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"Hmm... Captain Master Susie does look like she likes it, nya." Anya noted, still staring at the elf. But the cat still didn't understand.

"Can I try it? I want to see what makes it so fun, nya~" she looked back to the alraune, smiling innocently.
Work B20 stared in horror as one of the things made noises that could only be likened to an animal in great distress. This wasn't a room where elderly and wounded things came to die, it was a room where some elderly and wounded things came to kill eachother!

B20 recoiled violently, slamming against the vent's wall. It decided that any rooms it came to that featured any still-living things would be promptly and decisively ignored. B20 had seen its share of grisly murders for the day, that's for sure!

B20 lightly padded along the vents, quietly peeking into every darkened room it could find. Most of them had nothing interesting in them, save for one... B20 carefully and quietly worked the vent's cover off, and silently dropped into the room. Since this thing was already dead, it could take what it wanted with impunity. It's a good thing, too, considering how close B20's objective was to the thing's corpse.
Susie, did not particularly notice the world around her. No, instead she was in her own euphoric dimension. She continued smiling, though her ears twitched a bit at Lily explaining, something. Well she was sure of what it was, but, didn't particularly care. Eye for an eye, I suppose. She thought to herself, as she returned to the bliss of her senses. And that was before the vines became tighter, and tighter. When that occurred, she couldn't help but moan out a bit in delight, enjoying the feeling.

Smiling tranquilly, she again bit on her lip, as to keep her lips pursed shut from any other outbursts, such as that one. She closed her eyes, and just relaxed with the sensation.
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Lily's lip trembled as she looked down into Anya's sweet, perfect, innocent eyes. Such shame she felt, but she couldn't stop the dare early. Anya would ask why, and also the Alraune wanted to win. Lily held Anya gently and rubbed her back as she explained.

"Oh, sweetheart, I'll... I'll let you try later, OK? But right now it's Susie's turn."

Of course, Lily would be very gentle with Anya and try and make it innocent and fun like she assured the child it was. Lily backed off from the hug, and watched with perhaps a little too much interest as the dare came to a conclusion. She could have sworn that she heard a noise from the vents, but this school was cheap as Hell and it was probably rats.

Lily blushed a little as she heard Susie cry out, and with one last constriction, the strongest yet, the dare had ended and she brought the Elf to the floor.
Oh, but such feelings were not to last. Much like dust in the wind, it would fade away to be forgotten. Well except for one last constriction, as the tendrils quickly embraced her with a strength they had not before.

She yelped out with utmost bliss, as the tendrils finished their duty. Then, they quickly brought her to the floor as Susie frowned, "Er was that, er thirty seconds? A-ah, now then my turn yes?"
"Y-yeah," said Lily, who was unable to stop staring at the Elf, "That was... that was thirty seconds. It's, uh, your turn."

Lily's vines slowly loosened and retracted, going back under her flower for the time being and leaving Susie free to move about as she wanted. Before Susie could begin, however, Lily needed to fill her in on the lie.

"It's, uh, too bad you like hanging upside down so much. I thought for sure that you'd be kind of scared, but you really seemed to have fun. Hanging upside down like you do on a jungle gym. In pure wholesome fun."

Lily paused for a second before adding, in little more than a whisper, "H-how was it, anyways? Was I alright?"
Susie, free of the vines, slowly returned back up to a sitting position. She rolled both of her arms around, and then used her left hand to rub her head. Blinking at Lily, she didn't immediately take in what she was saying, still in a semi-state of bliss, but soon quickly caught on. Keeping her mouth agape she blinked and paused for a moment before answering.

"Oh. Oh! Yes, I er yes, I very much enjoyed the jungle gym whenever I'd play at the playground. One of my most favorite attractions, besides the swings. So no, wouldn't be scared of it." She paused for a moment, as she perked up hearing Lily's whisper. She leaned a bit close, and spoke again in little more than a whisper. "Words, wouldn't do it justice. ...I'll try explaining it later when, not as happy about it, and clearer head." She said giving a tranquil smile to her, alongside a single wink of the right eye. She then focused her attention back to Anya, "Truth or Dare?"
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"Let's continue our dare streak, nya~!" Anya smiled at Susie. If these dares continued to be as simple as holding still while Lily gave you a vine-hug, then she was sure to win at this rate. Susie looked exhausted and sweaty from the last dare. Maybe she had asthma. Surely the elf would be easy prey.
Delicately crawling across the soft mattress belonging to the apparently dead thing, Work B20 stealthily tried to steal the prodigious piles of crumbs and half-eaten granola bar pieces surrounding the thing's head. Just as B20 had slipped its hands around one particularly choice hunk of cereal, the thing suddenly shifted directly onto B20! In B20's mad scramble to free itself, it scratched the thing's face, waking it up! Shrieking horribly, the suddenly not-so-dead thing swatted B20 into the far wall, and attempted to cover itself with the burial shroud that was laid over everything but its head.

If B20 had a heart, it would be pounding faster than a locomotive, as it desperately contorted itself under the door and into the hall. Sprinting for its supposed life, B20's wooden feet clacked loudly on the school's linoleum floor. The sounds of B20's escape reverbrated through the halls, reaching Thomas' ears.
Susie glanced at Anya as she pondered on a dare to assign Anya. Tilting her slightly to the right, she then held out her right hand as she laid her cheek upon it. She hummed as she thought of potential dares to assign. "Hmmm..." Susie tapped her cheek as she continued to ponder on what dare to assign. "Oh! Until the end of the game, if you assign someone a dare, you also have to do that dare."
"Ha! That sounds easy. I am, after all, the dare nya-ster, nya." Anya said haughtily, placing her hands on her hips. In this way, she didn't even have to do anything yet.

"Lily, Lily~! Truth or dare, nya?"
Lily blushed a little when Susie gave her the wink. Susie really did seem to have enjoyed it, to the point where words couldn't do the act justice and she was too dazed to even attempt to explain. She was also being rather forward at the moment, perhaps due to her elation. Either way, Lily was kind of happy too. Happy and ashamed and a little scared.

"H-huh? Oh, uh, dare," answered a somewhat preoccupied Lily. She needed to get her head in the game if she ever wanted to go pro.
"Hmmmm~" Anya hummed. Dares should be even more extra extreme, but she had to consider that she'd do them now, too. That meant being tactical, and clever.

"I dare you to smear peanut butter on your face, then start barking like a dog, nya." Anya said, crossing her arms. If she was correct (and she probably was, because she was smart), that was what a peanut butter dog was. Bathroom stall eavesdropping was the best.
Lily stared at Anya for a few seconds, her face yellowing slightly. It wasn't difficult or clever or anything like that; the dare was just embarrassing. It was embarrassing, and Anya would have to do it too. Lily could only guess what string of thought lead to this conclusion.

Wordlessly Lily stood up, grabbed some peanut butter from a cabinet along with a butter knife, and sat down. She opened the jar, carefully spread a generous portion of peanut butter all over her face, and began barking.

"Woof woof! Wan wan!" she barked, blushing deeply in embarrassment. Only DMX could make this cool, and Lily didn't even rap. It occurred to her, however, that if she did rap, she would be the first green rapper. And that was kinda cool.
Susie just sort of blankly stared as Anya came up with the dare. Then she blankly stared at Lily as she grabbed peanut butter from a cabinet and a knife. And she stared blankly as Lily smeared the peanut butter from the jar on her face. And of course, she just blankly stared as Lily began barking. She tilted her head slightly to the right as she just, watched. It was a strange series of events to be sure. "Huh."
Anya laughed with zeal as Lily went ahead with the dare. Anya, too, smeared peanut butter on her face, and placed her hands in front of her like paws.

"Wan, wan~!" she called from atop her flowery perch. Peanut butter dogging was fun. After a few short minutes of barking, she was satisfied. For now.

"Dare complete, nya~" she meowed, smiling at the alraune.

"It's your turn, now. Just, keep the peanut butter on, nya." she said, awaiting Lily's next choice in victim.
"H-hey, that wasn't a part of the dare," said Lily, her face still tinged with yellow, "Anyways, why do you want me to keep all this peanut butter on my face? It's more than a little embarrassing."

Lily reached down to untie the binds on her feet, sighing.

"It's been three rounds, right? So I'll be untying this now."
"Yes." Susie said with a nod, "Feel free to untie it. You don't need to keep it on any longer. And it is your turn yes?"
"Keep the peanut butter because it's tasty and fun, nya" Anya replied, leaning back on her flower throne. She ran a tongue across her lips, tasting that peanut-y goodness. Truly, Anya was a truth or dare genius. She was starting to regret not entering ToD Little League when she had the chance.

"Anyways, it's your turn, nya~." she told the alraune.
Lily shrugged as she absentmindedly licked some of the peanut butter off of her face and began undoing the binds.

"Alright, then, I'll lose the binds. I'm gonna try to finish this peanut butter before my next turn too, but only because it's a shame to waste good food. Alright, Anya, truth or dare?"
"I'm unbeatable at this point, so I choose dare, nya~" Anya meowed haughtily, leaning back. Lily could do her worst, there was no way she could out-dare her. Anya was certain she was the undisputed master.
"Oh, getting a little cocky, are we?" Lily asked, licking some more peanut butter off of her face. If that was how it was, the Alraune was about to show Anya the true horror of ToD. The Neko would not be taking her lightly much longer.

"You know, Anya, getting to cuddle with me is a once in a lifetime thing. If you didn't do it tonight, why, who knows if you would even get another chance? Of course I already said I would, and I don't go back on my word, but... I dare you to not sleep together with me tonight."


"Of course, you can always refuse the dare, but you're gonna lose."
Baaaw... y-you couldn't just keep the binds on a little longer? A-aww.... Susie thought to herself. Jeez, she offered a really easy dare. Must have not took the embarrassment too hardly. Oh. Oh right, it's a cuddly prone cat. She glanced around, as Ferdie walked up. "Really may need to polish that eye soon...Just to keep it nice and shiny." she grumbled to herself. Proper maintenance was important to keep up
Anya's eyes widened in shock. This was quite possibly the greatest challenge of will the young child had ever faced. Behind her peanut butter mask, she was sweating. Lily was breaking out the big guns. She would pay. That's how the rules of escalation worked, like how Lily super tied up Susie when she got tied up.

"I..... a-a-ac.... I accept.... nya." she muttered, barely audible above her ragged breathing. She was looking forward to sharing a bed.

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