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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Brianna nodded,

"My name is Brianna, but you can call me Anna for short... But... I don't know if I will come back to my senses... Its pretty random, sometimes I wake up and other times... It takes a while, doesn't matter, I just don't want anyone dead, okay?"

Brianna gave a brave smile, she didn't care if she never woken up after fainting, no one should die from an accident.

"She's...Okay. Fine. Nina is unconscious. Do your work."

Servane motioned to Nina who was sitting in the stretcher in the back of the Helicopter. He breathed a sigh of relief as he turned off the chopper's engine.

At least I didn't have to fly. He thought.
Blossom was mumbering to herself as she looked at the lady as she sighed" hey lady do you have a home" she asked ignoring that she just said her name she was worried about her mom was in a coma she didn't want to lose her and her sister she held her sister hand" can you please help her please" she say her voice breaking" i'm sorry i hit you dusk i just i don't know" she say say to him sitting next to her sister" mama wake up" she say softly @IIQueenestII
Servane stepped out of the Heli, brushed off his coattails and adjusted his tie.

"The medical professional will oversee this phenomenon." He said as he stood by watching.

Tachikoma approached Dusk cautiously.

"Mr. Ivan, I'm sorry for accusing you of almost killing Nina. I was just afraid you would do it again, Y'know?" She said, planting her four tripod feet into the ground.

"I just kinda opened my..." She gestured at her sensor pod. "'eyes' and saw you were just emotionally troubled."

Dusk looked at Tachikoma from under his hood.

"Sorry about making you cry, too. I didn't know AI Tanks like you could cry." He cracked a weak smaile and shook Tachikoma's claw.

"I didn't know you were a real Human- Err Pokehuman being." Tachikoma giggled.
"Let's now watch some Dimension W or something." Tachikoma said, giggling. Dusk tossed her a small round bottle.

"Hm?" She grunted, catching it.

"Oh Mr. Ivan! Thank you! This was my oil that I lost a couple days ago! Thanks for returning it!"

Dusk smiled.

"I found it a while back. Thought of keeping it but then I found out it was completely useless to me."
Brianna looked at Nina,


Brianna picked up Nina gently and hugged her, whispering a few words as a purple aura formed around Nina, She then put her down, Almost all of her wounds were gone.

"S-She s... should be... Awake..."

Brianna stuttered before collapsing.

@Noivern @Zeldafangirl @JessBeth
Katherine was looking outside as she saw people talking outside as she thought she saw her father as she hid as she smiled looking around the room

Blossom caught the girl as she smiled looking around the room
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While Nina is in unconscious, she feel the earth on her cold body as she feeling a little light. Then she slowly open her eyes, ".....Mmm.....Ooo.....Dusk don't shoot.....' Nina eyes open a she see everyone is looking at her. '....What? Why is everyone looking at?"




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Servane and Dusk saw Brianna collapse.

"Okay." Servane said, clasping his hands.

"Help me carry Miss Brianna inside. We just can't leave her..."

Dusk groaned.

"Urgh, Fine..." Dusk muttered, lifting Brianna by the Legs. Servane carried her by the back. They both escorted her unconscious body and put her down on the sofa.

"Oof! Okay. Done and done." Servane said, adjusting his dress coat. Dusk sat down on the couch opposite of the one Brianna was laying upon and pulled up Tachikoma's virtual sync pad. Dusk was watching a holographic image of four tachikoma talking about the Laughing Man Incident.
Blossom ran to her big sister" you were dead you were dead Nina" she way as she smiled looking at her crying on her sister" nina" she cried a little trying to be tough" okay lets help you up take it easy" she say helping her up a bit
Servane decided to go up to his own room.

"Okay. Time to finally get some rest."

Servane spent no time slumping into his bed.


Dusk closed the sync pad and looked at Tachikoma who was preparing dishes again. Dusk scoffed and fell into a laying position. Exhausted from the day's events, he quickly dozed off.

(This is where I leave off, I have to go to work)
Kalie just was running in the forest as she was scared she didn't know how to speak at all she forgot how to speak she ran to a house as she saw a girl passed out she was knocking on the door freaking out scared that the bad people will come to get her' please help me i can't talk i forgot how please open the door' she thought @IIQueenestII
Brianna slowly awakened from her pass out, gasping for air a little, she then hears knocking on the door.

"W-What...? Hello..?"

Brianna said, looking around.

Kalie looked at the woman as she point to her mouth shaking her head as she got out her notebook' I can't speak people after me I'm scared my name is kalie I'm nine' she wrote on the notebook @IIQueenestII
Dusk got up after an indefinite amount of time. His back ached and his legs were sore.

"Urgh..." He groaned as he opened his eyes. His vision was instantly greeted with a blue screen. A HUD counter at the bottom of the screen read, '[CALIBRATING]'

There was a sudden flash of light and Dusk looked at his surroundings. He was in his room.

What the...? He thought, Who could've moved me?

He felt his face, noticing an exact replica of his old mask lying on his face.

Who...What? Was I dreaming it? He looked at his P29's ammunition counter. Still four bullets missing.

"It was real." He whispered. "But who repaired my old mask?"

He stood up an removed it, turning it over to see the face. A sticky-note was attached to the forehead of the mask. He read aloud,

"Thought you could use a present~ Tachikoma?"

He felt slightly flattered, and violated if Tachikoma was able to enter his personal space.

Nevertheless, he strapped his mask to his face and inhaled a deep breath. The aroma of new rubber filling Dusk's nostrils. He stood up, and went downstairs.
Blossom sighed as her head was hurting as she was watching tv as she saw dusk" um sir I'm sorry I tried to hit you it just my sister is everything to me" she told him looking down


Katherine fell asleep in Sharon room she woke up continued watching her aunt sleep she sighed @JessBeth
Dusk's eyes on his mask changed red briefly and the ears swiveling upward as he growled, but the lights returned to a darker blue.

"It's okay. I just feel...A bit responsible for hurting her."
Blossom looked at him" it's okay she's fine now but my brother will probably hurt you but we can start over" she say happily
Blossom looked at him" awe come on everyone deserves a second chance it's okay" she say looking at him she sighed ' I want mommy to wake up Katherine haven't ate anything for a week' she thought
Blossom saw her big brother he looked pissed" uh oh" she say she just sighed she didn't like when her big brother was mad at times it was scary
The sound of mechanical whirring came out from under Dusk's hood.

"What do you want." He spat, a faint blue glow coming from under his hood.

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