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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Both froze with new found fear. Shannon hid in his shell, regardless of what Dia said or did. Dia sighed, and walked from behind the tree. " Hello there. I am Dia, it's a pleasure to meet you..." Dia said, bowing, trying to overcome her nervousness, while Shannon fully succumbed to it.

@DaManofWar & @JessBeth
Katherine was with nina and chad as she looked at the person as her power wasn't controllable she used amber by accident" sorry it was acident" she say wrong to the new person @Timmy Turner
She thought of an idea. She quickly picked up Shannon's shield and held it up. It was able to completely defend against the accidental attack. After the near burned experience, she smiled and said: " It's quite alright. As long as it was accidental, we are just fine. "

Katherine just looked at her" it was i can't control it yet my pewers" she say" i'm four years old" she told them
Zeldafangirl said:
Katherine just looked at her" it was i can't control it yet my pewers" she say" i'm four years old" she told them
Chad patted her on the head. "It's okay. You'll get the hang of it." He turned to the newcomers. "I'm Chad. And who might you be?" He asked.
" Oh..well..over time your powers will mature and be just as strong as your peers/family. " She said, trying her best too motivate herself. She knew what it felt right to not being able to control her powers. She looked at Chad, and said: " Hello there. I am Dia, the poke-human of the Legendary Pokemon, Diancie. The poke-human inside the shell is Shannon,the poke-human variation of Shuckle, the most powerful defensive pokehman i have ever seen/ probably will exist. But he is...well...quite shy. " The young looking girl said, bowing in respect , as she places the feminine male pokehuman's shell down on the grass, looking at the two.

@DaManofWar & @Zeldafangirl
" Oh..well..over time your powers will mature and be just as strong as your peers/family. " She said, trying her best too motivate herself. She knew what it felt right to not being able to control her powers. She looked at Chad, and said: " Hello there. I am Dia, the poke-human of the Legendary Pokemon, Diancie. The poke-human inside the shell is Shannon,the poke-human variation of Shuckle, the most powerful defensive pokehman i have ever seen/ probably will exist. But he is...well...quite shy. " The young looking girl said, bowing in respect , as she places the feminine male pokehuman's shell down on the grass, looking at the two.

@DaManofWar & @Zeldafangirl
Dia nodded in deep thought & great respect at the moral code this pokehuman had. " So, about this person you're going to fight...may I be of assistance. He sounds..challenging. " She asked, her face turning serious when it was very gentle at the moment. He didn't think Shannon was going to fight, so he wouldn't ask him to join. Besides, she's a bit better controlled than he is when someone pisses her off. " If you don't think i have what it takes...spar with me. " She said simply, and waited for an answer.

Katherine just hold onto chad" no he's strong" she say crying onto him as she heard what he say about taken care of her" chad will take care of me?" she asked confused
Zeldafangirl said:
Katherine just hold onto chad" no he's strong" she say crying onto him as she heard what he say about taken care of her" chad will take care of me?" she asked confused
Chad picked up Katherina in his arms. "Sure thing, kiddo," he said, planting a kiss on her cheek. He turned to address Dia. "Nope. Not gonna spar. Not out of disrespect, but out of respect. You wanna help me fight this girls monster of a father, fine. Be my guest. We can spar later to train, I guess, but not now. For now, I think little Kat needs to get her sleep."

@Timmy Turner
She nods. It almost the exact response she expected, because of being taught Future Sight by an Alakazam she knew for a year. But, readings can always be wrong, so she wanted to see if it was accurate. " You're way different from most pokehumans i have met. I have ore respect for you than i did beforehand. " She said truthfully, smiling and tilting her head. " A child needs her sleep, so we'll spar one day. I don't want to fight you, just to fight, please understand. I simply wanted to test your....spirit. To test to see if your will was strong enough to protect the ones you wish to protect, but i will not discuss this any further. " She said, also truthfully, as Shannon finally poked out of the armor, sensing that the tension isn't as strong now. However, upon seeing Chad for the first time, he hid behind Dia, whom giggled at his response.

Katherine frowned" aw come on i just took a nap since i ate peantus auntie gave me medicine and a shot on my arm" she whined to him as she just was having a fit a bit as she sighed" i want down" she say to him frowning" i'm not tired" she told him
Zeldafangirl said:
Katherine frowned" aw come on i just took a nap since i ate peantus auntie gave me medicine and a shot on my arm" she whined to him as she just was having a fit a bit as she sighed" i want down" she say to him frowning" i'm not tired" she told him
Chad laughed. He then beat his wings gently, pushing upwards. "You want down?" He asked her.
Kathrine just put her head on his shoulder as she was in the sky with him as she smiled" no" she say as she start to relax a bit as she saw her father as she got scared" lets stay here okay" she say to him
Zeldafangirl said:
Kathrine just put her head on his shoulder as she was in the sky with him as she smiled" no" she say as she start to relax a bit as she saw her father as she got scared" lets stay here okay" she say to him
Chad was confused. "Is something wrong? You seem scared," he told her Kat. He patted her back gently.
Katherine just looked at him as her hands were shaking" i'm fine just daddy is here" she say to him pointing to her father (i was thinking if he can kidnap kat @JessBeth)
Kathrine looked at him" no i need to find auntie" she say as she was scared what will happen her dad was strong as her hands were shaking as she look for her aunt as she was no where she was so scared of her father
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Blossom did something dangrous as she approuched katherine father as her eyes were red with anger her father and mother is going to kill her for approuching him" you die leave her alone you don't deserve to be a father to her" she say as she saw 2 new people she just rulled her eyes getting ready for the fight @Timmy Turner
Nina, who is with Chad, Dia and Kathereine, seeing Blossom there. "Blossom!! You idiot!!" She run and stand beside her. "What are you doing here?"

Katherine father, Big Charizad , is flying and he looking at them.

@Timmy Turner
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Blossom looked at her sister" i wanna help too i been training hard" she say to her big sister" or i can take katherine home" she say to her sister as she sighed" i just want to help to i'm not as strong as you but i am strong" she say to her" i'm not an idiot" she say
"Oh yes you are an idiot, you think that--WATCH OUT!!!" Nina warned everyone as the massive HyperBeam hit them all. Nina quickly dodge it. "Look, take Katherine away from here....."

Big Charizard roars as he spotted Katherine.

@Timmy Turner

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