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Fandom PokeHigh

Tyson couldn't react in the fight. He wanted to, yet couldn't. He felt himself losing energy. As if it was flowing out of him. But, as Yui and Pyka left, it stopped. "Great timing..." He mumbled to himself before following the two. "Sorry, I was...anyway? Are you two dating now or something?" Sitting down, Tyson sighed and closed his eyes. What was going on?

@TheAnimeRabbit @Pyka the Pikachu
"Jeez...you lied didn't you?" With a sigh, he stood up. "Just stay here before it gets weirder for her." Tyson rushed off after Yui. "Hey, Yui? You okay?" He cried after her.

Pyka blinks as he sighs as he sits on the roof by himself as he mumbles "It was only a joke Yui...you didn't had to run away like that..."
Morcia stared at the Pokemon school in front of her, showing no emotion on her face as she stared. Finally, she entered the gates and regarded the biggest secret in the Pokemon world. She entered and froze as she saw what looked like a Lucario, who was supposed to be as defined as her species, falling onto the ground after tripping over roots. She simply stared in confusion, although her face was a mask.

@Ethan Hart
She walked back to the school holding her folder trying to slip to class without being seen
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(Kinda at a standstill @JessBeth .-.)

Yveltal descended upon the school in an almost graceful swoop, winged arms stretched to their fullest length, giving Yveltal the silhouette somewhat of a phoenix. He landed in the courtyard where a Greninja stand, silent but weary. Yveltlal wanted to make his presence friendly and not-so-menacing so he lowered his wings onto the ground to create a smaller image of himself.

"Greetings, fellow creation." His gentle voice boomed, "It is nice to see others like me in these times of loneliness."

Morcia turned to regard the new Pokemon, tilting her head in greeting. "Good evening, Yveltal." Her silky voice murmured, and she straightened once again. "May I ask why you have chosen to attend this academy?"

"I just like to see the younger Pokemon walk around and mingle...I just like socialization. It's such a bore with no one around upn at the cavern. So I come here from time to time to make friends and talk to Pokemon." Yveltal tried to execute a noticeable smile, but all he could do was a small grin.

"Like you for example. It's fun talking to you, so be glad knowing you just made my day."
The Greninja did her best not to laugh out loud, but her eyes did glimmer with a hint of her amusement. A Greninja making someone's day? Not too often did that happen, there was a reason the word ninja was part of their name. "For that I am glad." Her eyes trailed back to the grounds of the school, observing what had happened. "Although I would like to inquire as to how a trainer has not caught you yet, due to your size and rarity."

"Years of tedious evasion and hiding. It was a terrible time in the human domain. But now I'm past all that and I'm here, with you and everyone else." He said, his grin slightly becoming more definite. Yveltal had the demeanor of a gentle giant. Sure he was large and menacing but he acted like a normal Pokemon.
She chuckled, placing her foot on the ground. "Certainly extremely impressive for all the years you have no doubt lived. My name is Morcia, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"Hello Morcia..." He said, rolling the name over his tongue like it was a new foreign word. "So, you're attending this school it seems? Very we-" Yveltal was cut off by a uproaring cheer. He turned his head to spot Aero, who was running towards Yveltal with a large smile.

"Hey Y!" Aero said, hugging one of Yveltal's massive wings. "Good to see you again! You barely come down from that cave at all!"
Morcia regarded the two in veiled surprise, watching this new Pokemon practically Yveltal. "I assume you know each other?"
"Yes. Me and Aero are friends. We met a few months ago. I've also met his friend Midnight. Though Midnight is a little..." Aero cut Yveltal off, jumping in front of him with his arms crossed.

"Midnight is kinda a wild card. But she's loads of fun once you get to know her."
Noivern said:
Midnight was running like a machine. Her legs pumping like pistons and her lungs on fire. She'd never ran faster in her entire life. And if she ran it usually wasn't for Ivy, either. She broke through the treeline and ran towards the school. But something stopped her. Just across the field a conflict was going on. It seemed to be those Mightyena grunts again, but this time with...A Sawsbuck and that Deerling? She couldn't believe her eyes. This was unreal.
The Great Prince looked at Bambi. "Bambi, why are you out of the field and not in school?" he said with a deep voice.

"I....I...didn't mean.....to...." Bambi looked down, feeling nervous and she looked back to Ivy, who is still on her back.

".....Go back to school, my daughter.....we'll talk later....." He pointed her to her school as Bambi nodded and walk away and headed to school.

"Ivy.....I'm sorry......" Bambi is so upset that she put her friend in danger as she walk in the school building and headed to the Nurse office.

The the Great Prince walk away quickly and disappeared.

(sorry for the late rp)

"It's okay I knew you were just hurt inside about your mom. I know. I've been there too. But don't go running off like that, you scared me." Ivy murmured, wiping a smear of blood on his tail. He had a cut bleeding profusely on his head, by the nape of his neck. It wasn't deep but the head wound was bleeding at an alarming rate. He might faint if he stick around longer.

"At least I stopped them from hurting you. They could never hurt someone like you."
Once inside the nurse office, the nurse fix it up Ivy with some bandages and stuff while Bambi is in the corner, still feeling ashamed for let Ivy get hurt.


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