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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Dusk followed Brianna. Dark lines were under his eyes from lack of sleep, and his disheveled hair drooped a long way down from his head.

"Anything to help." He replied, yawning.
Brianna puts the cassette tape into the tv, then it plays...

The video was showing Edal and A taller woman dancing together, the taller woman seemed to have a lump on her belly, as if she was... Pregnant...

"Edal... This was such a good idea! I can't wait until we have Brianna!"

The woman said, smiling softly as she was dancing with him.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/rose_scene_redraw_2_by_lumipop-d8yswwo.png.b4d275608bd46f52e017fae22db67e59.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116625" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/rose_scene_redraw_2_by_lumipop-d8yswwo.png.b4d275608bd46f52e017fae22db67e59.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (I know, she looks like Rose Quartz... I couldn't ignore this picture, tho...)



  • rose_scene_redraw_2_by_lumipop-d8yswwo.png
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"Obsidian looks entirely different..."

Dusk sat down, his tired stare widened.

"He looks so happy compared to what he is now."
Brianna nodded,

"...I guess mom's death messed him up that badly..."

She said, sighing sadly.

"Oooh! I have an idea!"

The woman said picking up the camera,

"How about you say a few words to our future daughter?"

The camera turned to Edal, the woman was giggling happily.

(Does Edal even speak?)

Brianna looked at her mother on the screen...

"He used to be even more happier when I was born and him, my mom and me lived together... Like a family..."

(Yes, but rarely)

Dusk adjusted his stance.

"I think I'm about to pass out. Sorry, I just haven't slept in a while."

Dusk stared at the screen. His eyelids were begging to be closed.

(IRL, I feel exaactly like Dusk ~_~)
(Oh... And yeah... I feel the same way you do, too... But I just can't part myself from this rp, I'm sorry!)

Brianna looked at Dusk,

"Go ahead and sleep, buddy..."

She said, smiling.

"Thanks. I hope you feel better."

Dusk hugged Brianna weakly and started walking up the stairs.

"G'night." He yawned, each slow deliberate step making it's way towards the top landing.
Brianna hugged Dusk back,

"Goodnight, Dusky..."

After he went upstairs, she took out her cellphone, and texted her dad,

'Dad... Do you know someone named Servane?'

She texted, hoping he would reply.

Edal was sitting with the Iphil family at a pool table. He held his cue stick, waiting for an opportunity for a one-shot win.

Suddenly, his cell vibrates and he opened it. A text message from Brianna.

He expanded the phone and a holographic keyboard flared to life before him.

He read the text, and reluctantly replied.

"Yes. He is the mortician who I employed not too long ago. Why do you ask?"

(I'll leave it here, I'm sleepy!)
Blossom was screaming as she was having a nightmare about the place what they did to her she was moving around a lot she was crying in her sleep she just woke up and went downstairs she couldn't sleep seeing Anna texting someone she sat down on the sofa" hi I can't sleep" she told her
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'...Because, he told me that you were funding him to... Experiment on corpses... Why would you support that?'

Brianna texted back, with an angry look on her face...

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Blossom yawned as she went downstairs as she stretched she felt a little better she looked at Katherine she was up she sighed" another bad dream about your father" she asked" Anna thanks for helping me means a lot to me" she say seeing she was texting

Katherine was up as she went downstairs with her cousin" yeah I don't like daddy he a monster" she say getting a drink to calm down
"He is doing the experiments for a new kind of medicine. It'll be named Hydrodoxaphine, a muscle paralyzer. He's still in the design phases, so he's making sure it won't kill it's user. What better way in preserved deceased bodies?"

Edal closed his cell and pulled his cue stick to his shoulder. The 9 ball was in position.

"You also know I have been interested in the terms of... Rigor Mortis."
Nina is jumping on tress to tress, having fun on the waterfall lagoon that she found, as she checking on her wound that Dusk have shot but she is more worry if Chad ok, but she haven't seen him after she got shot.

JessBeth said:
Nina is jumping on tress to tress, having fun on the waterfall lagoon that she found, as she checking on her wound that Dusk have shot but she is more worry if Chad ok, but she haven't seen him after she got shot.
Chad was laying in the sun.

He had spent some time away. Now, he was just resting, his muscular chest on display.
As Nina is about to jump on the other tree, she suddenly got her tail tangle in the tree branches and then fell over. "Kyaa!!!" She screams as she is hanging upside down.

Dusk creeped out of the house. Slightly groggy from his earlier slumber, he decided getting some blood pumping would be a good way to start the day. Just for precaution, Dusk used his common Mira form to make sure he wasn't mistaken for the crazed killer he now had been known as.

"Just act normal, and no one will suspect a thing!" She said, walking down a trail with her bag hanging from her elbow.


Tachikoma was sleeping, but Servane was inside her pod. He tapped the pod screen and looked at an image of one of his freshest experiments.

"Enlargen." He said. The image zoomed in and Servane saw a strange anomaly.

"Oh. Seems the Hydrodroxaphine completely ate away the scar tissue on this drunk driver's cirrhosis. But in turn it also damaged the liver's healthy tissue. Hm."

Servane cataloged his find.

"Reduce the amount of plasma detectable by the hemoglobin..." He said.
Blossom walked downstairs as she see her brother" big brother I'm hungry" she say as she wasn't talking much about what happens to her all she wanted to was cry she looked at Cosmo she just sighed looking at her stitches that was done on her dusk saved her" give dusk a second chance he saved my life he went to the headquarters of the bad people and saved me" she say to him sighing
JessBeth said:
As Nina is about to jump on the other tree, she suddenly got her tail tangle in the tree branches and then fell over. "Kyaa!!!" She screams as she is hanging upside down.
Chad woke up, and flew to Nina. "Hey. What's up?"

He hovered around her. He held out his hands, and helped her out of the tree and into his arms.
Mira stopped by a stream to gather stones. As she bent over, her tail uncurled from her back.

"Ugh. I really would like if that thing stayed cut-off."

She huffed, stuffing a handful of flat, smooth pebbles to throw.

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