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Fandom PokeHigh

"Aye, how could I think you're lying? You seem pure-of-heart from what all I know. And if it's a secret I won't tell anyone. Not even Midnight."

He crossed his arms in a triumphant pose over his slim, serpentine chest. He wanted to appear supportive for this nice Deerling who seemed to be lacking in the self-esteem department a little.

"I promise."
Bambi look at him as she can see that he promise himself to not tell no one. "Ok.....I'll tell you......" Bambi look back and forth to see if they are alone and she said to him in the low voice. "My father......is The Great Prince of the Forest....."

The Great Prince is a famous Sawsbuck, that he protected pokemons from humans leaded a heard of Sawsbucks and Deerlings.

"Wow. I've heard stories of that guy. And if that's true...you're..."

Ivy suddenly had the dreaded realization and he promptly gasped, and bowed.

"You're a princess!"
Coming out of the girl's bathroom after finally calming down the mood swings, she saw a Servine bowing to a Deerling. She walked over curiously. "Hey." Lola said simply, sadness still lurking in her voice.
"Shhh!!!!" Bambi slushing him to not to say out loud and then heard another voices and she turn around. "Oh....hello...." she said to Lola.


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"Ah...You remind me of my cousin Shine, who's a Sylveon too, but hello anyways! Err, what's up. It seems like a lot of people are around, heh."

Ivy shook his head and gestured towards Bambi.

"This is my friend Bambi, and I'm Ivy. How's it been?"
"My name's Lola, your friendly neighbourhood Sylveon." She forced a smile on her face. "I've never met a Servine or a Deerling before."
"Welp. Today's your lucky day. We're both were just talking about this book me and Bambi have been reading and we were acting out one of the scenes. Right, Bambi?"

Ivy turned towards Bambi and winked, hoping she got the incentive.
"Um.....I just move around the neighborhood......" Bambi smiles as she is hoping she didn't overhear them talking. "Hm? Oh!! Yes.....we're acting...I'm a Princess...and Ivy is a Knight...."


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"Yes! That's what we were doing..."

Ivy quickly leaned over to Bambi and whispered in her ear.

"I wouldn't be a very good knight, though."
"Er...Oh shit. It seems so. Uh, how about we head to our classes huh? It would suck if we were late on the first day, heh heh..."

Ivy checked himself, laughing nervously. He then sighed and bowed his head in defeat.

"I have no idea what my classes are. I'm not even sure Midnight properly enrolled me...uh. This is awkward."

His cheeks became slightly flushed in nervous embarrassment. In front of his new friends, he failed to do a simple mutual task. How shameful.
Bambi looking at Ivy , all embarrassed and face flushed. She giggle a little at him. "Yes, we sure go to classes..." She take the paper out to headed to the classes. "See ya!!" She say bye to Ivy and Lola and run to the classroom.


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"S-See you later Bambi!" He called out, waving. He then went back to the problem at hand.

"How the bloody hell will I be able to go to class, if I have any at all?"
Bambi is headed to her first class, History! She walk in the classes as she take a sit on the back.
Lola had History and walked in, noticing the Deerling from just before. "Oh hi." She said, taking a seat next to her.
Ambre just nodded" yup I'm new what about you" she say smiling to him as she was happy her ears twitching a bit @NightCasterZ
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Ambre looked at him" come on let's go in together we can be friends if you want what's your name" she asked excited about going to this school
NightCasterZ said:
Lola had History and walked in, noticing the Deerling from just before. "Oh hi." She said, taking a seat next to her.
"Oh hello!" She smiles and she take out her note.
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Ivy decided to follow through the schedule that wasn't his. He'd pretend he was in each of Bambi's classes and then figure the whole class thing after school. Not the brightest plan but it seemed there was no alternative to this. So he followed Bambi from a distance and traced her to some history class.

Great, first class we learn about Pokemon and People who are already dead. Glamorous.

He slunk into the classroom silently and shuffled into the seat behind Bambi, using his scarf to avoid identification.
As Bambi listen to the teacher, she get this feeling that someone watching, as she turn her head back and see a Pokemon wearing a scarf cover his face. "......" She turn back and face front as the teacher call out her name, "Miss Bambi, will you answers this question on the board?"

"Yes...." Bambi speck out clearly and give them a right answers.
Okay, keep your cool. Just act like a normal person.

Ivy glanced through the top of his scarf and settled back into his seat. He slightly grimaced when the seat creaked as he leaned back. He decided he didn't need to hide from Bambi, after all, it was pretty easy to see he was a Servine even with the scarf.

"Heya, Bambi. It's me Ivy." He whispered.

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