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Fandom PokeHigh

"Righhhhhht" The noise that the pins made stopped. "Now. Make SURE he doesn't stretch his wing too much, it'll delay the process of healing."
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"Righhhhhht" The noise that the pins made stopped. "Now. Make SURE he doesn't stretch his wing too much, it'll delay the process of healing."
Aero sat up, slowly moving his bust wing in the cast. "Damn...I'm really sorry for worrying you a bunch Midnight." He apologized. Midnight lifted herself up onto the bed and hugged Aero, refusing to let go.

"Fuck dude, I'm supposed to be sorry. You were trapped under that branch for Arceus knows how long. Man, I'm sorry. You shouldn't be sorry since it was my fault for not getting to you right away." The embraced Pokemon sat in silence for a long while, still holding on to each other.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"Aero, don't stretch your cast too much and it will heal in a week, alright?"
"Sure..." Aero said, wiggling his good wing. Midnight broke free of the hug and sat in sullen silence until she mustered the effort to talk. "Listen Aero, since you can't fly around anymore...do you think we could hang more often? Like you always fly off for errands and all this other crazy stuff. Now that you're incapacitated maybe we'll have more time to spend together?" Midnight smiled pleadingly, clasping Aero's hand in her own. Aero smiled back and responded. "Sure thing Night. What about the groceries?"

"I'll take care of 'em wingy!" Midnight said, propping her head on Aero's shoulder. "Besides, remember that human car we stole a while ago? Turns out we still have it." Aero's expression went blank for a second as he struggled to come to terms with the mention of a human vehicle in their possession.

"No way, the one we took from the soccer mom? Holy crap, instead of walking you could drive that to the store!"

Midnight lightly shoved Aero with her hip and giggled. "Yup! Lucky us we're the only few Pokemon big enough to drive a human car. Speaking of the car, it a Toyota 2000 GT. It's parked behind the house."
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"Can I come with, sorry but... I don't have much free time spent with other pokemon."
"Don't you have school stuff to attend to? If school's over you can come with...but I'm not keen on letting a crazy inventor within the area of our house..." Midnight said, staring at Mr. Z. Aero then added onto Midnight's statement. "Yeah, also I'm not sure you'll like all the crazy antics me and Night can think up of. We may be older but were still kids at heart."
"Hey, I'm not crazy, I used to be part of the serpent squad!" He realized he just let out his secret. "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

(I think the "serpent squad" could be a bunch of snakelike pokemon with a huge criminal record in the human world.)
"Never heard of it." Midnight shrugged, she stood up and helped Aero to his feet. He'd been through a lot after all. "Tag along if you want, Hexs. Me and Aero gonna go test drive that car. It'll be fun since I dunno how to drive. Aero knows how but he's got the broken arm. This'll be a fun experience." She giggled, rubbing her palms together as she schemed.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"Cool, I can be in the back."
"Yeah, hell no you'd be riding shotgun. My navigator will be there. Trust us, following us is your deathwish." Midnight cackled wickedly, following Aero out of the door.
"That's ok with me, I like to get my hands dirty sometimes. Even if it means I could die." He said, slithering behind them.
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TheOnlyCatbug said:
"That's ok with me, I like to get my hands dirty sometimes. Even if it means I could die." He said, slithering behind them.
"You're a hexagon snake. You don't have hands..."


"Here we are! Our house. I wanna just settle down for a while before I go run the car into a tree or something." Midnight opened the door, instantly greeted by Ivy, who had a bathrobe slung over his thin frame. He held a cup of black coffee, bags under his eyes. He looked like he just woke up.

"Mornin'." He coughed, "Just decided to stick home for the rest of the day." Something about him seemed off, like his cheerful mood had been completely replaced by a much more somber, stone-faced emotive.
"Hey Ivy, I came with Midnight to help him destroy his car today!" His tail accidentally slid on Aero's legs. He likes to move it sometimes.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"Hey Ivy, I came with Midnight to help him destroy his car today!" His tail accidentally slid on Aero's legs. He likes to move it sometimes.
Aero stumbled, but quickly regained his balance. Ivy made sure he wasn't going to fall over, then turned towards Mr. Z "Yeah...that's great." He murmured, sluggishly slithering back up the stairs.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"Midnight, what's wrong with him. Sorry Aero."
"Dunno. He got real emotional earlier. Maybe he's just recovering? Anyways just make yourself at home. I'm gonna go lay down for thirty minutes. I'm pooped." Midnight made a quick gesture at the living room before climbing the stairs and walking down the hall into her room. The entrance was a black door, the only black door in the house. A sign upon the black mahogany read, 'Warning, enter without my consent and I beat you Nerd!!'

She cracked open the door to the room, which was a mess. Wardrobe items lay strewn haphazardly about. Her walls bore posters of Pokemon metal bands and a few video games. Much like her appearance, the color scheme for the paint and bed of the room were black, red, and purple.

"Home sweet home." She sleepily laughed, falling face-first into the fluffy dark red quilt on her bed.
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Prof. Z went into the living room feeling tired. 'Well I guess I could take a nap.' He laid down on the floor and began to doze off.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Prof. Z went into the living room feeling tired. 'Well I guess I could take a nap.' He laid down on the floor and began to doze off.
"Looks like everyone but me and Ivy are sleeping. Huh...Guess it'll only be Ivy then." Aero found himself walking up the stairs and down the hall. He paused to listen as he stood before Midnight's door, and lightly pushed it open. It was dark in there. A single beam of sunlight peeking through the black curtains fell upon a sleeping figure on the bed. It was Midnight. Aero carefully zigzagged his way through the minefield of a floor and gripped a pair of metal bars attached to the ceiling in the half end of the room. This is where Aero slept. He thought it was strange sharing a room with a girl, but Ivy called dibs on his own room, so there's no arguing with that. It was also comforting to be in the presence of his lifelong companion. Aero flipped himself over, hooking his legs on the metal bar and wrapping his wings around his body. The pain of his broken wing was barely noticeable now. Just a minor ache. He sighed happily, thinking of when Midnight freed him from the branch and carried him to the school. She was too loyal for someone like him. She was a noble person. Aero admired this attribute of her.
Prof Z's camouflage activates automatically whenever he sleeps, even if it is for a short while, he looked completely invisible.

Aero woke up after about five minutes have passed. He was slightly longing of comfort, and hanging didn't help his sore legs at all. He decided to do something he has only done one time before, sleep next to Midnight. As he slowly and carefully rested himself on the open spot next to Midnight he remembered the time he was in the same position before. It was when the two just started being friends. At the time they were still basic Pokemon. They haven't evolved yet. It was a rainy night under a large willow tree...


"Hey Aero." Midnight called out weakly, her voice hardly a whisper. "Can you come here? I'm cold." The Noibat opened his eyes and jumped down from his upside-down hang and walked over to the Zorua who lay at the base of the tree. She was shivering. "Is there a way you can keep me warm?" She asked, opening one purple eye at Aero. "I dunno Night." He tried to think up of something but he just couldn't come up with anything good. Just as a final effort he laid himself down next to Midnight in the dry leaf bed. He scooted up closer to her body to conserve both of their body heats. Midnight stopped shivering and she nuzzled into Aero's shoulder, a small complacent smile on her sleeping face. "Thank you." She whispered.

Aero's eyelids fluttered open without him telling them to. He felt different. Going to the mirror in the far end of the room he decided to take a good look at himself. Where a Noivern was supposed to be stood a short, small purple bat. The setting started to melt into the scene of a sunlit forest. A large willow tree behind him in the mirror. "Great...another dream sequence." He rolled his eyes.
Prof. Z woke up about 30 minutes later, he looked around and walked into different rooms. 'Nice place you all have here' He went up the stairs and knocked on Midnight's door lightly.
"Something wrong, Aero? You've been staring at that broken mirror for ages." Said a female voice behind him. Aero turned away from the cracking mirror to face the young Midnight. She was just waking up. Aero walked over to her and helped her stand on all four of her feet. "I just feel funny Night. Nothing you have to worry much about." Midnight squinted as she looked at the sun rising over the horizon. The air was still foggy and humid from last night's rain, but everything seemed to be warming up. It was beautiful out here, miles away from human civilization. "Pretty isn't it?" Midnight asked, sitting beside Aero. Aero decided to take a seat as well and he crossed his wings onto his lap. "Very pretty. So Night, I was wondering when will we find another stock of food? We're running a little low." Midnight sighed and pawed at her ear. "I don't know Aero. We'll have to starve again. But..." She scooted closer to Aero and put her front paws in the Noibat's lap. "Staving is worth doing when you're around. You give me hope and strength Aero. You're the world to me." Aero was slightly taken back by these words. He was speechless for a second before responding. "Y-Yeah, I can say the same Night. You're a great friend in these times. It's tough. But you're always there to make me feel ten feet tall." Aero said, smiling at Midnight. Midnight smiled as well, then leaned in to give him a small kiss.
After no response was given by the black door, he knocked on another closed door a bit to the left of the black door. "Hello?"

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