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Fandom PokeHigh

Bambi got scared as she turn and see who is calling her. Its is X. She feel like she is nt ready to talk to him as her heart start to beating fast, "Um....um...." Still so shy to speak, she quickly walk away.
Bambi walk in the hallway as she notice that he is follow her. Why is he following me? I'm not ready to talk to him...She start to turn right and hide in the girls bathroom.
Bambi waited for a 5 minute as she take a peek as see if he was there. "Good, he's gone..." She exit out and headed to the locker, put her stuff away and take out her note, close it and quickly go the her classroom. She take a seat as she is waiting her friend Ivy.
X checked her schedule. Mr Del was first. Mrs G was 2nd. Lunch, then Professor Z. He went to class. He sat 2 desks right of Bambi.
Bambi humming as she scribble on her notebook of X name with a hearts. Then she see X as she can't believe it as she close the notebook and look away, pretend to not notice him to come in as humming.
"Class, today we have a new student, what's your name sir?"

X, my name is X"

And it seems that you are "shiny", ooh boy. Bambi, do you know what a "shiny" pokemon is?"
Bambi look at the teacher as he is calling her for an answers. "Um....its is a pokemon with different color and with sparkling shine.....'
"Heya, Bambi!" Ivy cheered, sliding into the seat next to Bambi with swift precision. He unpacked his bag and dropped the empty sack on the floor. Midnight sat on the other side of Bambi opposite of Ivy and began to lean back in a lounging position.

"Hey kid." Midnight said, putting a claw on Bambi's head in a sort of soft noggie.

"Glad to see you here. I kinda admit it was cute to see you sleep with Ivy like that." Midnight giggled. Ivy's face slightly flushed and he whipped a glare towards Midnight's way. He quickly refocused himself and cleared his throat. "Anyways, sorry to worry ya a bunch. It's just that I shouldn't have been walking around like an idiot. I was oblivious to the fact I still had the head gash."
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TheOnlyCatbug said:
"What happened to your head?" He asked the servine.
"Well y'see..." Ivy began, raising a hand to speak. "Bambi ran off when she remembered some bad stuff about her past. Then I went after her and this huge pack of Mightyenas converged on her and was about to rip her to shreds. I blocked their attack and got hurt in the process. Bambi then carried me back to the school. Believe it or not Mightyena's were blocking our path. Then Bambi's dad came outta the blue and chased the bastards off. Me and Bambi had short exchange back at the nurse office and we went to class. Then I decided to pass out, resulting in another trip to the nurse. It's been quite the rollercoaster these past few weeks."

A few other Pokemon in a row above Ivy regarded his heroic story with looks of awe. Midnight clapped a little in approval and smiled.
" !!! Ivy....Midnight....good morning....." She said as Midnight give her a little nogging, messing her flower head a little. "I...I..." She suddenly blushes as she remember thats she take a nap with Ivy. "I didn't mean to...." Bambi looked down blushing, hoping that X didn't hear that. But Ivy say those story of what happen, making Bambi feeling more embarrassed.


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"Ivy. Here's my sister Midnight..." Ivy said, gesturing towards the Zoroark.

"Yo. Whaddap, Antler boy."

"And wait for it..." Ivy said, holding a finger up. As if on cue Aero swooped into the room, carrying an air wave of momentum with him. He nested in the seat beside Ivy and nipped a little at an itchy patch of skin on his left wing. "There's Aero." Ivy grinned, Aero lifting his head to cast a friendly glace at X.

"'Ello. Wait...do you know Yveltal?"
"My equal, I think we can set aside our differences and be good friends. You know what they say. Opposites attract. Nice to meet you Ivy, you too Aero. And Midnight, eh, he's cool. I just noticed I'm the second oldest person here, other than the zoroark."
TheOnlyCatbug said:
(Is Yveltal a boy or girl?)
(My Y is male)

Ivy glanced around the classroom in confusion.

"Err...where's Cat? Isn't she supposed to be here?" Ivy asked absent-mindedly. Midnight looked at him across Bambi's desk and chuckled.

"I don't think you need to worry about psycho plushie girl." Midnight smirked. Ivy turned his head down at his desktop. "Oh yeah. I guess you're right."
"Skitty takes special classes due to him already being homeschooled before. And Midnight, I'll kick you out of here if you keep making fun of people here."
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"Skitty takes special classes due to him already being homeschooled before. And Midnight, I'll kick you out of here if you keep making fun of people here."
Midnight's wicked expression seemed to become more extreme. Her smirk cracking wider at the Delphox's remark. Telling Midnight to stop was about as useful as telling the earth to stop spinning, it was practically impossible. And she loved being a renegade.

"Yeah. Like that's gonna do any good." She scoffed.

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