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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Kat just looked at him as he was nice to her" where ucle" she say wrong as she place her head on his shoulder she just pout @Dtlee31

Kendra just looked at her as she was getting a flashback of her she remember she used to play with her when she was little the way she yelled at her" Sharon" she asked" i remember you i'm trying to remember" she say looking at jordan" and you your my husband we met at the high school i loved you ever since" she say @JessBeth
"Ow!! What do you mean Nina....." Cosmo looked back and notice now Nina evolve. "Whoa! My sister evolve into Houndoom!!!" Cosmo said as he get his ears pulled hard. "Owww!!! Enough Dad!!!!"


"Hehe, not high school.....we met in the high sea...." said Jordan.

Sharon look at her. "I knew you never forget, my dear friend......" she looked at Kendra. "......now there something shocking I discover...." She tell them.

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Dresden laughed Cosmo hated getting his ear pulled "ok ok fine" he lets go of his ear "fix dinner plz you know what happen last time when Deimon tried to fix dinner"

Kendra looked up" what did you found out" she asked her as she looked at her as she smiled a bit

Blossom saw her brother as she was hungry she had scratches on her face she was trying to get a cookie jar since she was hungry standing on a chair but it was too high for her @JessBeth
"Ok, I'll fix dinner...." Cosmo said as he rubbed his ears. He walk away to the house.

Suddenly, Deaden phone rings, it was Sharon.

"Yes, tell us, Sharon, what did you find out?" said Jordan.

Sharon decide to take out her phone and called Dresden. Then she put on the speaker, "I discover a shocking news......those scientists is bring dead PokeHuman back from the dead......they're using a special drug that not only they bring a dead alive but way more stronger then a any poke human.......so Katherine father was dead before but bring back alive......even Randolf was dead before......."


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Kendra was shocked as she was thinking about ambre as she bit her lip" do you think Ambre can be alive do you think they put the drug in her" she say bitting her cheek afraid for the answer
"No....Ambre is safe.....we bury her somewhere where we can go visit her........" Sharon said to Kendra and Jordan and Dresden (on her speakerphone). ".....However....there is also a more shocking news......once the dead pokemon alive and strong......they're going to produce an amy for the scientists an amy.......how can they get the amy.....but making babies......" Sharon look sad. "They have to go and find some females pokeHuman to bear their children......once they're born, they take them and train them to be a cold-harden killer amy....."


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Dresden had a earpiece in his ear and was listening to everything she was saying "Hmmm so that means Hq has a weapon tell deal with them hmm I need to call them"

"That sick.....having dead pokemon to make babies with alive one...." said Jordan.

"Yea......those guys are after females who are lonely and desperate....Ambre is one of them.....since she is lonely and want someone to love.......that what her boyfriend get her and mate with her......'

"Well, that was shocking.....but wait a minute....that Randolf guy....he one of them.....if he also after a lonely and desperate females....how come he is pick you?" Jorden asked. "I mean, you have a husband, right?"

Sharon looked down and feeling sad. "....Um....I....."


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JessBeth said:
"Ow!! Dad, that's hurts!!" Cosmo got dragged away from Nina and Chad. " Why are you pulling me away? I wasn't finishes talking to that jerk!!"
Nina saw her father dragged Cosmo away as he wink at her. Nina know right away that he's ok for her to have a boyfriend with Chad. "Um....sorry about my big brother reaction........"


Chad laugghed. "It's okay. Let's go home. I'm sure Kat will love this," he sad smiling, and took Nina's hand.
Kendra just looked at her friend as she smiled a little bit if the scientist come back she was gonna punch them or pretend she don't know where she is she just looked at kendra she knew her friend better than anyone" whats wrong Sharon you can tell us i'm here for you" she say to her trying to grab her hand" what do we do now" she asked her friend" i was scared when you left i thought they will hurt you" she say

Blossom saw her brother ear as she laughed a little" haha you got your ear pulled" she say as she laughed a little trying to get the cookie jar she was standing on the chair trying to get a cookie but it was still a bit high for her'mmmmm i want a cookie i'm hungry' she thought to herself @JessBeth

Katherine just looked at deimon" can we eat i'm hungry" she say to him as she smiled" where auntie" she asked looking at him poking his ear as she laughed a little as she was playing with him @Dtlee31
As they go inside the house, Nina spotted Blossom and she use a little flamethower on her hairs. "Hey, sis!!" She show off her fully evolve from. "I'm way stronger then you now...." She laugh as she walk away. "I'm going to put on new clothes, ok?" She said to Chad as she go to her room.



Sharon signs and take to Dresden on the phone. "Dresden....if you can listen to me.....I'll try to escape this with along with my friends.....goodbye....." She hung up. Then she looked at Kendra, "Everything is going to be ok....I know the way to get out...."


Kendra looked at her" how is it going to be okay i can't walk they broke my leg how is it okay" she say as she was grinning her teeth together as she sighed" you go and get out of here i be fine" she say groaning in pain as she sighed

Blossom fell from the chair as her hair was on fair" don't do that Nina oh you look awesome big sis your always were stronger than me i can't beat you since i'm a grass type like mommy fire is bad for me" she say
"Kendra, you know I can't leave you! If I do, you're daughter will be give a earful of yelling...." Sharon said. "Look....I saw that they have a map....if I get a hold on it, we can plan to escape route!"

"That's right, I'll never leave you behind, my love. I'll carry you...." acid Jordan.

Kendra just looked at her" okay" she say as she winced in pain a bit" i trust you both" she smiled" is nikki really that bad we haven't seen since she was 10" she sighed a bit" how old is she now we miss her a lot" she say as she lay her head on the wall" i love you jordan i always has" she say smiling
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Kendra was scared as she just looked up to see who was coming she sighed hoping she won't be taken to the scientist office it was a scary place to be in her stomach growled a little bit as she was a bit embarrassed
~~In the house~~

As Cosmo is making dinner for his families, he suddenly hear a screech sound from outside. He have never heard that sound before. "I wonder what's that?" He said as put dinner on the table. "Everyone, dinner is ready!!!" Cosmo shouted. But he is wondering whats make that noises. "......Um....I'm headed out for a while...be right back....." Cosmo left the house and go see where the sound is coming from. He went to the forest.

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Zeldafangirl said:
Kendra was scared as she just looked up to see who was coming she sighed hoping she won't be taken to the scientist office it was a scary place to be in her stomach growled a little bit as she was a bit embarrassed
Its was Randolf and he bring a bouquet of roses. "Hello, my lady...."

"Oh, it's you again....." Sharon said.

"Hey, you're here to woo her?" said Jordan
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3rd person view

In the middle of the woods there would be a clearing. A Kyurem would be in the middle of the clearing Roaring in Pokemon form.

My Pov

I would Turn my head to look at the Trainer

Then I wanted to go human form so i got smaller until it was in Human form.

"Phew... that feels better."

"Hello Pokemon trainer. How are you today?"

I would ask Cosmo

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Nina is finding a clothes for her. As she looking, the only clothes that fit her is a black shorts and a black sexy shirt( like the picture before) and walk out her room.


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