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Fandom PokeHigh

TheOnlyCatbug said:
"Who are you? You look a little old to be here." Professor Z spoke curiously.
"I'm fine. I'm just wondering where the two knuckleheads ran off to." Midnight responded. She gazed down at her desktop and tapped the wooden slab rhythmically in boredom.
"They left..." Bambi said. 'Ivy and Aero left school....I don't know why...but Ivy is look a bit upset....I wanna know why but he just leave....."

(gtg bye)
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"Yes, but how old are you? You look a bit older than the rest of the students. And X is 16 for pete sake"
"Hah! I knew he wasn't the oldest. Ivy's seventeen. Beat that, antler boy." Midnight sneered, a smug grin contorting her already-mischievous smile.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"As you can see, I have no arms. I need a helper and you are my best canidate...despite your rudeness"
"Go on, Hexs." She said, bending her abdomen forward as she prepared to hear what this funny-looking hexagon serpent had to say.
"Well, you have arms, and you don't go to classes. You could be a great assistant. I can even let you play with a few toys I invented."
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"Well, you have arms, and you don't go to classes. You could be a great assistant. I can even let you play with a few toys I invented."
"Eh...I'm pretty content with having free time on my hands. Regardless, you'd hate to have me around." She smirked cocky, walking in circles around Mr. Z. "I'm a mean person. And I bet you'd become annoyed to me constantly calling you by that pet name 'Hexagons'..." She purred, caressing the forehead of the Zygarde.
"I'll get used to your remarks in time. I actually like 'Hexagons' now that I think about it. What are you doing?" He shook his head to get her arm off.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"I'll get used to your remarks in time. I actually like 'Hexagons' now that I think about it. What are you doing?" He shook his head to get her arm off.
"Pfft. Just forget about it. I'm not interested in helping at all. Get one of your ass-kissing goodie-two-shoes straight-A students to help. Theres such thing as T.As y'know." Midnight huffed. She didn't really like this weird legendary Pokemon requesting her to help with something she didn't even know or care about. "Anyways, I'm off to go see where the guys went. See ya 'round slithers." She stepped out of class, hoping her little intrusion at least displaced the Zygarde's morally correct demeanor.
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-A Little later-

Aero struggled to get up, his torso and wings pinned down from the heavy branch he was originally hanging from. Ivy didn't hear his struggles, since he was sleeping. So all Aero could do was toss his body around to no avail. Midnight approached Aero from out of the blue with a shocked look. Panic and paranoia overwhelmed her head as she tried to lift the branch off of Aero's body. "Shit dude. I dunno. I think we're gonna need a jack or something." She was visibly frantic, the first time she was scared in years. Aero yelped as the branch dug into a tender spot in his shoulder. "Fuck! Midnight, I think I broke my wing...Help!"

"I'm trying Aero! I can't lift it! Dude, we need help! Come on..."

"No, No Midnight you're lifting it the wrong- Agh!" Aero yelped once more. He felt like something in his wing was displaced. Like something that shouldn't move freely was moving freely. With a last burst of adrenaline Midnight shoved the trunk off of Aero. Aero could finally breathe deeply again. He inhaled sharply and exhaled, trying to get up. He grimaced and fell back down. Midnight came to his aid and lifted him onto her back.

"Thank you Midnight. I th-thought I was gonna die!"

"Come on bat, where's the hospital? We need to get you somewhere safer..."

"The nurse is the only place I know where I can get help."

"Fuck it, it's the best lead we got. Lets hustle!" Midnight hefted the skinny Noivern up higher between her shoulderblades and ran down the street to the school
"Aero's been hurt! His wing is broken!" Midnight set Aero down on the bed and looked at his left wing. Everything looked normal except a strange red inflamed patch of skin on the wing's main limb. This lead her to believe it was a fracture. "It's a bone fracture. We need some kind of cast or something..."
"What the fuck is that thing?!" Midnight yelled, pointing an accusatory claw at the strange device Mr. Z held.

"Tell me you're not gonna shove that thing up his ass or inject him with some crazy liquid..."
"That won't be necessary Midnight." He grabbed 2 small pins and put one on Aero's shoulder and one on his finger. A green hexagonal area formed where his wing broke.

(Yes, this is cell heal, but in a device instead of a move.)
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"That won't be necessary Midnight." He grabbed 2 small pins and put one on Aero's shoulder and one on his finger. A green hexagonal area formed where his wing broke.
(Yes, this is cell heal, but in a device instead of a move.)
"Wait what the hell is it doing?" She stepped forward and gazed upon the area with terror and interest. Aero began grunting aggressively in pain as he felt the fibers in his wing start to reform.
"In a few moments it will form a cast that heals the wing faster than any normal cast. After it is formed, it will take a week for it to form into the tissue that was damaged, as long as he doesn't do anything too rash with it."
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"In a few moments it will form a cast that heals the wing faster than any normal cast. After it is formed, it will take a week for it to form into the tissue that was damaged, as long as he doesn't do anything too rash with it."
"Well damn. You're pretty cool...for a science teacher." Midnight leaned over Aero as she saw the cast form around his wing. She was biting on her lip in anticipation.
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"I'm also an inventor, this device was made using my cells and a few coding materials and some metal, I have other cool inventions, too."
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"I'm also an inventor, this device was made using my cells and a few coding materials and some metal, I have other cool inventions, too."
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Mr. frickin genius right here. When with the damn thing finish?" Midnight seemed a bit impatient,

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