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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Jack sighs. "I won't. Seriously, I won't." He says. He was not in the right mood for starting a fight, and either way he'd been trying his hardest to keep from doing bad things lately.

Cathy followed Michi, smiling. "You're such a nice friend!" She was really glad to have a real home, even if it was just temporary, and the fact that she'd be living with Michi made it even better!

@The Unamed Character
JackOfHearts said:
Jack sighs. "I won't. Seriously, I won't." He says. He was not in the right mood for starting a fight, and either way he'd been trying his hardest to keep from doing bad things lately.
Cathy followed Michi, smiling. "You're such a nice friend!" She was really glad to have a real home, even if it was just temporary, and the fact that she'd be living with Michi made it even better!

@The Unamed Character
Michi stops at her house. "Ok... Your room is across from mine... it is upstairs" she said as she unlocked the door and held it open for Cathy

Kio sighed "Thank you..." she said as she opened the door "Manny...... I brought Jack over" she said
Cathy smiles, heading inside and up to her room to check it out. Jack waited silently. He just hoped that at the least fight didn't ensue between him and Kio's husband.
Manny comes from the kitchen. "Ah... Jack..... The man who almost.." Kio inturupted "Manny..."

Manny laughed "Im only joking Kio...." He holds his hand out with a smile "Manny's the name...." he said looking at Jack

Jack smiles. "It's nice to meet you Manny. Say...Do I know you from somewhere? I think I've seen you before somewhere, but my memory isn't as good as it used to be. I've taken a lot of hits to the head lately." He says, shaking Manny's hand. Cathy smiled, walking into her room. "Wow. My own room! This is great!"

@The Unamed Character
Manny smiled "Yea... been a while..." he put his arm around Kio. "Kio here tells me your gonna join Team Legend?" he asked

Michi laughed "get yourself cozy alright....." she said to Cathy "Once you do you can basically do whatever" she said as she took her jacket off
Jack nods. "Yeah. I've also been trying to make up for Vermillion City, as well as a few other things, by traveling around and helping people out." Cathy sets her sword down carefully. "Say, Michi, if you want I could give you a bit of battle training. You're pretty strong, and it would be the least I could do to repay your hospitality."

@The Unamed Character
JackOfHearts said:
Jack nods. "Yeah. I've also been trying to make up for Vermillion City, as well as a few other things, by traveling around and helping people out." Cathy sets her sword down carefully. "Say, Michi, if you want I could give you a bit of battle training. You're pretty strong, and it would be the least I could do to repay your hospitality."
@The Unamed Character
Manny smiled "Well hey.... you made it out of Chanceton so..... you should be able to make up for it by joining." he said happily Kio smiled "I'm glad you like my brother now" she said. Manny rubbed his head "Sorry for..... harrasing you all those years ago.." he said

Michi laughed "You dont have to..... I am jam packed with that already...." she said with a giggle "But thank you for the offer... Having you around is payment enough... I dont have alot of friends to hang out with so..."
Jack shrugs. "It's fine. Really. I don't remember it that well." He says. He was having trouble remembering things lately, although he supposed that was because of what happened a few days ago. Cathy was a bit surprised. "Really? I would've thought that a person like you would've had lots of friends to hang out with. You're such a fun person to be around!"

@The Unamed Character
Cathy smiles. "Well, I'd be willing to hang out with you whenever you want!" She was starting to really like Michi. Jack remembered something. "Oh, by the way, I have a question. Do either of you know what happened to Katy? She just disappeared, and I haven't seen her since she left Chanceton in the middle of the night, ranting and raving about killing everyone with Giratina."

@The Unamed Character
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JackOfHearts said:
Cathy smiles. "Well, I'd be willing to hang out with you whenever you want!" She was starting to really like Michi. Jack remembered something. "Oh, by the way, I have a question. Do either of you know what happened to Katy? She just disappeared, and I haven't seen her since she left Chanceton in the middle of the night, ranting and raving about killing everyone with Giratina."
@The Unamed Character
Kio and Manny shook their heads "Not even Arceus can find her..." Kio said worridley.

Michi smiiled "Thanks Cathy...." she said as she was cooking
Jack frowns. "Well, I just hope she doesn't end up coming back to do what she was threatening. Oh, and have either of you seen an Aegislash pokehuman around by chance? Some Aegislash pokehuman killed my friend Wraith and said I was next, as well as something about retribution and punishment I think?" Cathy wondered what Michi was making. "So, what are you cooking Michi?"
JackOfHearts said:
Jack frowns. "Well, I just hope she doesn't end up coming back to do what she was threatening. Oh, and have either of you seen an Aegislash pokehuman around by chance? Some Aegislash pokehuman killed my friend Wraith and said I was next, as well as something about retribution and punishment I think?" Cathy wondered what Michi was making. "So, what are you cooking Michi?"
Kio shook her head "No.. but we are on it.... We are dealing with Marius at the moment however.."

Michi sighed "Spaghetti... I dont feel like making anything else today.....' she said with a groan
Cathy frowns. "Is something wrong? You seem to be acting like somethings wrong." Jack frowns. "Marius? Who's Marius and what did he do? Maybe I can help you find the guy."
Jack frowns. "Oh, you mean Deoxys. I didn't know he was going by a different name now. For some reason he keeps sending people to kidnap me, it's gotten really annoying." Cathy frowns. "Really? Why? What's so bad about being different?"
Kio sighed "Anyway.... make yourself at home jack..... Manny was making dinner if you would like to join us.." she said

Michi sighed as she poured the noodles into the strainer. "I dont mean I wish i wasnt a pokehuman..... I mean I wish I didnt have to act all authoritative all the time... I wish I could act like I do with you...." she said as she mixed the sauce with the noodles after putting the noodles back into the pot
Jack smiles. "Sure. It's been a few days since I've had anything to eat." Cathy was a bit confused. "You don't really seem like the authoritative type. Are you in charge of some project or something?"
Kio smiled and sat down. Manny went back into the kitchen "He is a really good chef..." she said

Michi finished mixing the noodles and sauce "You can say that.... My mom wants me to be in Team Legend.... but frankly I dont want to...." she said as she made a plate "I have to be goody goody all the time and do all this stuff that makes me look good..." she sighed "In other words... not be me...."
Jack smiles, sitting down. "I'll take your word on that. So, you got your memory back. You remember everything that happened?" Cathy frowned at the mention of Team Legend. If Michi was on Team Legend then she'd have to either quit the NTG or risk Michi being in danger. "Well, if you don't want to do it then don't. It's your life, you have the right to decide what you want to do with it. Don't let the fact that your mom wants you to do something pressure you into trying to be someone you aren't."
"I have to Cathy......" Michi said "My father was second in command and my mother was third....." she said clenching her fist "My cousin is Blitz... the leader of team legend..."

Kio nodded "Yes Jack.... and I am so sorry for the pain i had put you through...."
Jack sighed. "It's...It's fine. You weren't the same person back then that you are now..." Cathy sighs. "You don't HAVE to do anything. You shouldn't have to do something just because of your family! And if it isn't something you want to do no one should be able to make you do it! You should be you instead of trying to be someone you're not!"
Michi sighed "I am not arguing Cathy... I dont want to... but at the same time I do...." she looked out the window and saw Blitz walking towards his house. "Blitz, although seemingly perfect.... He has some issues that dont allow him to function right.... I seem to be the only way for him to even focus... knowing family is there no matter what..." she said as she made Cathy's plate "That is the only reason keeping me in Team Legend..."

Kio nodded "We have all changed...... Manny included...." Kio laughed "He used to be hard headed... but since Michi was born.. he has become a loving individual that doesnt go straight for violence... although he has gotten Michi into fighting lessons with various masters..."

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