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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"Yeah I'm your husband Sherry" he lays her head on his shoulder and just holds her in his arms I could hold her like this far and would be happy for life "I love you so much Sherry I know don't say it a lot but I don't know what i do if something happen to you"

"Yeah i have still have that book you gave on what i could or could not eat" he pulls it out and shows it to him "And Deimon can cook really good now too"

Sharon hug him back as she give him the love that he needed for so long." Looking so strong then before..." She slowly touch his long hair, " You're hair is growing long...." She kiss a tip of his hair as she going to tease him by giving him a kisses. " Aren't you happy that you off by yourself without me?" She kiss him on his cheek teasely.

"Oh did he now, as good as Mom cooking?" Cosmo said as he see a gifts. " Oh, which one mine?"

He starts blushing at all the comments she is giving him "at First it was fun but after a while I started missing you my fluffy little Sharon" he starts teasely rubbing her back slowly getting lower he whisper in her ear "I missed you love Sherry" nibbles at her ear

"Ha no one is as good as Mom well maybe Dad is" he looks at one of the gifts he get Cosmo "here you go its a 5 packs of rare seeds for your garden Cosmo"


(going to go to sleep ok night night )
Shraron quickly blushes when he start touching her lower back as Dreaden nibble her sentinive ear. It's been a long time since she hear him saying "fluffy" to her and she forgot that he love to tease her so much.

"Awsomes!!!" He look so happy that he can grow a new plants as he looked at them. "So...did Dad told you about.....Ambre?"

@Dtlee31 (ok night)
Blossom went downstairs as she saw asher she looked up to him as she wanted to battle him as she giggle" i missed you big brother

Katherine got out of bed as she saw two boys hiding behind cosmo" who they como" she say holding onto her toy @Dtlee31 @JessBeth
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Aster saw blossom he was happy to see her "Hey Bee I miss you so much" he walks over and gives her a big hug "how have things been you doing ok" he says pokeing her face lightly

Blossom just looked down as she was sad that nina hurts her" i'm fine" she lied to her brother
Aster was to happy he did not notice " your leafs are so pretty Bee I bet you eat really health huh" he takes her by the hand and they sit on the couch "so are you going to school now"


Blossom looked at her brother as she smiled she just lay on her big brother lap as she used to do when she was little" yup i'm in school i know how to read now i don't struggle with my reading" she smiled she liked her nickname that he made up for her bee her daddy's nickname was dee as she smiled it rymed" hey big brother don't you think its funny that daddy's nickname is dee and mine is bee" she laughed a little bit
"that's great Bee glad your doing well" he did miss talking to his other brothers and sisters he miss his paintings too he liked to draw and make art "Yeah I think Dad did that for that reason he always told me you have big smile on your face every time he could you that"

Cosmo saw little Katherine and hide behind him when she see Demion and Aster. "Its ok, these are my brother...."

Outside, Sharon is with Dresden and she looked at him. "Come inside, I know you wanna see Cosmo and you're little daughters...."she said.

@Dtlee31 @Zeldafangirl
Mckenzie went downstairs as she yawned a bit as she saw some new people and her brother" i'm going out" she say angry at him she couldn't deal with him she just sighed going to the secret garden as she got there thinking looking at water she was still trying to find peace with her self

Blossom just laughed" come on lets fight i want to show you how much stronger i become i'm 14 now" she say" big brother always beat me but i want to become strong like mommy" she say smiling

Katherine looked at them" your brothers" she say as she looked at him holding his hand" where Auntie Sharien" she asked looked at demion

@Dtlee31 @JessBeth
Dresden gets up holding Sherry's hand "ok but where is Nina I saw everyone inside but her I don't smell her around" he say his sister walk out he talk to her one on one later

Demion saw Katherrine for the first time he felt bad for not noticeing her "Hey there and Mom is outside with Dad I think there coming now"

"Awwww come on Bee I just get in let me hug you more hahaha" he attacks her with hugs

@JessBeth @Zeldafangirl
Blossom was laughing she admired asher the most" that tickles big brother" she say laughing as she was enjoying the moment as she just cuddle with her brother" i missed you" she say as she hold to him

Katherine just looked at him" okay i'm 4 years old mommy died after i was born but i'm okay my cousins and auntie take care of me" she say as she smiled" what your name" she say" up up como" she say
Sharon look down. "Nina must have been sleeping outside....somewhere again......." Sharon feel heartbreak. "After Ambre gone, she change...."

Cosmo look at Kathrine and pick her up. "Up you go, little fireball,"

@Zeldafangirl @Dtlee31
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Katherine just giggled as she smiled as she laughed as she was picked up from the ground she just hug cosmo neck while she was holding onto him as she looked at the other boy with her cousins on the couch

Blossom just clossed her eyes as she was relaxing on the couch

Mckenzie was at the secret guarden as she was homing she felt peace when she came here she didn't know what to say to her brother she sighed as she walk back as she looked at them' okay kenzie i can do this would he care if i'm a monster for killing people i changed i can't age either katy made me immortal' she thought as she remember the screaming of team rocket labotory she just hold her head as she took a deep breath" big brother" she say as her eyes was lavender purple
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"Awww your making me blush I missed you to Bee" he mess her hair up a little bit

".....Oh my name is Deimon its nice to meet you"

As He walks with Sharon he can tell she not feeling well he comforts her as best he can as they walk in the house "Do you think when she see's me she is going to blame me for it if she does I can take it you know" he hears Kenzie call him "Hey you nice eyeballs there"

@Zeldafangirl @JessBeth

Sharon can see Dresden try to cheer her up as she asked. "Do you wanna see Kenzie? I have a feeling I know where she is..." And she talked about Nina, "That I don't know.....I know she alway happy to see you, after all she a Daddy's Little Girl...."

Cosmo smiles as he holding Katherine, "I have a guess that Nina is not here.....again.....' He signs as he is worried.

@Zeldafangirl @Dtlee31
Kenzie just was sitting down in the garden as she just put her knees to her chest she didn't know what to do about her brother she was scared about seeing him in years all she wanted to do was crying she just punched a tree as she broke her hand" yak" she say in pain" stupid tree stupid brother he don't know how i feel he won't understand" she say as she looked at the water tears dropping from her face

Blossom just stood up as she went outside as she wanted to see her dad as she looked at her mother" i can go look for nina mommy" she say as she was bleeding from her shirt from when she got hurt badly from her from yesterday she thought it was healed already she just left to look for her sister taking her brother Ashter

Katherine just laughed" i wanna see uncle and auntie" she say pouting as she hold onto her toy as she laughed
"Yeah sure I miss her a lot and don't worry about it Sherry i'm sure when she see's us together we can win her over then the family will be whole again"

"Wait Bee your bleeding" but they were all ready out the door "Bee let me wrap you wound and how did this happen anyway"

"What Ninas not here then" he remembers what Dad told them "is it because of you know what happen Cosmo"

@Zeldafangirl @JessBeth
Blossom just ignored her big brother as she was looking for her big sister as she kinda needed stiches she just run as she laughed" no nothing happen its nothing really" she lied it was a big deal nina hurt her she start to feel light headed @Dtlee31

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