded out off the lake and shook himself off. A crashing waterfall behind him muffled most of his own ramblings.
Blossom just looked around" where are you guys" she say weakly as she was placed in a room with no windows as she just cried" mommy sissy big brothers i'm scared" she say as she was locked in the room she curled in a ball as she was bleeding she looked at her wound she noticed she would need stitches as she she was scared" please help guys" she say talking to herself as she try to sit up but the wound on her stomach was hurting her shirt was bloody
Servane, sitting at home, completely oblivious to what was going on right under his nose.

"Tachikoma, can you get me a glass of water please?" Servane asked. There was no reply. Confused, he went outside and looked around. It seemed that everyone has left.


Mira's antenna pricked at every little sound she heard. She was uneasy but wary in a place like this. She wasn't taking any chances.


Trebuchet became aware of audible speaking, and turned towards the source. Nestled in the woods.
Blossom just heard something as she got up diplate the pain she was banging on the door" HELP SOMEONE HELP" she yelled banging on the door the people left her in this room she just looked at the door hoping it will open
Mira opened the door to what sounded like Blossom. Her eyes widened and she froze for a second.

"M-Ma'am?" She stammered "Is that you?"
Blossom just looked at her" yeah" she say" its me i'm blossom" she say as she got up from the floor as she try to get up" sorry i'm to weak to walk they experminted on me" she say to her scared" i can't very far on my own" she told her
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"Oh, uh..." In order to hide her freak ability of shapeshifting, Mira aka Dusk lied to Blossom in order to keep it secret.

"Oh, My name is Mira. And you're Blossom?"
Blossom looked at her confused" yes my daddy calls me bee" she say to the girl" i'm 14" she told her" i want to leave this place but i know my family is coming after me" she say to her
"No way, I'm the same age as you!" Mira said, smiling. But her grin was instantly turned into worry.

"C'mon, I'll get you outta here. I'm one of the daughters of team Meteorite. I saw what they did to you and...And..."

Mira wiped a forced tear from her eye.

"I couldn't bear witness to such evil."

NAILING it, Dusk. She thought.
Blossom looked at her as she stood up" ah" she say" sorry my body still aces from what they did to me" she say" lets go" she say" these people are scarier than team rocket" she say as she smiled looking around" how do expect me to go i can't even walk that far" she say to her looking around scared
"Here...Follow me, Bee." Mira motioned at an open window they could crawl through.

"Let's get the hell outta here and get the hell outta dodge. Just hop on my back." She giggled.
Blossom just looked at her as she got on her back" why are you helping me though" she winced in pain as she heard yelling of her sister" my sister" she say not sure where her home was she was too far to know where she was
"I know the way back, just believe me." She pushed Blossom through the window and crawled out herself. Mira then lifted Blossom on her back again.

Time to see what this form can do. She thought. Mira suddenly started running at a blinding speed. Surprised and startled, she thought about slowing down, but disregarded the idea and kept running.

"Whooo! Didn't know running was this fun!" She hollered, jumping over a fallen tree.

"I see the house up ahead, we're almost there, Ma'am!"

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