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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Claira just nodded as she snuck behind her doing what she was instructed putting her hand on her mouth so she can't breathe she saw her faint holding her arms

Blossom saw a bad pokehuman as she just passed out while she was getting taken away
Claira just looked at her as the girl was struggling" let's go boss" she told her while walking to the base

Blossom just looked at the pokehuman as her hands was getting hold on they were walking to their base" what you want with me" she asked as they got away with her
Maya smiled at Blossom,

"What a GREAT question! You see, I discovered you pokehumans have a... Hidden nutrient inside you and that one nutrient will help me do a experiment on you and another pokehuman!"

Dusk walked down the stairs, and went outside. He saw nothing but what seemed to be shoeprints in the mud, trailing off somewhere into the grass and beyond. His ears ticked like antenna as he inspected. He activated Thermal again and followed the slightly warm trail of what seemed to be two people dragging something along the ground. Easily perceptive, he quietly ushered Tachikoma from her slumber and told her to scout the area whilst cloaked.

"Roger, Mr. Ivan." She quietly giggled as she activated her light-bending camouflage. Dusk pulled his hood over his head and creeped towards the bushes. Tachikoma climbed to the roof of the house and looked over the small expanse of woodlands.
Dusk followed the path to a small squat settlement hidden in the dense woodlands of the island. Trees taller than buildings surrounded the structure in a circular alignment. He approached the concrete building and rapped on the door. he quickly retreated to the shadows of a nearby tree and waited for someone to step outside.
Blossom was scared" your going to experiment on me" she sounded scared as she was pushed inside a room with a table" okay what now who are you are you team rocket" she asked @IIQueenestII
"Team Meteorite, actually..."

Maya said, then heard a small sound coming from the door.

"One of you open that..."

She said in annoyance.

"Y-Yes, boss!" One of the members said, she then opened the concrete door, but nothing was outside.


@Zeldafangirl @Noivern
For the first time in a long while, he used his natural shapeshifting abilities and changed into a form he used often. A young adolescent girl with green hair and the clothing similar of a small dress, along with a white-and-red fur coat. Dusk gritted his teeth at the girlishness of his form, but he had to use it to his advantage. He , Err...She stepped out from behind the tree and smiled.

"Hello!" She said.
Blossom looked at her as she sighed" so what your going to do with me" she say looking up at her" wait what did you meant when you said there naturists inside me I don't get it you can experiment on me now I don't care what you do to me" she told her
The Team Meteorite member looked at the young girl and sweated nervously,

"Umm..! B-Boss... We have a... Very unexpected guest here!"

Maya turned to face the member,

"...Clair, strap in this girl in the lab..."

She said, shoving Blossom towards you.

"Do NOT let her get away..."

She warned Claira, then she walked to the group member to find a young girl at the door.


She yelled.

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl

Blossom got scared as she was getting strapped in she was struggling she was in the lab with the pokehuman she couldn't free herself she was stuck here

Claira just laughed as she was strapped in" if you try to move you'll get shocked" she say watching her struggling she was in the lab with the girl she was laughing with the girl pain
"Uh..." She managed to get teary-eyed and she backed up, a convincing look of fear on her face,.

"I-I'm sorry, Ma'am...I just got lost and and...I thought you guys could provide shelter until I find my way back."

You're nailing it, Ivan. She thought, Inwardly cracking a mischievous smirk.
"B-But... This is... An organization... AUGH!"

Maya managed to say through her clenched teeth with a face of reluctance.

"FFFFF...! Fine..."

Maya said, sighing and rolling her eyes.

"Just don't tell ANYONE about this place... Promise?"

"Agreed, Ma'am. Understood." She smiled with a confident look on her face.

A invisible Tachikoma was cheering from the bushes some fifteen feet away.

"You go, Mr. Ivan!" She whispered.
She walked inside and looked around in awe.

"Wow, I never knew it was so big on the inside."

She suddenly squealed, noticing a strange movement from her back, trailing down between her legs.

Dammit, She cursed, I thought I took that off of this form a long while ago.

Nevertheless, She bit the bullet and sucked in a heave of air.

Just act normal.
'I hate gulit-trippers like these...'

Maya thought to herself, grabbing the young girl's arm and walking her inside.

"You keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn't touch ANYTHING important!"

Maya said pointing at the Meteorite member sternly.

"Yes, Boss! I won't let you down!" The group member said, grabbing the little girl's hand.

"What do you wanna do?"

"Um, can we to the bathroom? I haven't used it in a long while..." She said, hoping she was keeping up her childlike act in a believable way.


Tachikoma was climbing over the structure and looked over a few things.

"Okay, Some radio antenna and some other stuff I can easily bypass and take control over!"
Blossom just looked at just sighed looking around she was scared" let me go" she say as she just close her eyes as she smiled" my family will kill you" she say

Claira just laughed"sure kid they don't know where you are" she say laughing
The member widened her eyes but nodded,

"Uh... Sure?"

She'd say, leading the young girl to the bathroom.

Maya walked into the lab,
"Hello, did you two enjoy talking to each other?"

She asked, looking at Claira and Blossom.

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl
Blossom looked at her as she sighed" no" she say she just try to get out of the bed but couldn't" please don't do this my family will kill you when they get their hands on you" she say as she smiled
"Name's Mira, by the way."

She said as she entered the bathroom and closed the door.

"Alright, let's make this quick." Mira whispered. She suddenly threw off her coat and slipped out of her dress. She turned to look at herself in the mirror, her gaze unwavering.

"Huh, Didn't know I looked that good in this form. Not too shabby body...For an android." She muttered, setting her hands on her hips. She turned around and looked over her shoulder.

"But damn, is the tail really necessary?" Mira said, waving her tail. The tail wasn't very long, but it resembled a thick black cord with a silver lug at the end.

"Why did I choose this form to be my secondary..." She murmured. The metal antenna on top of her head rotating a bit.
Blossom just sighed' dusk big brother mommy daddy demion my family save me' she thought feeling pain she screamed she had a cloth in her mouth

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