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Fandom PokeHigh

(Jesus, you created a pokemon dickhead, I thought this wasn't possible without shroomish, anyone got a skype by any chance?)

"One more and you're out. I don't even know why you're here, you must've graduated years ago!"
TheOnlyCatbug said:
(Jesus, you created a pokemon dickhead, I thought this wasn't possible without shroomish, anyone got a skype by any chance?)
"One more and you're out. I don't even know why you're here, you must've graduated years ago!"
"Nope. Never had an education. Your pampered little behinds don't know what

I've been through.
" Midnight stood, walking towards Mr. Del with a sinisterly dark expression on her ashen face. "Eighteen long fucking years running amok and trying to avoid the humans. Do you even know what those bastards are like? They capture us in little metal balls and force us to dance to the whims of their amusement. They make us fight each other for sport and competition. What does it benefit us? Fucking dirt nothing. You better be glad you got a fancy one-way ticket to this place cos' I dragged my half dead carcass here. Along with my best friend Aero. He'll tell you that time we had to kill the crazed Blaziken that went schitzo thinking about the humans capturing our group. Poor bastard, we had to put the bird down with a rusty railroad spike." A wave of shocked gasps rung through some of the students who sat down.

"So be happy you didn't have to suffer, Firefox. Cause' we had to go through hell back then." She loomed over the Delphox, her longer-than usual hair drifting off her shoulders and cascading onto Mr. Del's. She spun around on her heel and trudged back into her seat, a cocky smile placed upon her lips.
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X is absolutely disgusted, he thought humans were bad, but not THAT bad.

Mr. Del had a blank expression on his face, trying to take in word by word of it. Almost every pokemon has a story, but he never heard one of this magnitude. He sat down and just waited, thinking. The bell rung. X grabbed the extra pokedex.

"Time for 2nd period, who do you guys have? I have Mrs G." X said.
(You have your own classes, you can do that. G never got approved but Night said all characters were accepts, soooooo... But I do need another person with X to go with. Also, I kinda made skitty go, he seemed too much of an annoyance more than a friend.)
Ivy stepped out of his seat, his jaw gaping open. Never had Midnight said her life's story. Not even to Ivy. He joined Midnight's side as she walked out of the room. He struggled to speak, but he managed to utter a few words. "Sis, I'm really sorry about that. I-I never knew..."

"Don't feel sorry kid. We all have our burdens to carry." Midnight said, turning around to talk to Ivy. Midnight's face didn't have its perky smile anymore. Her face was dark and cloudy, masking a much more depressed demeanor inside. "Especially you." She stated cryptically, lightly tugging on Ivy's pink scarf. Midnight then quietly strode away alone. Ivy just stood there as he tried to comprehend what he just experienced.
"Um....listen everyone, I have Music class next, so, see ya later..." Bambi smiles as she walk away to the Music class.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
X was listening. "What do you think he meant by that? Anyway, who do you have for 2nd period class Ivy."
Ivy held the long silk scarf in his hands, caressing the woven fabric lightly like some injured forest animal. He looked upon it with a pained face, like he was trying to hold something back. For a split second he saw the scarf he held covered in his own blood oozing from the deep gashes in his palms. He blinked, coming back to reality. He suddenly broke into a frenzy, whizzing past X and Bambi as he bounded down the hall with reckless abandon. "I-I just need some time to myself..." He called back to the others as he tried to fight back tears that welled in his eyes.
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Bambi made it to her Music Class as she sonde if she is being rude to X. But she can't help it if she is shy around that guy she starting to liked. She don't know what to do as she wanna asked Ivy some advice, "Maybe I'll tell Ivy about it later...."
TheOnlyCatbug said:
'Ok then, he'll be late but give him time.'
(Let's say he also has Mrs. G, eh?)

Ivy jerked left, trailing into an empty science classroom. He slammed the pneumatic door closed and slumped against the wall nearby. He didn't want to think about his family anymore, but yet he was forced to whenever he'd look in the mirror or look down at his scarf. The pink scarf was so special since Ivy's older brother Tangle gave it to him before he left the captivity of his Trainer. It was his most sacred item he ever possessed. And he hated it. The scar was like a curse, a bad omen. It carried his guilt everywhere he went. But, yet, it also contained hope. Hope for the freedom for the rest of his family. Hope for the day he might go back and rescue them. Hope for the day he would accomplish everything he wanted. He couldn't express these mixed emotions properly so he just wept quietly into the soft comforting embrace of his scarf.
Professor Z slithered into his classroom to see a Servine holding a pink scarf "What's wrong Ivy? You don't have my class until 3rd and final period." He went to him trying to support him.
After a brief pause, Ivy stopped crying. He sniffed and straightened his spine. Then, he got up and slowly stooped out of the room. He thought he'd be better off in the presence of a friend. He still didn't know his proper schedule so he just went on the hunch on going to the class he had yesterday, Music. Ivy dragged himself along the hallway as he reached the music room. Quietly he shuffled in and sat down next to Bambi's spot with no greeting or noise at all.
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"X, dear, do you know where Ivy is?"

"No, I saw him last run into hallways with tears in his eyes. Should I go find him?"

"Not now, no. If he doesn't show in 15 minutes, then something could be up."
"Hey, Ivy, I thought you might what to know that...." Bambi stooped when she see something wrong with him. "Ivy? Is something matter?" Bambi looked at him with worried look as the music teacher asked Bambi to come on the stange and show everyone her singing voice. "Oh ok...Ivy, watch me...I hope it will cheer you up...."
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JessBeth said:
"Hey, Ivy, I thought you might what to know that...." Bambi stooped when she see something wrong with him. "Ivy? Is something matter?" Bambi looked at him with worried look as the music teacher asked Bambi to come on the stange and show everyone her singing voice. "Oh ok...Ivy, watch me...I hope it will cheer you up...."
Ivy had his head down in his arms. He didn't know whether to feel good or bad that Bambi was worried for him. He slightly lifted his head from his arms and peeked over them with one eye. If Bambi was indeed going to try to make him feel better he had to at least watch her effort.
About 15 minutes passed. "X, you may look for Ivy now."

Yes ma'am" X looked around the school and every classroom, then he went into the music classroom.

Hey, is Ivy in here? Hello Bambi." He waved and winked.
Bambi see X walked in as she smiles. Then she start singing for the classes and hope it cheer Ivy up.



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