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Fandom PokeHigh

Bambi come in the class as she go sit on the different seat. She say hi to X and she also say hi to Ivy, but he didn't wave back so she go listen to the teacher. Bambi still worry about as she look back at him.

Ivy merely grunted as a greeting, arching his wrist as he drew a natural curve on what seemed to be a lavender blossom. He was concentrating hard, his pointed nose almost touching the paper as he sketched every little detail of the flower.

It was almost the end of the class period and Mr Del said they had free time. X put earbuds in his ears. The music could be heard faintly enough for anyone to hear. He liked his music loud whenever he really loved a song.


TheOnlyCatbug said:
It was almost the end of the class period and Mr Del said they had free time. X put earbuds in his ears. The music could be heard faintly enough for anyone to hear. He liked his music loud whenever he really loved a song.

(Bruh, Megalovania is a beast boss theme)

Ivy turned his head a little when an odd tune played quietly from the other end of the room. He shrugged and finished his sketch, backing up and staring at the purple blossom in accomplishment.
(Thank you I've been obsessed with Undertale for a while now.)

X looked at the drawing Ivy drew, bobbing his head up and down, left to right, and in all directions to the beat to the music. He stared at it for a while.
Bambi heart beat when X saying hi to her. "Oh...um...hi...." Bambi look away, smiling as she is blushing.
He chuckled. "I know you like me, the signs were obvious. Don't be so shy, you're cool!" He poked her with a hoof then walked away to his next class, Mrs. G, which Ivy should also be going to with him. 'Wait, where's Midnight or Aero' he thought.
"Aw crap." Midnight whined, digging through the glove compartment. She stopped and opened the sun blocker on the ceiling of the car. Assorted papers and sheets fell from the blocker and tumbled onto her lap.

"Aero, I can't find the damn manuel."

"What should we do? Is it broken?" He murmered as he inspected the moving windsheild wipers. "Will it blow up?!"
"Eh..." Ivy shrugged, hefting his pack onto his arm and sliding it onto his back. "Well...I guess I'll have to spit it out then. No point in not telling you."

He set his bag down and leaned against a nearby wall, and began to talk. "So ya know what you said yesterday? About you liking X? Turns out...I secretly had it out for you." His face burnt up a little but returned to it's pale hue. "So I admit I was kinda bummed when you said that. So I took some time to think at home and I have come up with a solution." He bent his back a little and set his hand on Bambu's forehead. "Listen...if you like that guy I'm not gonna stop you. After all it is your choice and not mine. It'll make you happy. And what I always wanted was you to be happy. If you've made that choice, fine by me. Still, I'm slightly bummed, but I won't let it weigh my shoulders." He stood straighter and curled his tail, wrappinghis arms around Bambi, smiling. "You're a good person and I'd hate to ruin your dreams, so if you've made that choice I won't try to dampen it. After all you are my first ever friend. How could I do that to ya?"

Bambi listen to Ivy and she is surprised that Ivy have like her more then friends. But she keep listen of Ivy and he decide to have her ways to like whoever she like and he'll still be her best friend. Bambi suddenly have tears in her ears as she can't help but knock him off and hug him.

"X, where's Ivy? I'm not allowing him to be late again."

"I'm pretty sure he'll show up soon, it's like, what, 1 minute until class starts."

They sat down just waiting for the other student to show up, Mrs G will love to meet Ivy after what X told her about him.

Ivy was slightly surprised, but his smile stretched wider and he accepted Bambi's embrace.

"Aww. That's the spirit. Just don't get attracted to some shady Dark or Ghost

type and you'll be okay!"
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Bambi giggle as she back off. "Ivy, you are such a cool guy...." Then she look at the time. "Aren't you going to go somewhere with X?"

An announcement comes on with a familiar voice.

"1 minute seconds until classes start! We cannot make any more late students!"
"Oh crap, I forgo- Eh? When the hell did that get there?!" He said, shocked as a ringing noise came from inside his backpack. He dug through the pack until he uncovered the source of the ringing, a old 2004 flip phone. Reluctantly, he gathered the common sense that green meant answer (And by the prompt on the screen as well).

"'Ello?" He said. Through the line came a loud cacophony of panicked yelling.

"Ivy! Glad to see you revived the human phone we stole! Uh...The car's got this weird stuff going on and it might blow up!"

"Th-There's these things on the front windscreen that are moving an-and we...Oh...nevermind. Disaster averted. I pressed random buttons until it stopped. Sorry. I panicked."

Ivy closed the phone, a confused look sweeping across his face.

"Eh? What the...??"
Bambi say goodbye as soon as she hear the announcement, "Oh, I gotta go, see you later, Ivy!!!" She run away to get to her next classes.

"Bye...eh." Ivy stuffed the bent-up phone back into his slim backpack and slunk down the hall at a lazy pace. He was a bit drained of his energy from all of the emotional stuff, so his body couldn't really keep up with his brain. Out of nowhere, Yveltal swooped into the open double-doors of the main hall and rested his wings with a loud 'thump'. Ivy backed up but soon calmed his nerves. "Heya Y. What're ya doing here?" He asked, prodding the legendary's wing with a single vine. Yveltal softly chuckled and replied in his thunderous voice. "I have decided to come inside. Unfortunatly I won't be able to go into any classes since my body wouldn't fit through the door. But I can take strolls around the halls. It's actually roomier than expected."

Ivy slipped past the massive legendary Pokemon and waved a farewell.

"Don't break anything, Y." He giggled.
Right now, Bambi is having P.E Classes and she is doing the running. Bambi like to run since she did do some training with her father.

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