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Suzette blinked, as she returned her attention back to Anya and Lily. Anya appeared, rather upset at the dare, but still went through with it. She tilted her head slightly as she watched on.
Lily's face fell a little when Anya accepted the dare. The Alraune had thought for sure that that would get her, and had actually been looking forward to going to sleep that night. She couldn't let on that she was upset, however, so her frown quickly changed to a look of indifference.

"A real shame, Anya. I'm not certain if we'll ever have the chance to do it again. And to think, if I had liked it enough tonight, I might have let you sleep with me whenever."

Lily then turned to Susie, who had said something about polishing Ferdie's eye.

"Yeah, we're actually going to have to talk about Ferdie later. He said some interesting stuff to me earlier."

Then she turned back to Anya, and said, "OK, it's your turn."
Susie raised one of her eyebrows as she glanced at Lily. She then quickly shot another gaze at her puppet, before returning focus back to Lily. "Did he now?" She shook her head, "Weird. U-uh sure, yeah we can uh talk about that. Anyhow... Er game continues." Ferdie peered towards Susie, but remained silent, except for the occasional humming.
Anya sniffed, a singular tear diluting the peanut butter. She knew dares involved silly things, but she hadn't expected Lily to take it this far. She hadn't expected Lily to take away things she loved.

Still, Anya had to win this game, because you get punished when you lose, and also she thought it'd be funny to beat Lily for the third time in a row. Anya had to win even if the dares left her homeless and unclothed, alone in the streets.

"Lily, truth or dare, nya?" she asked, hiccuping.
Suzette glanced at the grungy, over-cuddly neko as she shed a tear. Such a sad little six year old. She thought to herself. Quickly she turned her head to glance at Anya.

"Er ah, uh if you er would like I could, perhaps read you a story before bed. I suppose, and if you'd like that uh, anyways. After the game is over and uh such."
Lily's lower lip quivered as Anya cried and hiccuped. She had never meant to hurt the child; games were supposed to be for fun. She hated seeing Anya sad, and it was made even worse by the fact that Lily had caused it.

"H-hey, you can't cry," muttered Lily somewhat defensively, "You could have said no and it would have been fine. I-it's your own problem if winning is more important, so..."

Lily bit down on her lip. She kind of wanted to take it back, but at the same time, Anya needed to know who was boss. Somehow Lily had kept losing to this little girl, and it was humiliating. Lily was too prideful to just let it go. She needed to win. Even if Anya was left homeless and unclothed, alone in the streets, Lily needed to win.

"Wh-whatever. Dare."

At least Susie was offering some kindness to this girl. Hopefully it would soften the blow.
"I guess a story would be nice, nya." Anya sniffed, thanking Susie. It'd make her loss a little easier. Just a little.

"Anyways, Lily, I dare you to sleep on the floor tonight. No blanket and no flower." she said, wiping a tear away with a decent amount of peanut butter.
"Er ah, she didn't end the last few sentences with the meowing." Suzette remarked, to no one in particular. "Wasn't she supposed to do it for all things until the game was over?" She mused to herself as she tilted her head a bit. She then focused her attention back to Ferdie, analyzing what maintenance she'd need to do with him later.
Lily's eyes widened when Susie had pointed out that the last two sentences did not end with -nya. Lily had gotten used to the affectation, and likely would not have noticed it unless it was pointed out, but it was and she did.

"Hey, yeah, you forgot that time, Anya. You have failed the dare," said Lily, smiling triumphantly. And because the Neko had lost anyways, Lily would let Anya sleep together with her. It had all worked out thankfully, due to Lily's incredible genius.

"Because you have lost, Anya, you no longer must uphold previous dares. We may sleep together tonight."

Truly Lily was the most gracious and mature of victors.

"Oh. Ohhh....." Anya looked down at the floor. Her losing streak had been broken. Like that one dude riding the pegasus, she'd fallen from Olympus at the height of her peanut butter joy. And all that because she forgot to meow like the weird cat thing she was. It was all her fault, really. Again.

"I guess you won since it was your dare, huh Lily." she said quietly, sniffing. She took a frilly handkerchief from the table and wiped most of the peanut butter off her face. Looking downwards at the smudged gunk, she saw several droplets fall in and dilute the food. Wan, wan.

On the bright side, Lily would sleep with her again now.
Je ai besoin de garder un œil jusqu'à arcanes. Suzette thought to herself, as she rolled her shoulders around. "So, game over then?" She inquired as she focused her attention on her puppet. Hn, that eye really does need cleaning. Perhaps I should replace it with a different model sooner or later...
Lily was very quickly brought down from her high when she saw Anya crying even more. Lily didn't understand; they could sleep together now. All that happened was she lost a game, so why was she so sad?

"Yeah," said Lily, "I guess I did win the game, but I'm not sure I did so well as a friend."

The Alraune reached out and held Anya close.

"I never meant to make you sad, you know, even if I did go too far. Games are supposed to be fun, and I hurt that for you. I'm sorry."

Lily regarded Susie from over Anya's shoulder and nodded, before returning to her original position.

"But you really seemed to want to win. Mind if I ask why you had to win so bad?"
Well, technically I was still there... But forgotten. Oh well. I have more important matters, such as tending to my dear little Ferdie. Susie thought to herself, as she removed the pair of underpants from her head. She walked up towards Lily to recover the rope she used earlier and walked back towards her closet.
Anya wiped her eyes.

"Winning is important. If you can't make sure you'll win when it's important, you'll never get anywhere and bad things will happen." Anya explained, staring at her lap.
Lily watched Susie a little over Anya's shoulder, and wondered briefly if that rope was special in some way before returning her attention to the Neko.

"When it's important, Anya, it's good to try your best to win. But you always have to weigh the good and the bad. Winning a game isn't worth giving up bedtime with me, because I'm great and this will probably be the best sleep of your life. All because you lost. See, Anya? You're the real winner, here, except just not in name. You're going places that you might not have gotten to if you had won. Do you get it?"
Suzette returned to where she retrieved the nylon rope. She peered into the chest where she pulled out the rope. It contained more rope, which covered some other materials underneath. She stretched out the black nylon rope a bit; then she returned it back into the chest. She quickly placed the lock back on, and spun it shut. Niiiice... and shut. Sighing out with relief she changed into a pair of red and black plaid sleeping pants, and a black t-shirt with a single cartoon skull on it.

After that she searched around, moving a few items as she pulled out a fairly thick paper-back book. Ah there we go, some traditional fairy tales. Exiting after she returned back the rope, and retrieved the book she peered towards Anya and Lily. She held the book under her right arm, "The erm, offer is still up, if you er would like it. Just wanted to, er check on uhm that."
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"I guess you're right." Anya answered, wiping the rest of the peanut butter off her face.

"Bedtime with a plant does sound nice. I bet it smells like pinecones and flowers." she said aloud.

Then Susie came, carrying a large book, no doubt filled with magic.

"I wanna hear a story. It's getting late, anyways. Should we get ready for bed, nya?" Anya asked.
"Oh, of course I'm right, Anya," said Lily, smiling, "I'm me."

Then Susie approached, offering to read them stories. Lily couldn't explain why the prospect of being read to was so exciting for her, but she wanted to hear stories too. Lily nodded with perhaps more eagerness than she should have.

"I don't mind hearing a story," said Lily, throwing her PJs into her flower, "So let's get ready for bed, then, Anya."
"Right then, uh you two get ready, brushing teeth, getting into the proper sleepwear, etc. And, I'll read the story, once all that is well and done." Susie said as she held out the book and quickly began flipping through it. After many going through many pages, she stopped flicking her fingers through the pages. "Ah, this is a good one."

Ferdie hummed a tune as he returned back to into the trunk.
Anya quickly pulled out a rather plain looking nightgown from her drawers and tugged off her maid outfit, changing into her pajamas. Stories were fun, and Susie was an elf. And since elves were objectively fun, these stories were also fun.

"I'm ready for stories, nya." she smiled, running back up to the other two.
Lily jumped into her flower now that Anya had vacated it, and closed it into a bud. In only a couple of seconds, Lily popped out once again, wearing a pink pair of footed pajamas with cute little white rabbit print. She grabbed her tooth brush and tooth paste, and looked at Anya.

"You need to brush your teeth too, Anya. Or else we might not get stories. I mean, or else you might not get stories. I don't even need stories because I'm an adult."

Then the Alraune remembered the state Anya was in only a couple of days ago.

"Uh, do you have a tooth brush and tooth paste?"
"Yes. Teeth need to be brushed before story time." Susie stated as she wagged her left index finger. "But er yes, I have the story ready to be read, when all the tasks are finished. It shouldn't take all that long to do. And, once you are finished, I can then read the story to you."
"I do to have a toothbrush!" Anya objected, her face growing red.

"...I just don't use it very often is all." she added quietly.
Lily snickered a little as Anya got totally finger-waggled before looking down at the child.

"Well you need to use your tooth brush at least every day, Anya. From now on, I'm going to check every night to make sure you've brushed your teeth," said Lily, applying paste to her brush. She quickly started brushing her teeth in anticipation of the story.
"Fiiiiiine." Anya sighed, placing some toothpaste on her brush. Dejectedly, she rubbed the bristles across her teeth.

Teethbrushing was boring. And dumb. Also boring. This was what it was like to be a slave, she decided, as she rinsed her mouth.

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