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Fandom Pirates at Sea! (Reboot! Always accepting!)

"Ah well sorry but-" Kimberly heard a gunshot, Sounds like someone either wants attention, is warning/threatening us, or there is a battle close by, which i doubt.

@Mr jake
Jake Dropped the Pistol out of his hand after feeling A cold substance on the outer layer of the gun "What the..... what is that stuff" He thought to himself "Is that ice.....I have only read about this stuff in books but I have never seen it before.... interesting" He reached down to pick it up and grasped it with extream caution, He was mad but yet fascinated at the same "You better not have damaged my pistol!" He shouted to the other boat.

@Libra259 @TheSourPunchLime
Kimberly facepalms. Please dont tell me this guy is dense too.. A pistol? Why is he so worried about a pistol?.. There easily fixed.. She thought while shaking her head. "Do you need something?!" She calls im a monotone to the other ship.

@Mr jake
Jake heard a call from the ship, "Not really just looking for a little adventure, or something to pass the time, as you can see the wind is blowing due south not north making it very difficult well...... Impossible to get to Tartooga" He said. He looked at his pistols "Does not look like that much damage" Sorry I did not mean to startle you guys just get your attention. I did not know if i could trust you guys or not since you are flying a Pirate flag" He looked at his pistols again "And whoever is using the ice magic can you tell them to lay it off" He asked with curiosity

@Libra259 @TheSourPunchLime
"Ask em yourself it wont do any good if I do it! And whether you can trust us or not is whether your going to attack or from the navy. Attacking doesn't look like it but if it is either of those then you cant trust us. Though if nothing bad happens we'll be find as long as were not backstabbed!" She calls back weighing her possible solutions to the possible issue at hand.

@Mr jake
Jake pondered this question "Well you don't have to worry about most those things, the only way I might kill you is by accident which would be explosions.... Just Kidding well.... maybe, let me go check on that." He walked back into his cabin to make sure the black powder was still in its box, which it was. He walk out of the cabin "You do not have to worry about that" He stated, and I'm a pirate so ya......."

A wide smirk spreads across Kimberly's face, "ah thats good, though you dont look not act like one I have to say." She calls back with a small yawn. It's been a bit since she has slept and really didnt want to sleep at all.

@Mr jake
"Jake looked at her from afar "I only steal from the filthy rich and give it to the poor there for earning the name pirate" Jake looked back to his cabin deciding if he should tell them that he was also an inventor but he advised against it. "It getting late and there is no use in going to tartooga now for the wind is against us, How about I dock on your ship for the night so I can, at least, move around for a little bit, I have been stuck on this boat for a couple of days doing well...... nothing really, What do you say?"


(I'm going to bed good night)
Pride was already out of patience "Kim. That gut just tried to "hurt" your ship. Are you going to let that pass? It's not a good example for the crew" he smirks. He knew she cared about what the crew thought since she was a woman, she had to be even more "evil", because people usually didnt follow a girl's orders

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Kimberly glares hard at Pride. "My crew has respect for me, woman or not. Its not a good example to intentionally provoke the captain, is it?" She asks the last part more nonchalantly. "And dont worry I get it! Im known by a few names. The Moonlight Maiden by pirates and The Incorruptible Princess by the poor and needy. I steal from pirates you could say and do the same as you, I give it to the poor. I suppose if you really want to but I can get us to Tortuga, we dont need wind." She replies, well that will use up a bit of my energy but I do need more recruits and Tortuga is the best place to go... Ive got clients there too.. I promised Alice id help her down in the shop. Eh..

@Mr jake
Libra259 said:
Kimberly glares hard at Pride. "My crew has respect for me, woman or not. Its not a good example to intentionally provoke the captain, is it?" She asks the last part more nonchalantly. "And dont worry I get it! Im known by a few names. The Moonlight Maiden by pirates and The Incorruptible Princess by the poor and needy. I steal from pirates you could say and do the same as you, I give it to the poor. I suppose if you really want to but I can get us to Tortuga, we dont need wind." She replies, well that will use up a bit of my energy but I do need more recruits and Tortuga is the best place to go... Ive got clients there too.. I promised Alice id help her down in the shop. Eh..
@Mr jake
"I need to have a pretty serious talk with you"
"Why do so many people say that to me!?" She asks aloud and crosses her arms. ....What am I saying that is throwing people off?? Kimberly sighs and shakes her head.

Libra259 said:
"Why do so many people say that to me!?" She asks aloud and crosses her arms. ....What am I saying that is throwing people off?? Kimberly sighs and shakes her head.
he looks down "Very well" he walks towards his room "If that guy stays in the ship, I am going to kill him myself"
"If you can get us to tartooga without any wind captain, I would like to see you try" Jake smirked as he said this "There is no way any magic is that strong, to change the wind" He thought to himself. He looked at the horizon to see the setting sun "Magnificent sight isn't it, The sunset I mean" Jake took in a deep breath and headed back to his hammock only to look at the sunset some more.

@Libra259 @JPTheWarrior @TheSourPunchLime
"Oh let him try I'd find that fun also if I die you won't remember me." He smirked and stood up

@Mr jake

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