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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Jack smiles. "One thing will never change about me, and that is my horrible luck. Seriously, nothing I do ever goes right." He shrugs. "I guess I'm just cursed or something." Cathy sighs. "I know a person like that where I work. This 'Blitz' person needs to work out his issues on his own, or else he'll never be able to get over them. Seriously, I've seen this before. But, if I can't change your mind then I can't change your mind. It's up to you to make the final decision for yourself."
Michi looks at her. "He has a disability Cathy...." she was tearing up. "He has severe adhd.... he goes crazy if he isnt comfortable..." she said

Kio giggled "I think i smell dinner"
Cathy frowns. "Woah, really? That's way different than what I thought you were saying. In that case...well...I think you should join." Jack smiles.
JackOfHearts said:
Cathy frowns. "Woah, really? That's way different than what I thought you were saying. In that case...well...I think you should join." Jack smiles.
"I am already part of it Cathy...." Michi said "And thank you for saying I am making the right choice...." she said as she brought the plates to the table "Anyway.. lets eat"

Manny brought out a couple bowls "Its soup tonight" he said happily
Cathy was getting seriously confused. "Ok." She says, sitting down at the table. Jack smiles. He was willing to eat pretty much anything, considering he'd been starving for the past few days, and the soup smelled good. His head started hurting, he knew he was forgetting something, something important, something crucial, but what was it. Why did this always happen right when he didn't need it to? Marcus was in his home now, in a location only known to few NTG members. He sighed, laying in his bed and staring at the ceiling like he always did when he needed to think. Why would Deoxys need Jack? He mentioned a key, but a key to what... "Oh!" Marcus sat up quickly, his phone was ringing. He answered, only to be greeted by Comet quickly yelling something. She'd apparently, from what Marcus could actually understand of her little yelling spree, found out the perfect way to land a heavy blow against Team Legend. She was apparently outside the house of an Articuno pokehuman who she assumed was a high ranking officer of Team Legend, and thought that she was on the phone with Deoxys, not Marcus. "Wrong number Comet. Also good luck doing whatever it is your trying to do. You'll need it." He says, hanging up on Comet and returning to his silent thinking.
Comet frowned. She forgot that Deoxys had changed his number, and she didn't have the new one so she couldn't really call him. Oh well, no big deal. She'd already changed out of that ugly Team Legend grunt uniform and back into her usual clothes. She loaded a few nanobot darts into the NTG Neo 200. She put on the locket, knowing that if she had to make a quick escape it would prove quite useful. She put on her goggles, watching Blitz head towards his house while she hid on a rooftop, taking aim at the area right in front of the door to Blitz's home. One shot is all it would take, and then she'd have the tool necessary to deal a crippling blow to Team Legend. One. Perfect. Shot.
Blitz stopped short of his door. It was a cool night, perfect for his sense of heat to fully take place. Someone was watching him. He stopped and didnt move towards his door. he turned so he faced comet but kept his head down. This is where his parents genes would come in handy.
Comet frowned, she'd been spotted. Still, Blitz hadn't had time to see her face hopefully, so she quickly stood up, she would have to make a quick, lucky shot if she wanted to turn Blitz into a metaphorical ticking time bomb. She wasn't going to risk it, there was too much chance that something would go wrong. She gave a quick thumbs down to Blitz, using Sandstorm to hide herself before leisurely making her way down from the roof on the opposite side of the building from where Blitz was.
Blitz felt the presence dissapear and walked into his house. He locked the door and the windows. He was across from Michi and she was looking out the window
Comet sighed. She'd blew it. Maybe if she could mask her heat signature with something then it would work, but she'd have to figure that out later. For now she had a plan to cause a little bit of mayhem, not much but enough for it to be fun. Cathy's phone started ringing. "Mind if I answer it Michi?" She asks, having a feeling that it was Flare. Marcus sat up. He knew what Deoxys meant, but couldn't quite understand how it fit into plan Dark Dawn. "Why would he... It wouldn't help at all to release the Regi trio. Unless... No way, Deoxys wouldn't do that." He mutters to himself. Jack started listing random things in his head, hoping that one of them would spark the memory he needed. Suddenly a certain word popped out in his mind. Shadow. But why it stood out still eluded him. This was quickly becoming rather annoying.

@The Unamed Character
"Go ahead Cathy...... I will go ahead and do the dishes.." she said as she went to the kitchen to clean up

Blitz took a sub out of his bag and sat at his table to eat.
Cathy answered the phone, and what she heard shocked her. She had to defeat Rayquaza, or the NTG would use her as a test subject for the Dark Dawn shadow transformation expirement. It was such an easy task, she knew she could do it as long as they could teleport her to Rayquaza. But, she didn't want to do it. This was the first time they'd actually threatened her with punishment if she didn't follow orders, and it shocked her, but if she attacked Rayquaza Team Legend was bound to notice, which meant that Michi might figure out that she worked for the NTG. She hung up while Flare was in mid sentence and shoved the phone back into her pocket. This wasn't good, this wasn't good at all. For once she was actually scared. Jack was giving himself a severe headache trying to figure out what he was forgetting, and it was hurting like hell. Comet smiled, watching a civilian pass by without noticing her. It was just a normal human, which meant that the nanobots would encounter little to no resistance. She shot the woman with an anesthetic dart and then a nanobot dart before retreating into an alley.

@The Unamed Character
Michi looked towards Cathy "Something wrong?" she asked

Kio looked at jack "Something wrong?"

A shadowy figure came to behind Marius. "How is it going....." the figure said. It's voice was muffled so nothing was able to be rendered Male or female.
Cathy almost jumped when she heard Michi speak. "No, no. Nothings wrong, nothing at all." She says, looking more than a bit nervous. Jack's headache just kept getting worse. "I'm...fine...It's just a headache...Nothing that I can't handle." He says, despite the fact that the headache was too much for him to deal with. The pain was making it very hard to think.

(Do you mean Marcus?)

@The Unamed Character

Michi looked to her "Why dont you get some rest... it has been a long day..." she said

Kio looked at him "You think I believe you Jack...."
Cathy nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I'd better get some rest." She says, looking slightly scared. "I'll see you in the morning." She says before heading to her room. Jack frowns. "I said...I'm fine." The pain was becoming unbearable, still, he didn't want to ask for help or anything, because then he'd seem weak. Marcus jumped out of bed. "Who the bloody hell are you and how did you get in my house?!" He asks angrily, looking around the room. He usually had a knife hidden somewhere in case someone broke in, but it seemed to be missing.

@The Unamed Character
The shadey figure moves their hand and the knife is floating. "I was sent to check on the progress....." the figure said muffled.

Mich nodded her head. "Just get some rest ok..... i may bring a drink up later alright..."

Kio narrowed her eyes at Jack. "Jack......." she said
Marcus was confused. "Progress on what? And give me my damn knife back!!! I swear, if you're that NTG grunt who keeps playing tricks on me you are going to pay for this!" He says, more than a bit angry at this mysterious intruder. Cathy went into her room, locking the door behind her. She'd have to wait until Michi was asleep and then go fight Rayquaza, that way Michi wouldn't notice her missing. One Hyper Beam would be enough to take down Rayquaza, and then she could come back and not have to worry about Michi finding out that she worked for the NTG. Jack's vision started to blur. "I said I'm fine Kio... It's just... a small... headache."

@The Unamed Character
The shadowy figure could be heard sighing "I was sent to check on Dark Dawn, Marcus" the fiigure said muffled

Michi sighed and made Cathy a drink that may help her out. She brought it up and put it infront of her door.

Kio glared at him like she knew he was lieing
Jack frowned. "Hey...what's with that look?" He asks, struggling to even stay conscious. He was starting to think this wasn't a normal headache. Cathy heard Michi set something outside of her room and unlocked the door, slowly opening it. Marcus sighed. "It's going fine! Now tell me who hell you are! I don't like mysterious strangers! Are you a second circle member or a research division member or something?"

@The Unamed Character
"I am a second circle....." the figure said "My Identity is to be hidden for the time being...." they said

Kio looked at him "You should get to bed..." she said

Michi sighs and goes into her own room. She closes the door behind her
Cathy sighs, quickly drinking the drink Michi had brought her. She didn't like going behind Michi's back like this, but she didn't want to risk never seeing Michi again. Jack struggles to stand up. "I'm fine, I don't need any sleep." Yep, this definitely was not an ordinary headache." Marcus sighs angrily. "That's great, now can you give me my damn knife back? And next time you want to talk to me, WAIT UNTIL I'M AT NTG HEADQUARTERS! I don't like having house guests."

@The Unamed Character
The shadowy figure waved their arm and the knife appeared at Marcus's side. "I expect a report soon...." The figure said. And with that they were gone.
Comet decided now was as good of a time as any to have the civilian cause some chaos. She woke the woman up, controlling her and handing her a knife. She then made the civilian walk to Blitz's house and knock on the door. Jack suddenly collapsed, going unconscious. Cathy waited a few seconds before changing into her battle gear and calling the NTG to teleport her back to base. Within a few moments afterwards she had disappeared, appearing in NTG headquarters. Marcus sighs, setting the knife next to his bed. "What a rude guy. Almost as rude as Flare, but not quite as annoying."

@The Unamed Character
Blitz was already in bed. He had a long day. His security system was grade A, humanoid heat sensing droids. If anyone got in they would have a bad time

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