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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Blossom just looked at her mom as she was feeling light headed" i wanted to look for big sister" she say looking down at the floor" but mom i'm worried about sissy why can't i go look for my sister" she say as she was sighed a bit pouting the blood was going threw her shirt she fell over on her mom" nina" she say weakly" i'm fine" she say trying to act tough but the scar that nina hurt her hurt like a lot" daddy" she say scared of her own sister @JessBeth
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Sharon can see that Blossom is pushing herself as she not going to give up. "...I'm sorry....but you're not going...." Sharon take out a sleep powder on Blossom nose to put her a deep sleep. Once she out cold, "Aster, can you take care you're sister for me...."

Cosmo look at Sharon and Blossom, knowing that Nina have injury Blossom as he put down Katherine.


Blossom was asleep out cold as her mother put her to sleep she was in pain she was taking to a room she was moanining a bit she was hurting she just hold onto her brother asther holding to his shirt she was moaning in pain

Kenzie just sighed looking up in the sky as she lay on the grass relaxing @JessBeth
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He watches as she moan's in pain he pulls out a medicine bag and puts some blue medicine on her for head "that make you feel better Bee" he kiss her on the cheek and sits next to her humming

Dresden waited tell Bee and Aster was gone "that was a hounddoom cut did Nina do that to Bee" he looks at Sherry and Cosmo "how long has that been going on Sherry and Cosmo" he cross his arma waiting for a answer

Deimon watches shocked and curious as well copying his Dad he cross his arms too

@JessBeth @Zeldafangirl
Blossom heard her brother was humming as she start to calm down a little bit" mommy" she say as she moved a little bit hugging the blanket as she was out cold she was scared of nina she was scared to tell her mom nina said she hurt her worse she think it was her fault for ambre death
Sharon didn't say anything as she walk out of the house, hoping to get away from Dresden, knowing that he wants answer.

Cosmo signs as he know its going to be trouble....."I'll take Katherine to her room...come on..." He take her hand and go to her room.


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"o no you don't " like he never left his back in husband mode he chase's path Sharon and gentle grabs her "Sherry look at you never run away form anything whats wrong"

Deimon confused about whats going on goes to check on Bee and stay with her and Aster

Aster laughs a little "no silly willy its me" he lays her head on his lap and continues humming playing in her hair trying to make her comfortable

@Zeldafangirl @JessBeth
Katherine just looked at her cousin" do i have to take a nap" she say rubbing her eyes a bit

Blossom just sleep on asher as she yawn feeling her brother playing with her hair being play with and the humming
Sharon didn't look at him and said, "You saw Blossom have that cut......Nina did that......but that was an accident....'Sharon said it as she is worried that what will Dresden will react when he hear that.

Cosmo look at her. "Yes....it time...you going to sleep..." he pet her head.


"A accident did you see how deep that cut was Sherry that was not a accident she did on purpose wait tell I get my hands on that little ugh" he see's that she not looking at him he puts hands on her face raise her head to look at him "Sherry how long have you been knowing this don't lie to me you would never lie right" he pulls her closer to him

Deimon walks in quietly waveing at Aster to let him know hes in the room and whispers "is she ok bro"

Aster waves back and gives him a thumbs up he continues whats he is doing

@Zeldafangirl @JessBeth
Katherine just looked at him as she climb in her bed as she had a bar for not to fall off the bed" read story pease" she say laying in bed

Blossom just sighed holding onto her big brother pants @JessBeth @Dtlee31
Sharon is force to look at Dresden as she know she can't lied to her own husband. "..........its all begin when we find out that Ambre is pregnant.......Ambre wanted to keep the child....so I let her keep it and decide to help her raise her baby....." She looked into his eyes. " Couple of mouths passed, we are ready to take Ambre to the hospital in the next lsland.....but then someone is standing out way...."

Cosmo said, "All right, what story do you want to hear?"


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Dresden listens to her story he doe's want to push her to hard but he has to know the truth no matter how painful it maybe he rubs her hands as she talks to comfort her at least "Sherry that's when it happen"

"you be fine Bee get some sleep ok at least you have Deimon back In your room right he keep you warm"

"yeah I do miss you little Bee" Deimon sits on the throw side of the bed "Man I miss my are bed"

@Zeldafangirl @JessBeth
Katherine looked at him" Cinderella" she told him laying down as she yawning rubbing her eyes

Blossom just try to sit up she looked at her brother
Sharon look at his hand and said, ' A PokeHuman, a Charzard, who happen to be Ambre boyfriend....arrives and found us...he is super mad at Ambre from running away from him....he said that he's going to take her baby away....so I start to battle him while Nina, Blossom and Cosmo get in the boat and headed to the hospital....it was a very hard battle.....that Charzard is super strong and show no mercy....and the next time I know...I blackout..."

Cosmo look in the book, "Ok...Once Upon of time...." He start reading.


"Hmmm" then he starts thinking "Sharon is that little girl that Cosmo was holding is that Ambre's baby and you did the best you could if was there we could have....." he rubs her hands more

"Hey take it easy you should be resting you know"

"How are you feeling Bee" Deimon puts his hand on her forehead

@JessBeth @Zeldafangirl
Blossom looked at him" i'm fine" she say as she removed her brother haand she wanted to walk around she wasn't listening to them to take it easy

Katherine just fell asleep halfway of the story @JessBeth @Dtlee31
"There nothing you can't do.....I feel weak.....but you must know about what happen next....I woke up after the battle, and I was alone....I wanna go look for my kids...so the friendly pokemon Pidgey show me where that are.....it turn out their in a different Island.......I look for them until I hear a baby cried. When I found then......Cosmo is holding a newborn baby...Blossom is knock out....and Nina....her arms got a claw mark....everyone is crying when I see Ambre dead body......" Sharon start to cry. "If only I was stronger......"

Cosmo stopped in the middle of the story and tuck her in. Then exit out of her room.


Blossom stood up as she felt horrible shs bump into the wall she fell she didn't want to rest no more
Dresden just hugs her tightly "its ok you did everything you could and more I know you Sherry" he kiss her on the cheek "come on lets go inside its getting late" he walks her to there room she need to relax and calm down.

Aster just shakes his head "O bee your so stubborn like that" he picks her up and lays her back in the bed gives her some sleeping medicine "drunk up its a sugar drink just for you"

Deimon just watch's wow she so strong even with that bad injure he says to himself

@JessBeth @Zeldafangirl
Kenzie went home as she was calm she wait for her big brother

Katherine was sleeping as she smiled

Blossom looked at him" why do you want me asleep my injury not that bad" she say trying to act tough in her head it hurts like crazy
Kenzie just smiled" sorry i left i just couldn't deal with big brother i'm scared what he think" she say to him

Blossom didn't want to stay in bed" mommy is mad at me" she frown hearing some people downstairs she got up again
Aster looks at her "so if I poke you really hard it will not hurt huh" he see's her trying to get back up he lays her back down "Mom is worried about you not anger"

Dresden watches Sharon head to her room I talk to about but first he grabs kenzies ear and pulls her to the kitchen to talk " You thought you could get away from me huh sis

@JessBeth @Zeldafangirl
Kenzie just wince in pain" ow ow ow that hurts i'm not a kid ow" she whined

Blossom wince in pain" it don't hurt" she say as she smiled

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