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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Nina try to swim fast when she look back and see Chad is catching up. She dive down more as she pick up some dirts and throw it on Chad face. She already get away and swim up for air. She swim toward the water fall.

Chad blinked at the dirt, and swam up for air. He saw Nina swimming for the waterfall, and swam after her. He pushed himself through the water, trying to catch up. He should catch up by the time he reached the waterfall.

Chad burts through the waterfall with a playful roar, and grabbed Nina's foot. He smirked, and pulled her off the rock, holding her in his arms. "Got you!" he told her. He smiled at her.

Kendra looked at her" its hell we get experiment on i won't mega evolve for them" she say to her scared out of her mind shaking
"Kya!" Nina have her foot get caught and got back in the water with Chad. "No, let me go!" Nina playfully try to get away in his arms. But when she close to his bare-skin chest, she felt the earth and her heart beating fast.


"Mega Evolve? You, Kendra?' Sharon said in a shocking looked on her face.

JessBeth said:
"You so mean....' She turn around, face him and splash water on his face. Hoping he let go of him.
Chad chuckled. "I'm not that mean," he told her. He swallowed again. Finally, he leaned in and kissed her. There was just something about her that he really liked.
Chad wasn't exactly fazed by the splash of water. When Nina kissed back, he moaned lightly, and slowly realised his grip on her. However, he placed his hands on her sides.

Kendra got out her stone as she smiled" this stone makes me mega evolve only some pokemon for me example i found my mega stone well i went back to where team rocket killed my parents my home i saw a mega stone when i touched it i mega evove it was weird" she tried to explain she never was good at explaining things
"Wow, that was amazing! Not only my husband, Dresden can also Mega-Evole, you can too. That's mean, you're growing stronger. I'm so proud of you, my dear friend." Sharon smiles.

Jordan smiles. "But, that's my lovely wife! Thought I try to Mega-evole, too.....but....I lose control.....and.....almost got myself killed....and..." Jordan quiet himself when he sale hurt Kendra.

"Nina," Chad answered her. His wings spread out behind him, and envelope Nina, blocking her from view. He could feel his heart beating faster. He was slowly using more passion in the kiss.

Kendra just looked at her best friend she cover her scar from sharon she got hurt from jordan he lost control and hurt her she hated lying to sharon but had to" yeah i can finally beat you sherry" she say as she giggled a little bit" how" that cool dresden know how mega evolve" she say as she smiled looking at her
When Chad wings cover her, blocking the view expect himself, she start to blushes more when he give her a passion kisses.

"Mmm....Chad....wait....mmm...." Nina moaning.


Sharon smiles when suddenly, two guys come in. "You, lets' go!" He pointed at Jordan as they open the cage.

"Looks like I'm next to fight....." Jordan said as he get up and follow them.

"Hey wait! He's hurt!! YOU CAN'T MAKE HIM FIGHT WHILE HE STILL HURT!! HEY!!!" Sharon shorted as they ignore her and close the door behind.

Kendra crawled to bed as she smiled she cried" NO JORDAN LEAVE HIM ALONE TAKE ME INSTEID" she say as she smiled looking around looking at sharon she was crying she couldn't take anymore of this her scar from him was showing a little bit
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Chad found himself ignoring Nina's request for him to wait. Instead, he gently began stroking her face, and deepened the kiss a wee bit. He didn't want to scare her.

"Mmm!!" Nina got a deepen kisses as she feel like Chad is not listen, "I said wait....mmm...." She said it again in between kisses.


"HEY, GET BACK HERE--YOOWWW!!!" Sharon slam the bar as it shock her. She fell back and see Kendra scar. "What happen to you...."

Kendra just pulled down heer shirt" its nothing" she lied" you okay" she asked she didn't want her friend to get mad at jordan she just looked away
Kendra just looked away" i don't want to talk about it" she say" its nothing" she told her she just sighed she just lay down she rubbed her scar it still hurts a bit she couldn't say that jordan did it by accident" you really want to know huh what jordan was saying when jordan tried to lose control but he..... lost control and hurt me" she say showing her a big scar" it was an iccedent though" she say looking at her crying a bit " he almost got killed because of it that why i'm protective of him" she say to him
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