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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Blitz noticed them and ran to them. He helped lift Charlotte. "What happened?" he asked as he got some medics to come take Charlotte. "Why were you running..." he asked.

Michi nodded and walked out of the mall. she waved to Cathy before she left
Jack sighed. "Charlotte...Hit head...Tyranitar...attack...ughh." He managed to say in between gasping for air. "Man...I'm really out of shape..." Cathy headed back to the forest and retrieved her sword. Normally she'd just have it taken back to base, but she didn't mind carrying it around for a bit. To her it's weight was comparable to a feather. She suddenly remembered that Michi still had the bag with her battle gear in it. She'd have to remember to ask for that back. She headed towards Canalave City.
Blitz looked at him "Tyranitars dont attack that often around here.... it might be someone dressed like one...." he said "Come on in Jack... They are waiting for you" he said as he walked forward showing Jack where to go.
Jack went where Blitz wanted him to go. He was a bit nervous, but tried to keep calm. Cathy looked up towards the sky, swearing she'd heard something. She saw a flash of green fly past. She shrugged, thinking that it was probably a Yanmega or something, and continued on her way towards Canalave City.
Blitz looked at Jack. "I am not going in there....." he said the patted Jacks shoulder. "Good luck in there...." he said as he walked away from the doors.
Jack frowns. He wondered why Blitz had wished him luck. That simple act was making him suspicious and nervous, but he managed to convince himself that he was just paranoid and opened the doors.
A lady with red hair was talking with a woman with light blue hair. They were laughing and making jokes with one another. as the doors opened they silenced themselves and watched jack walk in

Jack steps into the room, shutting the door behind him. He was a bit afraid to say anything at the moment, partially because he couldn't tell if his intrusion had annoyed them or something.
Cathy stopped right outside of Canalave City, checking her phone. She was getting a call from Flare. She answered the call. "Yeah...Alright...No. Not going to do that...Screw you too." She hangs up on Flare, shoving the phone back in her pocket. Flare could be such a jerk sometimes. Meanwhile Marcus was down in the research division labs. "So, how is step one progressing." A man in a light blue labcoat walked up to Marcus. "Things are progressing well sir, we've almost gotten Lugia back into a Shadow Lugia already, but it's proving more difficult than anticipated. By the way...Where's Comet? She's usually the one checking up on research." Marcus sighs. "I'm glad that your work is progressing well. Comet is on a mission to infiltrate the ranks of Team Legend. She's currently a grunt in Team Legend, and no one even knows that she works for us. She's been sending what little info she's able to get." The man in the blue labcoat nods. "Well, alright sir. Let me know when she comes back, I made an upgraded version of the NTG Neo 200 for her." Marcus sighs, heading towards the teleporter room. Deoxys had really chewed him out for failing his mission. Why Deoxys wanted Jack so badly was beyond him, for all he knew Jack was just another pokehuman like any other. Although, he had heard Deoxys mention something about a key.
JackOfHearts said:
Jack steps into the room, shutting the door behind him. He was a bit afraid to say anything at the moment, partially because he couldn't tell if his intrusion had annoyed them or something.
The girl with the red hair smiles "It has been a while Jack..." she said with a smile. The girl in the blue couldnt help but grin seeing the other girl smile
Jack sighs in relief. He was scared that Kio would've been mad it him. "It sure has Kio... It sure has..."
Iko sighs "Blitz trusts you..... do not let that t5rust be something you take lightly...." she said as she turns around and leaves

Kio sighs "She still isnt over the whole trying to burn down the house with everyone inside incident." she said
Jack frowns. "I can understand why. That was something I never should've done... I've made more mistakes in that single year than ever in my life, and that was one of them."
Cathy headed into Canalave City, smiling. She was in a really good mood, and even Flare's annoying phone call couldn't ruin that. Marcus sighed, standing outside Ho-Oh's holding cell. "It's sad seeing it like this, but if Dark Dawn is to succeed we'll need to create Shadow Ho-Oh. Such a sad sight, seeing that majestic bird in a cage." He shook his head, heading back towards the teleporter room. It wasn't like him to keep getting sidetracked like this. Gigas was already well on his way to the Johto region, he'd taken a boat and they weren't very far off now. He stared off into the horizon. He had a bad feeling that something was going to happen.
Michi came up behind Cathy "Hey Cathy" she said happily.

Kio giggled "Well come on.... you might want to meet my husband...." she said with a smile "But.... do not bring the boat up ok..."
JackOfHearts said:
Jack smiles. "Trust me, I won't. I haven't told anyone about that." Cathy smiles, turning around. "Hey Michi!"
@The Unamed Character
Michi holds the bag up to her "Sorry.... I sorta took your clothes by accident..." she said with a nervous giggle "If you want.. you can stay at my place untill you can find one of your own..."

Kio smiled "Michi found you... didnt she?" she said with a grin
Cathy smiles. "Really! That would be great!" She says, glad to have somewhere to live where she didn't have to sleep on the floor. It was kind of strange that there were no beds in the NTG base.

Jack nods. "Yep. She found me with the help of Regigigas."
JackOfHearts said:
Cathy smiles. "Really! That would be great!" She says, glad to have somewhere to live where she didn't have to sleep on the floor. It was kind of strange that there were no beds in the NTG base.
Jack nods. "Yep. She found me with the help of Regigigas."
Michi smiled "I just got my own place so...." she said with a smile "I have a spare room you can sleep in" she said "it is right this way" she said walking down the street.

Kio sighs "She usualy does the opposite of what I say." she said as she got to her house. "I saved you from this man the last time I saw you... so please dont bring anything like that up again please..." she said

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