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Fandom PokeHigh

Ivy's arms slightly twitched as he heard Bambi sing. If she was doing this just for him, it was quite a noble thing. He couldn't help but smile and he lifted his head more. It made him feel a little better. After she was done Ivy softly applauded at Bambi's awe-inspiring lyrical talent.
JessBeth said:
Bambi got in applauded from other students, but seeing her best friend Ivy smiles, make her smiles too as she bow down.

"Girl's got some talent, huh?" Midnight asked, seemingly appearing out of thin air in the seat left of Ivy. Ivy jumped a little at Midnight's unconfirmed entrance but settled down.

"Jeez sis, you scared me. You're like a ninja." Ivy sighed. Midnight put a claw on Ivy shoulder and pulled him into her chest in a tight hug. "I know, Grassy. Sorry to get you so down in the dumps man. It's just I got a little emotional as well. Those times back in the wilderness were scary, dude. That kinda stuff haunts you at night." Ivy looked down at his lap, remembering his own experience in the forest alone for those grueling ten months. "Yeah...I know how it feels."
JessBeth said:
Bambi walked back to her seat as she see Midnight talking to Ivy. "Um....Midnight....I'm...um....sorry about what happen to you.....in the past....."

"Hey kid. Don't feel sorry for me. I'm tough. You should feel sorry for snake over here...I think he has to explain his past." Midnight said, gesturing towards Ivy. Ivy swallowed a lump in his throat and began explaining what plagued him him. "Well...I was born in a family of a mother and two siblings. My mom was already the Pokemon of a sixteen year-old trainer named Elizabeth. So in turn that made me and my siblings her Pokemon as well. WE weren't treated like crap but we weren't treated like priority. Our trainer was forgetful and she'd go days on end without feeding us. I had to get used to starving at a young age. Then, two years ago, my older brother Tangle got an idea that one of us could escape. They chose me as candidate since I was the youngest. So while our trainer was sleeping Tangle freed me from my ball and pushed me out the window. He could've followed but our trainer would notice two or even three of us missing. So we said our goodbyes and..." Ivy gulped, his eyelids threatening to explode with tears at any moment. "I walked off. Then it was almost an entire year in the uncharted forest. It was cold during the winter. But then on the day that marked a new year I found this little town. It was like Arceus was watching over me the whole time, and he led me to this place. I'm just sad because..." Ivy got up from his desk and walked over to Bambi, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "I just miss my family." He sniffed.
Bambi looked at Ivy as he is going to tell her a sad story. The story of his past is way too said as she feel the pain in her heart and then when Ivy come to her for comfort and hear him hold on the cry. 'Oh Ivy....don't hold it in....let it out...." She said to him with her gentle tone."I'm here...."

Ivy wept softly. The first time in years he had let out his real feelings about his old life. He clutched Bambi tight as he cried. Despite his overwhelming sadness he was smiling. He was glad he could finally get some closure on this. He didn't try to hold back the tears. It was pointless. Midnight sat and watched silently, glad Ivy could free his pent-up emotions at last. Eventually his crying died down to a few quiet whimpers. He spoke again in a much less timid, bold tone. "Thank you Bambi. I never had the chance to express myself like this. I-I was always scared at what other people could think. But you're the best friend anybody could have. Y-You're sweet and caring and you don't discriminate even the most pitiful creatures like me."
Bambi let him cry over her shoulder as she stay quiet until he finally let go and dried up his tears. "Heh, You said yourself, what are friends for...You are the first true friend that I ever had...." She come close to to whispered. "And, the only one who know about my secret..." she moved back as she smiles sweetly.
JessBeth said:
Bambi let him cry over her shoulder as she stay quiet until he finally let go and dried up his tears. "Heh, You said yourself, what are friends for...You are the first true friend that I ever had...." She come close to to whispered. "And, the only one who know about my secret..." she moved back as she smiles sweetly.
"Again thank you. I don't know what I could do without you." Ivy said. He sat back down as he wiped the residual tears from his cheeks. Midnight settled in her seat with a long arm around Ivy's back to give him some extra comfort. "I'm proud of ya grassy. I know it's hard with all that emotional luggage but I'm happy you've found someone who cares a lot about you." She said, leaning to cast a glance at Bambi across Ivy's desk.
JessBeth said:
"Hm? U-Um, what is it, Midnight?" Bambi looked at her.
"Oh nothin'." Midnight said, her expression becoming a bit more sly-looking. She softly chuckled as she sat straight again. Ivy cast a sideways stare at Midnight, slightly puzzled. "Hey Sis, what's so funny?" Midnight only replied with a wicked grin and she shook her head. "You'll see, Snake." She quietly giggled.
Then, the bell rings, meaning break time, Bambi is called from the Music Teacher, "You go ahead you guys..." Bambi go to the Teacher.
JessBeth said:
Then, the bell rings, meaning break time, Bambi is called from the Music Teacher, "You go ahead you guys..." Bambi go to the Teacher.
"Okay. See ya 'round Bambi. Can't thank you enough!" Ivy slithered out into the hall with Midnight following his trail. "Grassy, talk to me after school. I wanna have a little chat." Midnight said, her grin never fading as she peeled off into a different hallway, vanishing from view.
Bambi smiles as she exited out the music classroom later on. She humming happily as she take out her notebook, drawing a heart shape love.
Ivy checked the time to see what class he had next.

"What class did Bambi go to after music? Shit, I forgot..." Ivy made a U-turn and slithered back down the hall to ask Bambi about her schedule since he didn't have an official one yet.
Bambi is doing some heart-shaped scribbling as she making a love note on her notebook, didn't see Ivy there behind her.
JessBeth said:
Bambi is doing some heart-shaped scribbling as she making a love note on her notebook, didn't see Ivy there behind her.
"Hey Bambi, which class do you have nex-" Ivy paused when he saw the doodles in Bambi's notebook. He cleared his throat and slithered closer. "Hey, what're you drawing?"
"Kya!! I-Ivy!!" Bambi close the notebook and hide it behind her. "N-Nothing, I wasn't doing anything...." Bambi looked away a little blushing. Seeing her blushing face, acting nervous and can see a sweat on her face.
"Huh...what did you write? You're being awfully defensive." Ivy speculated, leaning around Bambi to try to catch a glimpse of what she held.
"I said it was nothing....just drawing a picture...." Bambi try to back away. Behind a notebook, showing all the heart-shaped and said love. That mean she is in love with someone....but who?
JessBeth said:
"I said it was nothing....just drawing a picture...." Bambi try to back away. Behind a notebook, showing all the heart-shaped and said love. That mean she is in love with someone....but who?
"Eh?" Ivy grunted, bending sideways to look at the notebook's pages.

"Bambi, is somethin' going on I don't know about?" He asked with a slightly worried tone.
"T-There is nothing to know...its private..." Bambi put her notebook back in her bag and close it. "Ok, what is it that you wanna tell me?" She wanna change the subject.
"Uh...Okay. Well, what class do you have next? I have no bloody clue." Ivy explained, shrugging his shoulders in utter defeat.
"Um, next is Professor Z,...." Bambi look at the time and see that they still have time for lunch, "Lets eat lunches...." Bambi said as she walk to the cafeteria and pick out some grass, berries and clovers.
Ivy didn't feel hungry. After all, his digestion method is strange at best. He decided to take a seat next to Bambi as she ate. "Er...so what was that thing in your journal? If it's private I won't tell anyone aight? I haven't told anyone about your rank so you can trust me with...whatever that was. I'm just curious."

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