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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Cosmo finishes tied her bandages. "....I'm sorry too....I didn't mean to spill it out and hurt you're feeling....." He calming pet her head. "It's true that you're lack at something......but there no need to impress everyone....." Cosmo smiles as she said. "What me to give to lesson?"


"Ivan?" Nina looked back to Dusk. "That's you're named huh...." Nina smile a little, giggle a little when those two bickering and looked back to Servane. "So, you're his buddy....."She looked at him. "And you said that you be stay close to him.......hmmmm....well, you can stay in my house like Dusk and we have plenty of room....." Then she stand in front of Servane. "You're welcome to stay in...but the next time, don't bust in my house, got it?" Nina poked Servine chest.

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Blossom just looked at him" sure big brother" she say as she heard her stomach growl" first can i eat and get dress i'm hungry" she say to him as she smiled" i'm worried about mom she hasn't come back yet" she say acting worried
"Sure thing, little sis...." Cosmo is also worry about mother. "...I know....I tell Dad if Mom is coming but he just mumbling and saying she'll be back and I'm going to kill her....I think is Dad is more upset then us...."

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Blossom looked at her big brother" katherine been asking about her i keep saying she be back mom is also saving nikki's mom before she got captured the guy tried to punish me but mom took the hit she was worried for my safety than hers" she told him" how long do i have to wear the bandage" she asked her brother
Blossom just smiled as she went upstairs to her room as she was happy she went to get dressed she was scared if her mom will come back she would have to tell her she jusg pick out a outfit to wear' i wonder if big brothers will kill me if i get a boyfriend' she thought as she went downstairs" big brother can i get my phone pleeeeeeease" she whined
Blossom looked at him" um to listen to my music" she lied she wanted to text her only friend she had at school
Blossom looked at him" okay i'm ready big brother" she say to him as she smiled she braided her hair so her hair won't get in the way of the leason
Blossom looked at him as she was thinking about it" um mom cares for us she loves daddy her favorite color is green like mine um she is overprotective loving" she say thinking as she was scratching her head a bit" oh she likes to cook" she say

Kendra just watch for her friend if she comes back' come on sherry we need that key' she thought" sorry i keep passing out on you jordan it just my leg really hurts i just get weak from the pain" she told him
Blossom looked at her brother" really i didn't know that what was she like big brother" she say as she was sitting on the chair next to him

Kenzie looked at them as she smiled" she hated humans before she didn't trust them i mean she still don't but those are bad humans i was human once" she say to them grabbing something to eat
"Ah, Aunt Kenzie.....such a surprised to see you here without any noise..." chuckles Cosmo. "What Aunt Kenzie said is true......when she was about you're age she hated humans......she is strong too but did you know how she get so strong?" asked Cosmo.

Kenzie just sat down next to them" i actually don't know that your father does i think" she say

Kendra just looked at him" when will she come back" she say as she was in the same cage as him" huh how did i get here did they move us together" she say laying her head on his lap

Blossom looked at her brother" how did mommy got so strong" she say as she smiled
"Yup....they capture another pokemon and they don't have enough cages...so they put you with me..." Jordan pet her head.

Cosmo give her a serous look. "She got strong by hated.......she hated human in her heart and because of that Mom get strong and nothing can change it.....until she meet little Lillia and.....Dad..."

Lilia looked at them" hey i'm not little i'm older than you" she say sticking out her tongue" and i was there when you were born" she told him

Kendra just looked at him as she just smiled a bit" at least we next to each other" she smiled as she felt relaxed" how do we get out of here i'm worried about sherry" she say
"I'm telling the lesson story, Lillia...." Cosmo looked at her. He then looked back to Blossom. "Did you get why Mom was strong before...because go hated...."


Nina looked back and see Chad is taking care of Katherine.

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Chad waved at Nina. "So, Nina, what should we do today?" he asked her before turning back to Katherine. "How does Cherrie sound?"
Blossome looked at him" so you saying i should hate people when i'm training don't get my emotions in the way there one person i hate that the bully" she say
Katherine just smiled" yeah Cherrie sounds nice" she say hugging it as she forgot to eat her food" um i need to eat" she say" morning Nina" she say hugging her leg" look what auntie bought me a charmader chad named it for me its name is cherrie" she say smiling" i'm hungry" she say to her cousin
(Back) Kyurem would be in the Kitchen Making Food and Lots of it...


Kyurem would yell throughout the mansion waking everyone that is not up and out of bed.

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