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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Zeldafangirl said:
Kendra just nodded" he say there was something in my stomach he took some blood samples if I'm really am pregnant what are we gonna do Jordan" she asked confused waiting for Cosmo to come back for the results if she is pregnant
Blossom just saw her brother as she smiled sitting next to her daddy she just smiled eating" hey should we check Katherine since she alone upstairs watching mommy" she say eating
Cosmo move the food on the table. "I'll go and see, while you two finish eating." Cosmo go upstairs and cheek oh Katherine, who seem to be talking to Sharon, who still in coma.


He stared at the faceless monster in the reflection in front of him. It's six eyes contemplating Dusk as he stared back at it. Dusk gripped his head and turned away from the reflection. After a few seconds of silence he turned to look over his shoulder, seeing the same monster. But it had a hideous, ugly, terrifying grin slowly spreading across it's face. Dusk screamed and ran out of the pod, Tachikoma jumping free from her own slumber.

"M-Mr. Ivan?" She stammered, slightly fearful of his current condition.

He wouldn't stop screaming.
As Nina is about to check on Chad room if he is there, just when she about to knock the door, she suddenly here a scream. "Huh?' She turn and see downstairs and see Dusk screaming. "Dusk? Why are you screaming? What's the matter with him?"


Dusk stopped for a second clawing at his mask and started making strange noises, like agonized moaning. He fell over, slamming his fist into the floor. Servane dropped his book and sped down the stairs.

"What is goi- oh god." Servane said, aghast. Dusk now had his gun trained at his own head, clawing at his mask with his other hand. Servane instinctively tried to take the gun away, but Dusk pointed it at Servane and fired. the bullet skimmed off of Servane's shoulder armor and embedded itself into the wall behind him. Servane backed up against the wall, sword halfway drawn.

"This happened b-before!" Servane stuttured. "He had an emotional breakdown like th-this two times before!"
Katherine was with Sharon as she sighed as she looked up as she saw Cosmo she just smiled" I'm gonna be strong for auntie and uncle" she say to him

Kendra just smiled" anyhow are you okay" she asked hugging his neck while laughing

Nikki just watch her mom and dad talk" daddy are we staying here I want to stay here I go to school here ms Sharon enrolled me in the school and I made a friend " she asked her daddy
Nina is scared as she watching Dusk acting all like that. 'Dusk! Stop it!" She coming close to him and when she see him pulling out his gun and pointed at his head, Nina quickly back away. Then she see Servane is trying to take the gun away from Dusk as she get scared the shot of the gun. "Dusk!! Please stop it! You hurting him!!"


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Zeldafangirl said:
Katherine was with Sharon as she sighed as she looked up as she saw Cosmo she just smiled" I'm gonna be strong for auntie and uncle" she say to him
Kendra just smiled" anyhow are you okay" she asked hugging his neck while laughing

Nikki just watch her mom and dad talk" daddy are we staying here I want to stay here I go to school here ms Sharon enrolled me in the school and I made a friend " she asked her daddy
"Oh, are you little fireball...." said Cosmo.

"I'm fine, my love...." said Jordan when he see Nikki saying if they're staying,
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Dusk stopped moaning and chuckled.

"Those Pokehumans coming here has brought something back that I lost long ago."

His voice was low and deep. It was eerily quiet as he talked.

"I was trained to kill, don't you remember? I was completely okay with killing. I was a monster."

He looked up, the eyes on his mask purple instead of blue.

"Now that monster's back. I just don't want to hurt anyone, y'know?"

His hand holding the P29 was shaking and Tachikoma was directly behind Dusk. She was still and silent.
"The way I tore them apart. I was an animal. Uncaged and feral. I slaughtered their ranks without batting an eye. It's like my addiction."

The gun pointed at his own head again.

"What better way of my final kill being myself? It'll end this vicious cycle of death and destruction."
Nina is scared even more when she hear an unfamiliar voice as she looking at Dusk. Then she turn back when she hear Chad voice. "Chad, stay back! Dusk is not myself!" Nina warn him to get back as she shed the sight when Dusk pointed his gun on his own head."DUSK! DON'T SHOOT!!!" Without thinking, Nina quickly run to him,push him down hard and then the gun shot come out, but then, it shoot on Nina and she fell on the floor.


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Katherine just looked at him" yup I be here when she wakes up" she say as she smiled holding her stuffed charzard" will auntie be ok" she asked

Kendra looked at him smiled as she smiled " maybe we should stay a while I mean my leg not healed yet we don't have a good school in our island" she say
Dusk fell over slamming his shoulder into the floor. Servane stood back, shocked. Dusk shook his head and threw his mask off, revealing his fully exposed face in front of everyone. Without another word he shot two rounds into the mask. But he noticed there were four bullets spent from the casings that littered the floor. Mortified, he saw Nina lying on the floor. His eyes wide in complete shock.
Blossom heard a gun shot as she ran to her sister" YOU IDIOT YOU SHOT MY SISTER" she yelled using peddle dance as she was angry as she was trying to stop the bleeding" BIG BROTHER" she yelled
Dusk didn't respond. He slowly fell onto his side without taking his eyes off of Nina, but then they began to close.

"Oh no, the stress got to him..." Servane muttered, deciding whether to help Nina or Dusk. He went for the former and crouched next to Nina.

"Wh- Where was she hit?" He asked, unsure of whether Nina might survive or already be dead.
Cosmo then hear a gunshot. "What in the world?" He quickly grab Katherine and the here Blossom calling. "Kathrine, stay here and don't move the room!!!" He said as he close the door. He go run downstairs as he see Nina laying on the floor, bleeding. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"



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Dusk was being dragged away by Tachikoma. Stress has ultimately taken him out of commission and

servane was trying to find the wound Nina had. He turned her over to reveal a hole in her abdomen. He sighed in relief.

"Good, it only caught her on the side, so it didn't damage any organs But she can bleed out quickly, so we have to stay vigilant. Where is the gauze? Anyone got a fire poker? We might have to cauterize the wound. I see an exit hole of where the bullet left her body. It grazed her hip."

Servane wildly angled around Nina. He picked her up and laid her on the couch and put on disposable gloves from his bag.

"Okay, everyone stay back. We have to cauterize the wound."
Blossom looked at her sister as she stepped back" big sister " she say as she looked in horror
He grabbed a fire poker from the hearth and held it up.

"Anyone a fire ty-" He was cut off from a flame bursting over the metal rod Servane held. It was Dusk. He had risen from wherever Tachikoma took him. He had not a hint of fear on his face,

"Emotion is weakness. But as long as I don't show emotion, I'm not weak."

A smile flashed from Dusk's pale and tired looking face.

"Miss me? Nevermind, let's just get Nina to stop bleeding." Dusk took the white-hot fire poker and poked Nina's open wound with the hot tip.

"Hold her down!" Dusk yelled as he slid the bar slightly deeper. Servane and Tachikoma came to his aid and held Nina down with enough force to keep her from thrashing around from the pain.
Noivern said:
He grabbed a fire poker from the hearth and held it up.
"Anyone a fire ty-" He was cut off from a flame bursting over the metal rod Servane held. It was Dusk. He had risen from wherever Tachikoma took him. He had not a hint of fear on his face,

"Emotion is weakness. But as long as I don't show emotion, I'm not weak."

A smile flashed from Dusk's pale and tired looking face.

"Miss me? Nevermind, let's just get Nina to stop bleeding." Dusk took the white-hot fire poker and poked Nina's open wound with the hot tip.

"Hold her down!" Dusk yelled as he slid the bar slightly deeper. Servane and Tachikoma came to his aid and held Nina down with enough force to keep her from thrashing around from the pain.
Chad pushed the fire poker away. "LET ME HANDLE THIS!"

He placed a hand on Nina's head. "Easy, easy...."


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