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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Sharon slowly open her eyes, "Huh....." She look at see Cosmo. "Comso....what happen?"

Cosmo look at her. "Mom, thank goodness you're ok.....you just fainted in the kitchen...."

"Fainted? Why did I--!!!!" She quickly sit up and said, "The phone....Dresden is in the phone..."

"Mom, clam down I already talk to him....."

Sharon slowly have tears in her eyes. " Dresden.....he's calling....after all his years....THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING HUSBAND OF MINE!!!!!!" Sharon yelled in angry.

@Zeldafangirl @Dtlee31 (HAHAHA too funny)
Katherine just cover her ears as she was frown she just sighed" mommy" she say softly sniffing while hiccuping

Blossom looked at kat she still were crying a little she had her head turned away
"Ok guys we do this one mission and its back home i think its time we final go home don't you think" he looks to see what they are going to say

"Yeah I really want to go home now but we do have a job to do sadly"

"Yeah what he said one more mission and then home but we need to get are gear"

they go back to the hotel room and get there gear well they doing that Dresden gets a picture of a scientist it was the person they were after well his research anyway. "Ok we go in get this guy interrogate him and send the info back to HQ get it"

"Yeah" "Get it" "Alright lets guy" its night time now and they are sneaking inside of the lab were the guy works there were no logo so it must be private that's never good. But while there in there he's ears start to hurt "o boy sherry mad at me all right" he shakes his head they final get to the guy grab him and get to the warehouse were they need to question him.

@JessBeth @Zeldafangirl ( hahaha she's so going to kill him when he gets back hi jessbeth do you mind playing as the scientist guy I'm sure there some bad organizations in this story)
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"Mom, Not so load, the kids is still here!!!" Cosmo clam down the girls.

"Oh!!" Sharon realize what she done as she go to them "I'm very sorry to scared you...." She hold on Katherine as she kiss her forehead.

Cosmo whispered to Blossom. "Mom is really mad a Dad....."

@Zeldafangirl @Dtlee31 (sure as long its interesting)
Katherine just hold onto her aunt as she smiled a little" it okay auntie" she say smelling food" me hungrie" she say as she rubbed her eyes a bit

Blossom looked at her brother" yeah big brother nina hates me like a lot she won't talk to me or look at me" she whimper
Dresden was the guy taped to a chair he looks at Deimon and Aster. "You go's ahead back to the hotel room I take care of the interrogation" Dresden eyes turn blood red for a few mins then turn back normal Deimon and Aster look at each other and don't question Dad. They walk back to the hotel room and wait for him Dresden slaps the guy awoke "Ok when can do this the easy way are the hard way I need all your data on what you are working on and yes I'm in a bad mood so please don't try me"

The scientist guy is all tied up in the chair, and he knocked out when Dreaden wake him up. "Oww, what do you think you doing--!!!" When he saw his face, it so looking mean and scary as he said, "I can't give you all the data, it's private and I'll get fired if I hand it over to you!!!"

Cosmo looked at her. "You know Nina wasn't herself since...Ambre gone and you know....they been best friend...." He make his famous berry sandwich as he put on the table.

Sharon put Katherine on the chair so she can eat.

@Zeldafangirl @Dtlee31
Katherine just looked at them as she smiled as she eat the sandwich" yummy" she say sitting in her boaster seat eating the food she rubbed her eyes tiredly yawning

Blossom looked down" i know but... she hits me and gave me a scar" she say

@JessBeth @Dtlee31 (goodnight i'm too tired to keep going plus i has work)
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He looks at the scientist he laughs but its sinister laugh "Fired your worry about getting fired that's the least of your worry's lets see how like Punishment" as he says that he reaches out his hand as to touch him but then black energy comes out of his hand when they touch the scientist its like the worse pain he has felt in his entire life "Give me the data NOW!!!" Dresden eyes turn blood red again

@JessBeth @Zeldafangirl ( Ok goodnight hope have a good day at work :) )
The scientist guy scream in pain as he saw his eyes turn red. "You monster!!! What do you want that data!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!"

Cosmo eyes wide as he didn't expected Nina to be this...harsh....."


@Zeldafangirl (ok good-night)
Blossom just sigh showing him the scar as it was new she just wanted to cry she was holding it in she hasn't told her mom about this yet" don't tell mom" she say she needed stiches it was really bad" ow" she grown in pain she was in a lot of pain passing out on her brother

Katherine just finished as she was tired" want to play" she say rubbing her eyes
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He stops when the guy calls him a monster it hit him pretty hard. " I.I...I'm not a monster just doing my job the data can lead us to criminal organization that's funding your private lab". Dresden sits in a chair that's in front of the guy starts smoking a e-cigar "I need to get home be away to long does she even want me back what she ask's for a divorce ugh" he shakes his head trying not to think so much.

"What you're deal? A women problem?" The scientist guy look at Dresden as he mumbling about his lover. "If you have girlfriend, you might as well forget it, she may be of better without you, I bet she have someone better and make her happy!!" what he didn't realize that he making Dresden more angry.

Dresden stands up from the chair "you know I was going to go easy on you but no you had to push it" he puts his head on the guy shoulder "Punishment" the pain is even worse now then before "you know I don't even care about the data anymore i just send them all what we found in your office" he increase the pain

His ears go down he knows what happen he close there's eyes and walks out the warehouse and flamethrowers the place he gets on the phone calls Deimon "Hey kiddo" "Yeah we all set to go" "Yeah were down here time to go home I guess" "Come on you know miss mom more then me and Aster combined"

"Yeah but how does she feel about me" he hungs up the phone him and the kids get on a plane heading for home. It takes only a day they were pretty close to home they are at the front door after a nice walk. Deimon and Aster walk right in with goodies for everyone were they had traveled "Everyone were home Omg I'm so happy that I'm back home hahaha" but Dresden stayed outside to afraid to face Sharon he sat outside smoking on his E-cigar

the next day, it is morning as Sharon is making breakfast as she hear someone coming in. "Nina, is that you? I'm thought with you going out without--!!!!!!" Instand of seeing Nina, she saw is her two sons, and she drop her cooking, again. "Deiman.....Aster....." Sharon say their name as she run and give them a big hug. "Oh, my sweet boys!!!" She start crying.

Cosmo wake up from the sound as he walk out of his room and see his brothers. "Damian! Aster!"

"O no mom please don't cry missed you so much" he hugs her back then realizes that Dad did not walk in he sighs " He mom we have gifts for everyone can wait to show you guys" Deimon and Aster notices Cosmo "Cosmo" they both jump on him happy to see him. Dresden hears all the happiness but he still can't go inside he thinks he does not be long he smokes his E-cigar more

"Oh you boys are growing so big!!" She smiles as she see that they bring some gift for everyone. Then she notice something. "Where are you father?"

Cosmo got knocked over as they hug him. "Ow, take is easy, guys!!!' said Cosmo as he is happy to see his two rowdy little brothers.

"Your making me blush mom not cool I missed you to Cosmo" Aster walks up to mom when she ask that question he needed to tell her "Mom Dad is out side but he really needs you at first he was happy in the begin of us travel but over time he stop eating a lot he even smokes now its E-cigar but still he is very fragile right now please save him mom" he gives her a big long hug and walks to box to pull out all the gifts

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Sharon listen to Aster as she look outside. She walk out of the house and headed straight to Dresden. As she coming, the version of her loveliest have never change as she coming closer.

Cosmo watches as Sharon is headed out to Dreaden, "We better leave them alone...." He laugh as he look at them. "Look at you guys, getting taller, but not as tall as me...."

"Yeah your right and hi no far you big giant" "hahaha good one Deimon I don't mind being short"

Dresden see's Sherry walking to him he quickly turns off the E-cigar he wants to wig his tail but he wraps it around himself "oh Hey Sherry" wow she so beautiful I can't he lowers his head waits for her to sit next to him and bite his head off about leaveing her for so long

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Sharon look at him with a no emotion face shows. She slowly place her hand on his cheek and make him look at her in the eyes. In her eyes, it show how much sadden that she been waiting for him to return and the she kissed him on the lips.

Cosmo quickly look mad as he stuff a really smelly herbs in Deimon nose. "How many time do I have to tell you not to name calling you're big brother...." He know his weakness that he can't stand a smelly herb.

Dresden was shocked she not going to yell at me but then he could not control himself and grabbed her hugging her tightly but being very gentle about it he wraps his tail around her too "O Sherry I'm so sorry how could you kiss me after I be gone for so long" he does not realize he crying and whimpers a little rubbing his fingers in her hair he missed doing that

"no not the herbs we quick trys to get it out but its to late you know going to take hours before i can smell right again so mean"

Aster is laugh so hard he tears up "you should see the look on your face its priceless hahaha"

Sharon look at him as she wipe his tears in his eyes. " You're my husband, right? " She let out a smiles like a gentle one.

"Ah, that right, Aster.....have you been eating green vegetable while on traveling?" said Cosmo as he crossed his arms.


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