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Fandom PokeHigh

"O-Oh no, I'm not scared....um....I'm just shy....um...I got to go...bye!!!" Bambi quickly leave, having a blushes on her cheek.

(Gtg night)
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There were ribbons everywhere that said "Winner of Master Competition" in pink beautiful lettering. The bed had plush dolls of every pokemon Skitty liked. A servine was at the front. The rest looked like a regular dorm room.
"Oh wow...it looks pretty..." Ivy murmured as he looked around the room. "Pink." He glanced at the bed, where a collection of Pokemon plushies lay. He instantly recognized the Servine plush and he smiled nervously. "Oh? I see you have a stuffed version of me."
"Not just you, silly. I love all servines everywhere. And there's a Deerling, a Zygarde, a Delcatty, and a Zoroark. I love all of them!" She did a face that looks like :3.
"Uh huh..." Ivy replied uneasily. He exchanged bewildered looks with Midnight and he shook his head to refocus himself. "So what else do you have to show me?"
"There are some drawings of where I used to live and a berry scrapbook. You'd be surprised to see how many I've come across." There were many berries most pokemon wouldn't recognize in the book. Only experienced travelers have seen them.
"Huh. This is cool and all, but I'm kinda bored. I also just got up from passing out and the headache I bear is a force to be reckoned with." Ivy said, clutching his temple and wincing in pain.
"Okay. Bye Skitty..." Ivy and Midnight walked out of the door and down the hall. As they reached the main lobby in silence both of them turned towards each other with genuine poker faces to match.

"Dude. What the fuck, she had a plush of you." Midnight said, her face scrunching up a bit.

"I know sis. I didn't know Cat had that kind of stuff."

"Like dude. What the fuck."

"I know, sis."


(Last post, night)
Hitomi was walking around the facility by herself. She was amazed by every little thing she saw, her golden eyes shining as a result. She was looking downwards, keeping her head down, when she bumped unto someone else. She was knocked to the floor as a result. " Sorry...." She said, rubbing the back of her head softly.

( I am Timmy Turner, and yes I signed up and was accepted. )

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Midnight felt her back jerk forward as she felt a hard surface knock into her. She stumbled forward but Ivy helped regain her balance. Midnight staggered, stood up straighter, and turned around to face whoever or whatever bumped into her.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked, helping Ivy get this strange figure to their feet.

"Howdy. Name's Ivy and here's my big sister Midnight. Sorry if you felt like you intruded, it's no problem!" Ivy said, hands held up in a reassuring stance.
She smiled slight, still looking as timid as ever. " Hi...I am Hitomi, and i am alright, I thank you so much for caring. " She said, bowing respectfully.

"Ah, it's no problem Hitomi. It's just that I'm pretty helpf-" He paused as a resounding 'thoom' shook the structure of the building. Soon after Aero flew in the open window a to the right of Midnight and he landed beside Ivy. Aero's entrance was then prompted by a large red creature looking through the open window.

"Hello again Midnight, and Ivy. It is great to see all of you." Yveltal's voice resounded, making the floor rumble a little in its definite bass. "And who do we have here? Another legendary perhaps? Well, greetings to you too Ma'am. I'd shake your hand but I wouldn't be able to fit it through this window."

Before Hitomi could respond. She eeped at the sudden Legendary Yveltal talking ,her frame shaking quite a lot, before having to calm herself down. She then said: " Sort of.. I'm Arceus' daughter. " She said, still looking down.
"Wow, I didn't know the Great Arceus could make offspring. It is a pleasure to meet the spawn of such a powerful being. Best regards." Yveltal said, setting a massive hand on his chest in courtesy. Ivy glanced at Yveltal with a sort of look of uncertainty, but then returned to talking to Hitomi.

"If you need anything me or Sis would be glad on guiding you around, am I right Midnight?" Ivy asked, bumping into Midnight's hip to catch her attention.
" P-p-please don't bow ! I mean...I appreciate of...but I don't like that. And..thank you none the less...both of you.. " She said, bowing as well to them, as a way of saying thanks and out of respect.
"Hey Y, I think you're scaring our friend here." Ivy said, leaning out the window to face the humongous legendary. Yveltal's expression sagged a bit, but soon rebounded to a slightly less noticeable smile. He broke free of the building and flew backward, hanging in midair.

"I understand. I'm sorry about my size, and I would do something about it if I could. But...could we talk later miss?" Yvetlal asked, turning his neck towards Hitomi, his grin slightly pleading.

Hitomi seemed like how she normally was still . " Sure, if that is what you would like. " She said, smiling slightly. If it would help out, it is quite fine to her.
"Affirmative, it would be a treat to talk to the daughter of Arceus." He flew away, his wings beating slowly as he flew over a distant treeline and out of sight. Ivy then broke the small silence that fell upon the group as Yveltal left. "So, I'll show you around." He said, taking Hitomi's forearm to guide her down the hall.

"The building has three floors. If your locker is 1 through 150 it's on the ground floor. If it's 151 through 265 it's on the 2nd floor. And if it's on 266 through 320 it's on the top floor Simple enough? And your core classes are on the same floor of your locker's floor, so you don't need to constantly climb the stairs."

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X woke up a little bit later than the other pokemon. He dashed to the school, hoping he wasn't late. He wasn't late at all, about an hour until classes start. 'Where's that deerling' He asked himself looking around.

Bambi walk in the school, looking so lovely, she is looking around for Ivy, her best friend, Skitty, her other best friend and Aghi. "Hmm? Where did they go?" Bambi wonder as she go to her locker to put away her stuff.

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