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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"Um....I'll tell you later....and Deimon is not busy for you....." Nina smiles as she walk out to get her big brother.

Cosmo signs. "I guess you're not strong......'

"I know you do...." Jorden smiles as he reach his hand to her face. "Have she ever let you down?"

Dusk sped silently across the rooftops. His luminecent eyes of his helmet giving a bleached blue, eerie glow of his surroundings. It was night and Dusk loved the witching hours. He had his issue L115A3 "Silent Assassin" sniper rifle slung onto his back and he scouted the area through the scope. He crouched for a moment and did a full panoramic view of his location.

Lumoise City

11:38 PM
Blossom just grinned her teath she does it a lot when she angry" i am i just weak against fire type she's a fire type and fighting type i can't beat her" she say to her brother as she just walked out of the house as she was angry she just needed to calm down she punched at tree as she yelped in pain

Kendra just scratch her head" no she hasn't she never betrayed me she's a great friend to ever have" she say as she smiled when he touch her face she forgot what it felt like
"Wait, That's not what I mean--" Too late as she gone. Cosmo signs.

"You're stupid, Cosmo......" Nina said as she saw the whole thing. "You know the real reason why she get a bully...." She looked at him.

"I know...." signs Cosmo.

Jordan smiles. "See....there the smiles.....you're look beautiful with it...."

Servane held onto his books as he galloped and skipped across the lonely streets of Lumiose City. He tried his best to get to his destination as soon as possible, but the winding pavement and tall buildings confused Servane to the point of utter frustration. He turned his head as he took another left path to somewhere. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted two blue dots resting atop of a nearby roof. He turned his stare toward the source and clutched his books.

"Of course you would be here..."

Servane said aloud.
Blossom just sighed as she felt her hand was in pain but she didn't want to go back to the house she was too hurt to go back" ow this really hurts" she say hurting' why do i get bullied i don't understand is it because i'm weak i don't understand' she climb the tree

Kendra just laughed" i haven't smiled like this since before we were captured" she sighed as she smiled again" well i am beatiful i'm your wife" she say to him
Jorden chuckles as he looked ah her.

Nina signs as she know that Cosmo make a little mistake. "Look, I'll take to her....." Nina walk outside and look for Blossom. She easily found her since she have a good sense of smell." Aren't you coming back inside?"

Servane left, seeing his freind retreat after a wave. He shook his head and contined his trek. He was panting when he finally arrived at the bookstore. Home.


Dusk slipped from the roof and onto the outskirts of the town, egar to explore. He hefted the rifle and sprinted along the dirt paths and trees. In the distance he spotted lights and shadowy silloutes of other people. Curious but cautious, he approaced. Unsure of the intent of the strangers.
Blossom looked down as she saw her big sister" i don't feel like it" she say as she jumped down from the tree" what do you want did big brother sent you" she say rolling her eyes she was still pissed she still felt mad about what her big brother said

Kendra just grabbed his hand" i just want to stay with you i love you" she say holding his hand
Blossom looked at her sister as she sighed" okay" she say to her as she climb down the tree" is he right am i weak" she say to him as she looked at her
Blossom looked at her as she nodded as she held onto her shirt" um i think your right i'm afraid of myself to disappoint you and mommy" she say looking at him" i guess i'm just afraid i'm a mistake" she say as she looked down
"Well, there you're answers......stop beating up yourself and be fearless...." Nina said as she suddenly smell something. "....Blosssom....someone here....be ready...." Nina whispered as Nina growled. She turn and see something dark shadow in the bushes and trees. She walk over there. "Come out and show yourself!" she growled.


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Dusk appeared like a silken black spectre. The array of blue lights blinked a few times and he relaxed his shoulders, seeing the group was no threat. Just for precaution, he tugged on the switch of his L11 and the magazine hit the ground with a 'click' He slipped the rifle back onto his back and waved. The red claws on his hand glinting in the light.
Dusk pushed a few buttons on the side of his helmet. Something clicked and Dusk spoke.

"Greetings. I am Major Seargent Duskburrow of squad 11. Great to meet another person..."

He leaned to look at Blossom.

"Persons Like me."

His voice sounded artificial. It buzzed from unseen speakers from the mask and seemed almost robotic. It did have a hint of humanity in the tone, although.

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Nina give him a look. '.....Right......what are you a robot?" Nina come close and a good look at him. ".....you smell real......so you're a PokeHuman......" Nina slowly walk around him. '.......what are you doing in our home? Looking for trouble?"

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"Listen, lady. I have the authority to put you on parole or arrest you if you cause ME any trouble."

He brushed aside his cloak, revealing a holster on his hip with a P29 Mauser snugly fit inside.

"I also have the authority to fire if you cause me any trouble."
Blossom looked at the guy as she was shocked he got too close to her" ag don't get close to me or else" she say her eyes red" what do you want" she say as she was ready to fight if he fights back" he's a pokeuman" she say" ha yeah right you can't arrest us we have no law in this island its our island me and my sister and my siblings and my mom and dad island and you don't belong here" she say pointing his finger at him
Dusk cut an unseeable glance under his helmet.

"This property is merely yours. The island is owned by the government, YOU just own a peice of the land."

The blue eyes on the helmet glowed brightly upon the two. He was tall enough to look down on them. The blank gaze was unnerving and had the appearence of a predator contomplating his prey.
"Hold it, Blossom...." Nina stopped her. "Lower yourself a little...." Nina tell her as she look back at him. "Listen here....we don't like trouble......our island is our home and safe from the outside world....." Nina said.


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Nina looked at him and said, "Good. Now that we clear the trouble....My named Nina....a PokeHuman Houndoom......" Nina said. 'And this here, is my little sister, Blossom, a PokeHuman Ivysaur....." She pointed at her.


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Dusk removed his hood, letting it droop off of his shoulder and revealing his bright red hair with the little black tips.

"I am a Zoroark." He said, gesturing at his fingerless gloves that expose his red claws.
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