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Fandom PokeHigh

Ivy decided to wander aimlessly around the halls in utter boredom. More than once, he encountered Y but they didn't talk. It wasn't until that Ivy sat down to text on his phone that the mysterious Pokemon appeared. It sat down next to him and shuffled a few papers in it's hands. Ivy glanced to his left at the shady character and froze. The figure was tall, and had some kind of hat and collar to cover their face. It wore a human trenchcoat, fedora, and black baggy pants. It looked almost human save for the large tuft of red hair peeking out from under their hat.

"Eh? Midnight...? Is that you sis?" The figure seemed to recognize the name and started frantically gathering themselves. It stood and started walking but it their shoe slipped on a scrap of paper and they fell. The hat fell off to reveal a face of someone who looked a lot like Midnight.

"Aye sis! Why're you wearin-"

"I'm not Midnight dumbass, I'm her brother Shade. But don't tell her I'm here. I've been lingering in the human world for a while. If she ever asks, just tell her it was Watari."

Shade walked away. Leaving a dumbstruck Ivy in the dust.

Bambi is start running on the miles tracks. She easy going fast as she like to getting good.

Suddenly, a flash of dust cloud appeared and knocked Bambi out of the way.

"Kyaa!!!" Bambi got knocked out and got hit on the wall.
Shade turned to look down the hall. A menacingly big Pokemon lay blocking the path. Before the legendary could notice, Shade dove into a nearby bathroom and slammed one of the stalls closed. Breathing a sigh of relief he sat down on the toilet lid and rested. He looked up at the sign in the bathroom and he started sweating.

It was the female bathroom.
Bambi get a break as she slowly walk to the female bathroom, open the door as she go to the sinks. "Ow.....so mean....that was not nice to push me out of the tracks...."
Shade started to panic. Various bits of clothing falling from his thin frame as he spun his head around to survey his surroundings. But he got a stroke of genius and he came up with a plan. He bundled up all of the clothes and stuffed them behind the toilet. "I can pretend to be Midnight..." He murmured.
Bambi hear something as she turn on the sinks. She feel like some bruises on her legs and hope P.E is over so she can go home.
Shade quickly sat down and waited for whoever was in the room with him to leave. He listened, trying to gauge if they heard him shuffling around or not.
"I have to hide my bruises from Ivy,,,,,I get the feeling that he won't like it to see me in bruises...." She said his name as she slowly walk out of the bathroom and go talk to the gym teachers.
Shade heaved a sigh or relief. He put his disguise back on and he slipped out of the bathroom undetected. "I don't wanna experience something like that again, holy crap." He chuckled and decided to save this memory as a perversely funny anecdote.
Bambi got permission to go to the nurse office. She slowly walk to the hallway as she humming, not knowing that Ivy is around the hallways. She made it to the nurse office and then later on, exit out.

Alone in the hallways, Bambi then get encounter by unexpected pokemons.

"Wel hello there, Bambi..." said the brown Deerling.

"Nice to see you again, weakly Bambi....' said the orange Deerling.

"H-Hi Bambi...." said the green Deerling.

"Shut it, Gobo...." she said.

"Oh no.....you guys....." Bambi fear that her worst nightmare appears.
X was given permission to walk out of classes for being a good participant. The bell was almost going to ring so it was ok with Mrs. G. He walked passing some of the people he knew, then stopped where Ivy was. "You were let out early too? Cool, go us!" He was still trying to get a bit of purple stuff off the tip of his antler, but no matter how much he shook, it wouldn't come off.

Ivy blinked, slithering away quietly as he tried to think about what just transpired. How could Midnight have a brother? Impossible! His head was spinning at this point as he tried to tell Shade and Midnight apart. They were practically twins.

(OOps. Forgot.)

"Agh...damn. I'm over-thinking it."

Ivy left the school without a sound, the bitter internal conflict still raging on inside his head.
"R-Ronno.....Faline....Gobo.....w-what are you guys doing here?' Bambi looked scared as she see them, together.

"Our mother wanna us to transfer here, since we can be safe and get close to our father...." Ronno said as he take a hooves put her down. "I didn't think you will be here, Bambi...."

"F-Father send me here.....he said it will help me get strong...." said Bambi.

"Strong? Ha! Don't make me laugh!! You're nothing but a weak, little princess....or should I say mom less princess...." said Faline.
X walked outside, he had more things to do than wait. He heard Bambi's voice as well as another's... picking on her.

He dashed towards where the voices originated and supposed that whoever wasn't Bambi was an enemy. He was ready to impale one of the other ones, moving his head down and charging fast.

Gobo hear something as he see a pokemon come charging them. "You guys, run!!!" He said as he run off.

"Huh?" Ronno see it as he back away and run. "Let get out of here!!!"

"Oh~I see a gorgeous pokemon, coming here~' Faline sime as she see X.

"Wake up!! He coming to hurt us, let's go!!!" Ronno push Faline as they run away from Bambi as she lay on the ground.
Bambi nodded yes as she take his arm and help her get up. She wipe her tear as she looked at him, "T-Thank you for saving me...."

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