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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"Yes." He snarled, standing up.

"I thought you were a wonderful friend, a role model, free of heart! But it was all to good to be true, hm?" He angrily gestured as he spoke.

"You had to just go throw away my good impression of you. Disgusting. Don't talk to me, I'm afraid you'll taint me." He spat, shoving past Nina and down the stairs.
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Cosmo go downstairs to see if there some medicine. Some of them got broken and spill on the cabin, tables and floor. But there are four jars that its ok and not broken as he take a look at it.

Noivern said:
"Yes." He snarled, standing up.
"I thought you were a wonderful friend, a role model, free of heart! But it was all to good to be true, hm?" He angrily gestured as he spoke.

"You had to just go throw away my good impression of you. Disgusting. Don't talk to me, I'm afraid you'll taint me." He spat, shoving past Nina and down the stairs.
"Dusk, wait!" Nina follow him. "I'm sorry that you heard it, it wasn't my fault, I didn't plan it of doing it....My boyfriend Chad kind of force himself to me...." Nina try to keep up to him as she follow him. "Dusk, please, I'm still you're friend!"
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Halfway down the stairs he spun around to face Nina, a mimicked expression of abysmal rage.

"You allowed yourself to succumb. You are weak." He snarled, his hair pricking upwards.

"Everything has gone to shit since you left. Hah, you, the homeowner, decides to embark on an 'adventure' and leave all of us behind. Then guess what?"

He leaned in, the smell of blood still lingering from his hair.

"I had to kill a lot of people that day. And it was all because of you. Then you turn around and decide to copulate with someone. It's all the perfect fucking cherry on top of everything."

He stormed down the stairs and turn to stare back at Nina.

"I trusted you to be a loyal friend, and you completely disregard that."
Nina is hurt that he see her as a dirty person and he thinks that she gone an happy adventure and leaving them behind with a fight. "...Dusk....are you by any chance.....in love with me?" Nina asked as she is hoping its not.

Dusk burst into laughter, hunching over like they day Nina met him.

"With you?" he said, pointing at Nina.

"Not at chance. Not ever. You left me, Servane, and poor little Tach behind to fend for ourselves."
Nina looked at him as he is laughing. She is feeling mad inside and she slowly make her hand into a fist and punched him on his mask, making a crack. ".....You have hurt me......." Then she grab his kimono with her hands. "Listen here, I went out off the island to rescues my mother......I found her and what did I find? My mother is in coma for I don't know how long she be in coma!!!" She start to yelled. "And then you think I went off and abandon you, Servane and Tachikoma, you're wrong, stupid!! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU GUYS HAVE IN ATTACKED WHEN I LEFT!! I FEEL GUITLY FOR NOT BE HERE AND HELP YOU ALL! AND ALL YOU DID IS ANGRY AT ME AND NOT LET ME EXPLAINED." She start to cry and slowly let go. "....Fine then, don't talk to me.....Dusk....I'm sorry for hurt you're feeling....." Nina can't hold her crying as she got run out off the house and run to the forest.

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Blossom just looked up as she sighed as she wait for her bhg brother she just hug her blanket she was kinda sad she was left alone with the others when her sister saved her mother if she didn't go she wouldn't be hurt like this she groan in pain

Katherine was scared as she saw the argument she cover her ears she just whimper a little going inside her secret hide out she start to cry" WAH" she cried
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Zeldafangirl said:
Blossom just looked up as she sighed as she wait for her bhg brother she just hug her blanket she was kinda sad she was left alone with the others when her sister saved her mother if she didn't go she wouldn't be hurt like this she groan in pain
Katherine was scared as she saw the argument she cover her ears she just whimper a little going inside her secret hide out
Cosmo is getting out of the basement as he hear an argument between Nina and Dusk. Then he see Nina ran off, Cosmo wanna to go after her but Blossom need some medicine and went inside. He looked at Dusk and quickly walk away to Blossom room. "Blossom?"
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Olivia looked at them" I go and check on her okay Cosmo" she say as she ran after Nina they were like the same age as she climb up the trees trying to catch up to her

Blossom sat up in her bed" big brother I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to fight I'm trying to get stronger I gonna stand up to rika I'm not scared of her anymore " she say sitting up holding her head" ow" she whines a little

Kendra just sighed wandering when her husband will wake up she just sighed looking outside" Nikki is so groawn up we missed so much" she say talking to herself
Dusk slumped back, a crack in the mask's plastic exposed some of the hardware and underneath a pale expanse of skin and one blue eye, wide and arched in confusion and anger. He gritted his teeth and stood straight, recognizing the damage he had done. For Dusk, he had no family. No siblings of friends. He didn't know what it was like for a loved one to fall ill or perish.

"Dammit, Ivan..." He muttered, a trickle of blood running down his face from a cut caused by a sharp shard of the mask's material.

"You let your temper get ahead of you again."

He quickly ran to Tachikoma and slapped one of her Sensor pods. She stood up startled and look down at Dusk.

"Mr. Duskburrow! You need anything?" She asked, crossing her arms. Without another word, he climbed into her Pilot pod and inputted the pilot interface. Tachikoma shuddered a little.

"Oh, you want to drive me? I don't mind, but at least give a warning next time." She said as Dusk grabbed the throttle lever and thrust it forward. He had no idea how to control Tachikoma, but he had a basic amount of common sense to know how to operate the main functions.
Nina keep running and didn't care where, she just wanna to get away far so no one can see her crying. She found the waterfall where she play in the and she sit on the rock, crying. "Stupid! Dusk! I hate you now!" She yelled and as crying more. She just have made a friends who is not from this island, but now she don't know if they are friends anymore.

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Blossom looked at her brother as she sighed frowning a bit" is Nina okay I'm worried" she asked her brother as she was sitting on her bed" do I really have to rest all day" she asked
"Blossom, you have to or else you'll have brain damage. You won't want that, don't you?" Cosmo said. "And Nina....I think she have a argument with her new friend, but its between them, and not us, ok?"

Jordan slowly wake up, yawning. "Man....I haven't had a goos sleep for a long time!!!"

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Kendra wasn't in the room she was in the bathroom after she out she was using her crutches" honey um I have to tell you something " she say bitting her lip not site if he would be happy or mad

Blossom looked at her big brother" no I don't want that will mommy wake up I'm sad she in a coma" she say lying back down
" Hm? My love?" Jordan looked around and hear her in the bathroom. "Oh, are you having trouble getting up?"" he said as he go in.

'' Me too, Mom have been suffer over there....Dad didn't exactly tell me what really happen......here I got you a medicine...." said Cosmo.

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Kendra just sighed" yeah I'm sorry Jordan" she sighed as she got to her bed" um.... Jordan I may be pregnant I don't know if I'm right" she say to him frowning

Blossom just took her medicine without any whining she looked at her brother" are you alright wait who taking care of our baby cousin" she asked
'Pregnant? Kendra, don't be silly, what make you think that? We never done that...." Jordan said.

"Huh? Oh, Chad is taking care of Katherine....." said Cosmo.

Tachikoma snuck up behind Nina, the sound of crunching leaves.

"Ms. Nina? Miss...? Are you okay?" She said, placing a metal claw lightly on her shoulder.
Nina is crying when she feel something cold and hard touch her shoulder. "....Tachikoma......" Nina wipe off her tears. "...No....I'm not ok....why don't you tell you're leader, Dusk, that bastard, that he make my feeling hurt like this....." Nina didn't look at her as she she still looked away.

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There was a sound of what seemed to be a car door closing and Dusk stepped out from behind Tachikoma, his hood over his head. Only his mouth was visible under the hood and through the crack in his headgear.

"Nina." He muttered, a raspy and barely audible voice spoke.

"i don't have any family, you know, so it was impossible for me to understand the pain you're feeling. But...Now I opened my eyes and now I see what you're going through."

A small patter came from the ground, either Dusk's tears or blood hitting a dry leaf on the dirt.

"I'm sorry I lashed out at you, I just felt...left behind. I accused you of what you did because I never had loved ones like you have. I'm sorry." His voiced trailed off and Tachikoma's claw seemed to move slightly.
Nina slowly lift her head up when she hear Dusk voice. She listen to him as she slowly turn her head and see him. "Dusk....." She wanna to punch him on his face, but when she see a drop of blood, "Dusk....you're bleeding...." She quickly get off the rock and go to him close. " Did I accentually break the mask?...I'm so sorry...." She reach on hand to his face to wipe off the blood. Then she almost see his face.

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Dusk winced as he looked down, his gritted sharp teeth still visible. A trail of red stained his chin.

"No, don't look at me...!" He said, stepping back a little.
"Dusk, I have to take a look at you're wound.....so don't fight it....." Nina take out her white little towel and come closer to him. "If you're worried that I'll scream when I see you're face...I won't do that....and its just me...so hold still....." She reach it and uncover his hood.


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