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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

He was still looking in the refrigerator for some but Cosmo likes to cook so there was not anything to fix that was quick he sighs he is a little more skinny then normal

Blossom saw her daddy from the couch as she gulped her report card on the counter she had a F in math" hi daddy" she say happily
Blossom just looked at her dad" ow dad not so hard I hurt my head at the atack daddy" she whined a bit hurting
Blossom just looked down" I don't want to go back to school rika took my homework I got a bad grade " she say to him crying
Blossom just looked at her dad" I believe so daddy " she say to him scratching head as she sat on her dads lap
Blossom looked at her brother" big brother I want to eat I want to eat please" she say to him
Blossom just looked at her dad" daddy can I talk to mom with you" she asked crying a bit as she felt dizzy as she passed out hitting her head
Kendra just sat the table outside as she smiled a little" I uh I'm pregnant Jordan I think they got me pregnant when I was gone from the cage for days at the warehouse" she cried " I don't remember doing it" she watch Nikki dancing she smiled a little" what are we gonna do should I carry the baby or no I don't want to kill the baby" she cries holding her husband putting her face on his shirt clinging on him
"Um...now now, my love, w-we don't for sure that you are pregnant... Did that Cosmo kid said that you're pregnant? If he didn't say any...don't jump on conclusion...." Said Jordan.

Kendra just nodded" he say there was something in my stomach he took some blood samples if I'm really am pregnant what are we gonna do Jordan" she asked confused waiting for Cosmo to come back for the results if she is pregnant

Blossom just saw her brother as she smiled sitting next to her daddy she just smiled eating" hey should we check Katherine since she alone upstairs watching mommy" she say eating
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Dusk's new mask clicked and the eyes rotated on an axis.

"Emotion is weakness." He simply stated, stepping back into Tachikoma's pod.

"Hmph!" Tachikoma grunted, crossing her arms.

"Mr. Ivan sure is stubborn."
"Dusk, such acting like that. When you said emotion is weakness, it not so bad, You'll be happy and free. And we can see that we'll be happy for you. If you are sad, we'll just help you what make you sad. Dusk......when I see you're face for the first time.....I was....kind of happy....that least you have a pretty eyes...." Nina giggle a little and see that Dusk is not coming out. "....Fine, stay there.....but I'm going to spend time with Chad.....my boyfriend....so bye......" Nina look at Tachikoma. "Take care of him....." She turn around and go look for Chad.


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Dusk slightly growled when Nina mentioned his face. He took off his mask and reclined in the pilot seat, crossing his arms and looking at a hologram of five Tachikoma quietly conversing about Greek Gods. He saw his reflection and the screen and suddenly remembered a childhood memory.


Ivan was knocked onto his back, not for the first time either. It was his first week in combat training and his second week in the camp as a whole. He was a Zorua at the time. Weak, small and practically a pathetic and useless burden upon his team. The Sneazel in front of him stood, fists raised and poised for another strike. It was raining and Ivan's training garbs were muddy and wet. He wiped tears from his piercing blue eyes and stood swaying.

"Emotion is weakness!" Their platoon head yelled, walking along the groups of fighting children.

"Do not let you opponent see your fear. It gives them an upper hand to take you down!"

Ivan knelt, clutching his bruised shoulder as the Senazel prepared for another strike.

"Emotion is Weakness!" The drill sergeant said again.

Ivan was backing up, afraid of another attack.

"Emotion is Weakness!"

He fell over, almost unconscious. The Sneazel closed in for a final blow as Ivan struggled to get up.

"Emotion is Weakness!"

Emotion is Weakness.

Emotion is Weakness.

And I'm weak. No.

Ivan swept the feet of his opponent and dove upon the Sneazel.

I'm not weak

Ivan's face was devoid of expression as he broke the Sneazel's nose with his fist. A look of sheer terror in the Sneazel's eyes as the final blow knocked him out cold.

"I'm not Weak!" Ivan screamed as he stood over his felled training enemy.

"I'm not!" He screamed, kneeling down and covering his head. A few quiet sobs escaping his mouth.


Dusk woke up in a cold sweat. He brushed aside a loop of red hair from his face and stared at the screen. The Tachikoma were running around now as they spoke. He still saw his reflection but his eyes were wide in fear. He gritted his teeth and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Dusk reached for his mask and adjusted the straps. The familiar comfort of the mask embracing his face.

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