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Fandom PokeHigh

"Go ahead and pick one up. Their yours now. I think I may have put an extra one in the slots, oh well. Just leave that one alone."
Ivy slithered to the front of the class and picked up one of the devices. Glancing at it in his hands, a sudden wave of shock and terror ran through him like a earthquake. He saw one of these before, his trainer had one and she used it for purposes Ivy couldn't understand at the time. He shook his head to free his mind from these cloudy thoughts and he nervously crawled back into his seat, his calm expression drooping slightly. Midnight decided to sit on the desk she fell off of. It was better that way.
"I-I feel...lightheaded..." Ivy said. Slowly, he leaned sideways and fell. Midnight was quick to act and she caught Ivy before he hit the floor. Midnight stood up, an unconscious Ivy in her arms, and glanced around the room.

"Shit...He must've passed out from the injury got. He shouldn't be up and walking around after the wound that was dealt to him."
"What happened to him?" He asked. He got some green fruit out of a pocket in his fur. "Give him these, they will help with whatever he sustained. Don't worry I grew them myself." He pet Ivy's head.
The teacher pulled out his stick and touched Ivy's forehead with it. He looked at the purple orb at the end of it. "He will be fine in about 2 hours if you feed him the fruit I gave you."
Midnight took the fruit and motioned for Bambi to follow her. She walked out of the room carrying the Servine like a bundle of clothes. She didn't talk for some time until she saw the nurse office in sight.

"You should be proud. Ivy never really stood up for anyone, much less himself. You're the first Pokemon Ivy has ever tried to protect, I think he likes you."

Midnight pushed the door to the Nurse office open. The Audino stood up from her office chair and looked at Midnight holding Ivy and she sighed.

"Again?" The nurse huffed, placing her hands on her hips. "What happened to him?"

"Ivy passed out from loss of blood. I knew he wasn't well so I decided to lay him down here. After all, you're the nurse." She handed the Audino Ivy, who put Ivy down on the white-sheeted hospital cot in the corner of the room.
(Bambi follow them)

"Excuse me, teacher, I'm going with them, I promise I'll be back...." Bambi bow to him and start folioing Midnight, carrying Ivy to the nurse office again. She is also quiet and don't know what to say to Midnight. "Huh? Of course he like me....we're friends...." said Bambi.


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The bell rings.

Skitty got out of her first class, and passed Ivy and a Zoroark she didn't know. "What happened?" The skitty asked the zoroark.
"Yeah..." Midnight said, sitting down beside Ivy's bed with her head in her hands.

"I'm just surprised he went after you. Like if it was me he'd leave me alone. But why did he run after you? Probably because he didn't want to see you get hurt. That's some grade A loyalty right there. You got yourself the best friend you could ever have in that snake." She smiled, setting a claw lightly on Ivy's forehead. She promptly cursed and looked away from Ivy's bed.

"Damn, I'm making it look like I love the snake. Ugh. I'm gonna go clear my conscience of that thought. Blegh. Take my spot to make sure he has someone if he wakes up..."
"Oh. Ivy got hurt." Midnight said from behind her shoulder to the Skitty. She then proceeded to walk out of the room and into the hall.
"Um...ok...." Bambi watch Midnight leave as she sit close to Ivy. "Ivy.....I don't know if you can hear me.....please be ok....if you are still hurt from....the attack from the forest....I'm so sorry....and Midnight is surprised to see you act loyal to me....you really are a best friend....." Bambi smiles as she nuzzle his cheek.
"Listen kid. I'm Ivy's big sister. He got hurt because he protected Bambi from getting hurt herself. You should be glad, he sacrificed his safety for the greater good." She walked down the hall and took a left turn into the female's bathroom to splash her face with some water, hopefully to clear her head of all the stress she's experienced today.
"The only thing that I'm glad about right now is that you seeked medical attention quick." She stayed around Ivy waiting for her to wake up.
Skitty stayed awake for 2 hours, watching Ivy heal. She ate berries all throughout the wait, wishing Ivy could enjoy some as well.
Ivy sat in a white void, lonely and bored. This wasn't the first time he had seen this void. He had been in it many times before in his dreams. But now it felt vivid. Real, almost even.

"Knocked out again huh?" A blue Servine said walking towards him with a purple scarf on her neck.

"You really need to stop being a hero Ivy. It's getting too much."

Ivy looked up at the other Servine with a lazy smile and he replied,

"Hey Alice. Funny seeing you here. Which is a lie. I see you every time in this dream."

Alice tilted her head and crossed her arms. A sign of attitude.

"You know what? How about you wake up?"

"I don't wanna do that Sis. I'm pooped for today. Lemme rest."

"Bullshit." Alice teased, a mischievous smirk tugging at her lips, "Wake up sleepyhead!" She then took a vine and slapped Ivy's cheek. And thus, somehow, made him wake up. His eyelids bolted open and he lay still for a few seconds before coming aware of his surroundings.

"Uh, Bambi...?" He murmured, his face turning a light pink hue. "Heya Bambi. Can you get off me?"
Bambi is asleep while waiting for Ivy to b wake up, until she hear a voice and she slowly wake up, "....Ivy..." She look at him with her sleepy eyes as she notice that he is pink face as she look down. "Oh, I'm sorry...." she jump off.
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"Uh...No thanks Cat. Erm..." Ivy tossed his body over and he sat up in the bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Bambi, why were you on me while I slept? It's not that it's bad or anything. But it's just...weird."

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