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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Dusk tried to retain from bashing the kid's face in at his remark and he let out a frustrated growl.

"I am carrying, so watch it punk. Make another remark about my voice boy, I'll show you how we got punished back at base. You will address me as 'Sir' from now on."

Dusk strode to Cosmo and got into his face, bearing down at him like a looming predator.

"Do you understand."
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"Um......" Cosmo don't know what to say as Nina come between them.

"Break it up...." Nina hand is on Dusk chest as Nina look at Cosmo. "Don't worry, I'll take care of him, big brother!" Nina said as she push Dusk away and headed to the hallway. "That was really rude to my big brother, Dusk!"

"I hate it when assholes like him critizise my looks and voice. Do you know how hard it was to obtain the voice modifier system for the helmet?"

Dusk crossed his arms and tilted his head.

"Besides, I need respect. It wasn't easy getting to be a Master Seargent."

He tapped the rank insignia on his shoulder.

"Not easy at all."
Nina signs. "Look here, Dusk, my big brother, Cosmo didn't mean it....he didn'that you're a PokeHuman under you're suits and helmet your wearing..." She pontes it out. "And you want respect, next time, show some kindness....." Nina said as she take his hand. "Come on, I'll show you you're room...." Nina take him to a empty room. "Here you are....." She look down and realize that she holding his hand. "Sorry about that...force of habit...." She let go.

Dusk slowly repelled his hand. He glanced at his red claws breifly and turned his gaze to the room.

"This room is luxury compared to my old barracks..."

He sat on the bed and removed some of his gear. His sniper, his sidearm, his holster and sling, his hooded cloak, and the breastplate of his armor. He laid down in his black and gray body glove and lounged.

"Wow. Its awesome...Thanks, Ma'am."
"Ma'am? Am I that old?" Nina giggle as she see that he have taken off his stuff as she staring at his mask helmet. ".....Well then, good night, my friend...." Nina let out a smiles as she close the door behind.

She headed to her room and went to sleep.

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Dusk heard his bones creak as he sat up groggily. He shook his head and adjusted the straps on his helmet. Slowly, he stood and walked to the door. He passed by his equipment and saw that they were left as they were. Undisturbed. He walked down the stairs and looked down at his right hand.

Nobody has held my hand before, ever. Not even my squadmates.
Nina woke up by the sound of her alarm clock. She is half-asleep as she get out of her bed. Open the door, go downstairs and see Dusk. "Good morning...." She said as she pat his helmet. She walk passed him and go to the kitchen. "Morning..."

Cosmo have wake up early as he see Nina. "Hey, sleepy head...." He is making breakfast.

Dusk sat on the futon and yawned behind his helmet. He turned a few dials and the lights on the face dimmed a bit.

"That was the best bed I have ever been in..."
Chad watched Nina take care of Katherine with a smile. He went to bed himself, and missed all the action. When he came downstairs and saw Dusk, he raised an eyebrow. "Who's this?" he asked Nina.

@JessBeth @Noivern
Suddenly, the front door opened. A tall figure clad in a green and gray cloak and a helmet not-too different from Dusk's strode inside, clutching a slender object.

"There you are!" Said the man, running towards Dusk.

"Ivan, something very grim happened."

Dusk, now standing, spoke to the newcomer.

"What is it, Servane?" Dusk said.

(I'm getting sleepy. Be back tomorrow)
Nina heard Dusk is saying as she smiles. Suddenly, she hear a door burst open as she look at who did it. It is a mysterious man that kind of have a helmet just like Dusk. " Hey! Who are you?" Nina said.

(Ok night)

Blossom woke up in pain as she screamed her hand was too much she didn't tell her big brother she broke her hand last night she was still mad at him she calmed down a little nina talked to her she didn't trust the new person she went downstairs looking at her big brother" um big brother i think i broke my hand i kinda punched a tree last night i just forgot to tell you" she gasp in pain staring at the new person making sure he don't hurt her family

Katherine woke up as she got dressed with the help with her older cousin deimon she just smiled she went downstairs as she saw chad she wanted to scare him" boo" she laughed she just rubbed her eyes tiredly she was a little grogly she didn't like waking up early she was a bit cranky

Kendra woke up in the morning as she yawned she held his hand" good morning my love" she say as she saw sharon was still not there as she sighed she was worried
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Katherine just grabbed on his hand" who that" she say pointing to the guy as she just rubbed her eyes
Katherine just yawned a bit" i'm hungry" she say holding his hand as she was happy to have him" look at my stuffed charmader isn't it cute" she say showing him her charmader" auntie bought for me" she say as she smiled
Zeldafangirl said:
Katherine just yawned a bit" i'm hungry" she say holding his hand as she was happy to have him" look at my stuffed charmader isn't it cute" she say showing him her charmader" auntie bought for me" she say as she smiled
Chad affectionately set her up on his lap. "That is adorable," he told her. "What's his name?"
Cosmo is making breakfast when he see Blossom. "Ah, where have you been....."Then she notice that she hurt her hand. He signs,".....come on...." He put down some food on the tables as gently grab Blossom and take her to the basement. "Why did you hurt your hand?" Cosmo said as he put a strong hand-made ointment on her hand and rap her with bandages.

Jordan woke up and see Kendra. "Morning my love....."

Nina saw Chad come out of his room as smiles. "Good morning, Chad!" And then she smiles, "This stranger is Dusk.....he going to stay for a few days...."

Dusk shook his head and gestured at the item Servane held.

"What is that?" He asked, confused.

Servane lowered his head to the thing he held.

"It's my sword..."

He unsheathed the blade, revealing it to be covered in a reddish-brown substance.

"Somebody broke into the store last night, armed. And I had to dispatch them..."

Disbelief was evident in Dusk's posture. He shook his head again

"Who was it...And how did you find me?"

Servane tapped his own helmet.

"We both have GPS systems, remember? I came here on boat."

Servane stopped talking and redirected himself. Dusk leaned in to hear.

"Anyways, he was a madman. He came barging in with a firearm and threatened to shoot me if I didn't show him 'The Book'." Servane shrugged and continued.

"I didn't know what book he was talking about, so he opened fire. The bullet skipped off of my leg armor, luckily, but I do have an awful bruise. I quickly slashed him with my blade when I got close enough."

He held up the sword, Dusk had one claw over the mouth area of his own helmet.

"This is his blood. The police heard my story and believed me. It was in self-defence so I wasn't charged."

Servane slumped on the futon and removed his helmet. Long locks of green hair ran out from his scalp and his eyes were green as well, and curved. He almost looked female.

"Whoever owns this house, It's a very nice home." Servane said, glancing at the others.
Nina looked back at Dusk and the other strangers. "Excuse me, boys, what is going on? And why are you barging in my house?" She asked to Servane.

Blossom looked at her brother as she was sitting on the chair as she winced in pain when he put the oitment on her hand" i didn't mean to i just was so angry last night i know you meant i was weak in confiendent to be honest i try to impress mom and dad but everytime i try to beat someone i fail i just want to be strong like mommy daddy and nina but i'm not strong enough" she say as she vent out to her brother" i'm sorry big brother i worried you last night that i didn't come home i was just sleeping in the forest" she say to him @JessBeth

Katherine just hold her charmader" i haven't named my charmader yet i don't know what to name i was gonna wait till auntie comes hom for her to help me" she say as she smiled
Servane looked up at Nina, brushing aside a strand of green hair as he spoke.

"I'm Ivan's behavioral officer. I'm basically his mentor. So I have to keep close to him as much as possible."

Dusk gritted his teeth behind his mask.

"Call me DUSK, Vine."

Servane 's calm expression cut into a frustrated netrual glare.

"Oh, now my old name too?"

Dusk crossed his arms and scoffed.

"Yep. Call me Sir or Dusk or I revert to your old pet name."

Servane flashed a cocky grin, exposing his long curved fangs.

"Okay. Agreed."

Dusk chuckled as he looked at Servane's exposed face. His perfectly white skin appeared sky blue through the circular visors of Dusk's mask.

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