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Fandom PokeHigh

"Well, Bambi, hopefully we can work together in the future. Music is a great thing, you see. It lets you show your emotions, gets pain off your chest. It's a powerful thing." Again, Tyson got the sensation of the wave of power washing over him, this one felt more pink and powerful. Shaking his head, Tyson tried to snap out of it.

@JessBeth @Noivern
(Binge gaming grabbed my attention .-.)

"I'm actually playing it..." Ivy called over, a unamused expression gliding into an expression of joy.

"I'm actually better than I remember. It's fun once you get used to stuff like this...Ah, it's pret-"

He was cut off by a Zoroark slamming into his side. Seems Midnight had decided to join in on this class.

"Yo, runt!" She cackled, helping the felled Servine to his feet.

"Glad to see you're actually with other Pokemon instead of just me and Aero over there..." She motioned towards the Noivern in the doorway, his eyes scanning the room intently.

"Hey you two, I told you no flirting around others..." Aero said in a jokingly scolding voice. Midnight set her arm around Aero's shoulder and pulled him into the room.

"Says Wingy to tried to get intimate a few years ago..." She said, rapping her palm on Aero's forehead. Aero's face flushed and he pulled away from Midnight's hooked arm.

"C-Can we not talk about that?" He stammered.
"Viola? Interesting." Tyson noted as he watched some pokemon enter the room. "Ruffians? Great. Just what I wanted to find in this school." Standing up, he looked over to the new students. "Can you please keep it down? Some of use want to pass."

"Hah, we're not students here punk." Midnight spat, a wicked grin forming on her face.

"We're making sure grass-ass here doesn't fuck up and embarrass us. But that's hypocritical regarding to what I just said about Aero here. Eh, who cares. I don't."

Midnight leaned over Ivy and set a red claw on his head.

"So how's it going along? It's good I see you didn't fuck up majorly yet." Midnight lunged at Ivy, her grin contorted into a frown. "YET."

"Okay sheesh sis, I get the incentive."
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Bambi see a Zoroark and a Noivern walk in making such racks of the class as she looked at them, "E-Excuse me....we are in the middle of teaching....so would you mind....please leave the class.....o-or are you a students?" Bambi said to them.


@Ethan Hart
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"Punk? I ask of you to leave without causing a bigger scene. If so, I'll have to remove you by force. You don't want that." Stepping in front the drum kit, Tyson looked at the two. "So, do I have to repeat myself? Leave. Now."

@JessBeth @Noivern
"Oh? Some samaritan this guy is..." Midnight bent over to meet Tyson at eye level and she smirked.

"Listen, kid. I'm staying here. I may be causing a minor disruptance but everyone else is honestly staring at you here. You're the one to make a scene if you decide to try, try to move me. I'm practically grassy's parent here so shut the fuck up and stick a sock in it."

Ivy glanced uneasily at Aero, who begun to step out of the room with a fearful expression.
"Sorry?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "You're adults? Funny, you act like little kids trying to act tough. And a self-centered one at that. You're just ignorant, believing you are the best. So, before you open your mouth, think for once and then tell yourself to shut up, as anything you say will more often then not be useless to everyone in this room. So, I'll tell you one more time...leave."
Bambi start to get worry about this. "Please, you guys.....can we just get along?" Bambi come between them and try to clam them down.


@Ethan Hart
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Midnight growled, turning her back to Tyson.

"Ugh. Just bite the bullet and deal with it. It's not like I'm that bad. In time you may actually grow used to me."

Ivy piped up from the commotion and stuttered, due to the heat of the situation.

"Y-Yeah, I'm s-sure she'll be fine if you just leave her be..."
"I mean...she's not trying to hurt anyone. She's pretty idle once she calms down..." Ivy said, looking up to Midnight, who still had her back turned to Tyson. She scoffed behind her shoulder and slightly turned her head to glare at Ivy.

"Hmph. Is it a bad thing I want to spend time with my younger brother? I mean, c'mon man."
"No, it's not a bad thing to spend time with your siblings. But interrupting is learning and the learning of others? I thought you would want whats best for him. If you want to spend time with him, you'll just have to enroll here. And I'm sure I will eventually come to like you, but as of now, that's not the time." With a sigh, he tried to shake Midnight's hand. "Let's just start from the beginning. I'm Tyson, and who may you be?"

@JessBeth @Noivern
"I'm Midnight." She grunted, reluctantly letting Tyson shake her clawed hand. She turned all the way around fully and stared down at Tyson with her purple eyes before speaking.

"So what is this place? Some kind of band room?"

Ivy piped up, slithering up to meet Midnight face to face.

"Yes! I'm playing a Viola...Ty's gotta drum kit, and Bambi can, er...sing."

Midnight's eyes widened, she jerked her body towards Bambi, a joyful but albeit bewildered smile stretching her lips.

"I was lurking outside this room when I heard some girl sing. And that came from a tiny Deerling? Holy shit kid, you've got some talent. And this guy..."

She said, pointing a red claw at Tyson.

"...He's pretty murder on the drums too. I once tried a drumset and it wasn't even comparable to this guy's work."
"Pleased to meet you Midnight." Tyson nodded as he let go of her clawed hand. He listened in their conversation. "This is our music class. If you join, I'd be more then happy to teach you how to play that beat, Midnight. That is, if you want. I'm not that good after all. You could probably catch up to me in no time."

@JessBeth @Noivern
"Well...Aero's always been pretty good with a keyboard and turntable. He's been teaching me some with his own turntable and some other soundboard crap. He's into synthetic music..."

Midnight looked around the room to try to find an instrument she might want to try out, or one she had tried before.

"Er...I dunno."
Lily had left her classes due to her condition. "W-Why did it have to happen to me..?" She cried in the bathrooms like before. She wouldn't stop again.
Ambre just walked with her as she was skipping" hey do you know where is our class" she asked him as she smiled going in the building

Blossom walked in the bathroom as she heard crying" hey there you okay" she asked worried for the girl it was hard for her to make friends @NightCasterZ
Aghi timidly peaked his head into the music room. He took a moment to mentally prepare himself before taking a step in "I um.... I'm sorry I'm uh probably late... I mean I-I really didn't meant to be late I promise!" He seemed worn out and tired as if he had just been running.
Pikatwo shrugged, pulling the hold down from his costume. "Honestly, I dunno. Maybe we should ask an older student."

Lola sobbed quietly. "I'm fine..." She muttered, clear that something really wasn't. "I wish I didn't look..." She muttered to herself.

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