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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Blossom got angry as she lift up him" you hurt my big sister you will pay" she say punching him like crazy her eyes red " you will pay for this" she say as she saw Cosmo @JessBeth
Dusk removed the rod and yelled to Servane and Tachikoma.

"Turn her over! There's a wound on the other side."

Tachikoma flipped Nina onto her chest and Servane gave his belt for Nina to bite down on.

"Easy, Ma'am. It'll be over soon. After we'll sedate you to make sure you don't feel pain."

Dusk lowered the rod into the exit wound. There was a sharp sizzle and Dusk removed the rod. Wiping sweat from his head he slumped back.

"Where is the nearest hospital?" Dusk asked through heaves of breath.
Servane shook his head.

"I'm not sure. This is an ISLAND.There isn't much buildings on this island. But if there is a hospital, we must be quick."

Dusk clasped his hands, but Tachikoma wheeled up to Dusk and struck him in the abdomen with her claw. Dusk hunched over in pain and yelled at Tachikoma.

"What the hell was that for?!" He spat. Tachikoma grabbed Dusk's shoulders.

"This is all your fault, Mr. Ivan!" She yelled. "You hurt Ms. Nina since you thought you were going to kill someone. You almost did!"

Dusk gritted his teeth.

"You don't understand, rust bucket. My whole existence was to kill! I actually have feeling, and emotions, and morale. Unlike your metallic ass, I was trained to do something I wasn't supposed to. You retarded instrument of war!"

Dusk stopped yelling. He saw that dribbles of what seemed to be oil dripping from Tachikoma's front white sensor pod. She was crying, a machine was crying.

"Wait, Tachikoma, I didn't mean that..." She was already slowly wheeling out the door. Opening her pod.

"C'mon," She sniffed, "Let's get your friend to the hospital."
Blossom just kneeling next to her sister as she didn't want her to die" I can heal her big brother " she cried she couldn't hold it in
"...Oh! The helicopter!! We still have it! If we can drive it, we'll be taking Nina to the next island, where they have a hospital!!" Cosmo said as get up. "Follow me, everyone!" Cosmo show everyone outside in the backyard where they hidden the helicopter.

Nina is hearing everyone voice as she slowly close her eyes.



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JessBeth said:
"...Oh! The helicopter!! We still have it! If we can drive it, we'll be taking Nina to the next island, where they have a hospital!!" Cosmo said as get up. "Follow me, everyone!" Cosmo show everyone outside in the backyard where they hidden the helicopter.
Nina is hearing everyone voice as she slowly close her eyes.



Chad followed them. He bent down as Nina closed her eyes, and kissed her. "Baby, I'm right here. It'll be fine."
Katherine just was crying as she was in Sharon room she just look at her" wake up I miss you I'm scared Cosmo said to stay with you I'm scared auntie" she say crying

Blossom just follow as she went in the holicopter

Kenzie just got in the cooper" everyone ready " she asked only her and her brother knows how to fly @JessBeth
Blossom looked at her big brother as she cried going back in the house as she punched a wall

Kenzie just flew the helicopter" is it smart to leave blossom at the house I know she still healing but still" she asked Cosmo
Dusk and Servane rushed inside of the heli, Servane carrying his helmet.

"Dusk, you know how to fly this bird, If I am correct about your resume?"

Dusk nodded and put on the flight helmet resting on the 1st pilot seat.

"I need a co-pilot, though." He glanced at Cosmo.

"Boy, it's time you fly with a real pilot.

Servane helped Carry Nina in the Heli, Tachikoma readying for take off.

"Ready..." She held up her arms.
Brianna was practicing her digging nearby, when she started hearing yelling, not just yelling, EMERGENCY yelling. She abandoned her digging spot and runs around, looking for where the yelling was coming from,


She yelled as she ran around, still looking for where the situation is.


Blossom heard someone as she went outside as she sniffed" hello" she asked the 14 year old girl she was an ivysur
Dusk flipped a couple of switches but stopped.

"Wait, Servane...I know you can fly Helis."

Servane's expression went blank.

"No, No, No. Uh..." Servane stammered.

"Uh. I'm just nervous, that's all."

Dusk smiled and Nodded.

"Remember your training, Petty Officer Iphil!" Dusk saluted Servane and disembarked the Heli. Servane walked to the pilot seat and sat down, putting the helmet on.

"Alrighty. Let's wait until everyone's ready. Wait, Dusk! Why are you leaving anyway?!" Servane yelled. Dusk looked at Servane through the cockpit and frowned.

"I already done enough to Nina. I doubt she wants to see my face ever again." He turned his back toward the Helicopter.

"Just tell her I'm sorry." He said, vanishing into the house.
A large helicopter entered Brianna's sight, with a young girl coming out of there, she seemed to be a very young girl, too.

She then runs towards the helicopter and looks at the youthful girl.

"What happened, dear?"

She asked the Ivysaur girl

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Dusk passed by the Newcomer.

"I accidentally shot one of my friends, Ma'am. They're evacuating her."

Dusk flipped the hood over his head and sat down at a nearby bench.

Brianna widened her eyes in shock, but she knew what she had to do... She was going to have to restore her, but at the cost of Brianna herself fainting.

"Give me the girl, I know what to do."

She asked the person in the pilot seat, sighing lightly.

Servane jumped at the sight of Brianna and put his hand on his chest.

"S-Sorry. Just my first time in a while..."

He shook his head and glared at Brianna.

"Wait, you want to help Nina?"

He shifted in his seat.

"Why should I trust you? Don't get me wrong, I have no bad impressions of you...But still. What do you intend to do to help, Miss?" Servane asked whilst flipping a few knobs.
Brianna looked down in a bit of sadness and took a deep breath,

"I'm going to preform 'Healing Wish' It may not get all the wounds due to her condition, but it will remove alot of the major wounds, however... I will faint as a result, but the girl will be mostly healed."

Brianna said, her eyes start to sadden.

"Will you..."

Servane leaned forward and took off his helmet. His maroon eyes stricken with fear.

"Will you come to afterwards? Or will there be a permanent effect on you...May I ask your name, first though?"
Blossom looked at the older girl" you help my sister" she cried a little as she looked at her" thank you miss i am blossom" she say to the woman as she looked down" she really wanted to hurt dusk she just punched him" i'll hurt you if you hurt my sister again" she tell dusk she was really angry with him as she kept punching him like crazy @Noivern
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Dusk paid no attention. His armor made Blossom's blows almost unrecognizable. Tachikoma wheeled by, spotting the two. She still has a sliver of oil dripping down her sensor pod. Tachikoma grabbed Blossom's fist.

"It's best to leave him alone, Miss. Mr. Ivan might retaliate. He isn't in the best of moods right now." She said as she wheeled closer to Dusk.

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