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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Olivia just help them she was worried about her nina was like her friend

Kenzie just changed her clothes as she put her back in bed

Katherine looked at aster" i want to play with blossom" she say @Dtlee31 @JessBeth
"just not the face anything but my face he accepts his fate with fighting it" o man she may really kill me this time

"Yeah sure but lets make sure Nina's ok alright"

@Zeldafangirl @JessBeth ( but to go bed night guys)
Sharon just about to punch him one the face, she give him a kiss on the lips, such list and sweet. "Hehe, gotcha!"

Nina slowly stop moaning as she fall asleep when Cosmo make her drink a medicine.

Cosmo finally finishes. " There...she'll be ok for now...."

(Ok night)

@Zeldafangirl @Dtlee31
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Katherine just went to see Nina as she looked at her she wasn't sure if she was liked" will nina be ok i'm worried too" she told him

Olivia grabbed his hand checking on blossom for her injury seeing she wasn't there seeing a note from teamrocket
kenzie went to check blossom as her face went pale she went to go after cosmo" she's missing blossom is gone" she say worried as she put her jacket on" i'm going to find her" she say

Blossom was screaming in pain as she was weak

Kenzie went towards ambre tree she saw they were kissing" i uh blossom is missing" she say sniffing out her scent" i can smell hef" she leaving
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( what is it and maybe you can say its a bad dream Bee is having that be interesting but feels real to her)
Blossom was screaming in her dream as her dream was feeling real to her as she was panting all sweaty from the dream she was breathing hard she was worried about nina but she knew she will be okay she coughed" NOOOOOOOOOOOO DADDY" she yelled screaming about team rocket she still couldn't swim she drowned a few times" MOMMY" she say all sweaty all scared
Dresden laughs "Come Sharon not the first time Kenzie has walked in on us you should see your face"

Aster hears Bee "Cosmo I think Bee is having a Nightmare" he quickly guess in to the room and see's her sweeting like crazy "Bee wake up Bee?" he trys shaking her


Kenzie just blushed as she look away" i'm sorry i was taking a walk i miss Ambre" she say pouting a little as she felt tears down her face as she sighed a bit
Sharon face is red as she feel embarrassed. "You...." She hit Dresden head. As she look at Kenzie, "Kenzie....we all are....miss her so much...."

Cosmo run to Blossom room. "Blossom, wake up!" He try to shake her to wake up.


Blossom was scared as she open her eyes as she was shaking as she hug her brother" Cosmo" she say as she start to cry" it felt so real" she say shaking as she try to calm down her hand shaking

Kenzie just looked around" i'm sorry" she say as she looked at her" who was that girl was she kendra" she asked about nikki
Dresden gets hit in the head "Ow!" he gets up and pats Kenzie on the back " I let you two have a girl talk I meet back at the house" he heads for the house

"Bee you alright here I get you some water" Aster go's and gets her some water "here you go Bee"

@Zeldafangirl @JessBeth
Kenzie looked at her brother as she sat down on the ground feeling peace with herself" i think i forgaven myself for all those years ago with katy seeing my brother made me feel calm with myself i killed people but i was forced now as you say the pass is the past we need to move on" she say as she just sighed a bit

Blossom hands was shaking as she grabbed for the water her hands shaking as she was scared" where daddy i want daddy" she cried
Cosmo look at Blossom. "There,there,its ok....its all a dream..."

Sharon watch him leave as she look at Kenzie. "I see you are finally calm yourself......" She smiles as she tell her about Nikki. "Nikki is the daughter of my childhood friend, Kendra, do you remember her?"


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Kenzie looked at her as she smiled" you helped me too your a great friend yeah i remember her" she say smiling looking at her

Blossom just cried as she was hiccuping" it felt so real big brother" she say" i want daddy" she cried
Dresden finals get back to the house he hears people talking in Aster and Bee's room He walks in "Hey is everything ok in here" he see's Cosmo comforting Bee "What happen everything ok Cosmo"

Aster see's dad walk in "She scared she had a really bad Nightmare she wants you"

@Zeldafangirl @JessBeth
Blossom looked at her dad" daddy" she cried as she sat up in her bed as her hand was shaking" i'm scared daddy" she cried

Kenzie looked at her" uh i thought she was with you" she say

Nikki was in the forest looking for her parents she was lost
"No,she was with me when I......oh god..." Sharon know what happen. "She took off....and I didn't warn her about this island....she'll get lost...." Sharon said. "Kenzie, can you track her scent, she smell like salty sea...."

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Kenzie just smell her" she's close follow me" she say as she smiled following her scent as she saw a girl as she saw it was nikki

Nikki saw them she looked down' i want to find mom and dad' she thought

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