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Susie glanced at Lily as she had a proud and cocky look on her face. Surely, it meant dare. "Right, so dare I presume?" Susie closed her eyes as she paused in a brief meditation, pondering on what to assign. She then opened her eyes and stared at Lily with a tranquil expression, "I shall dare you, to balance on your head for thirty seconds."
Lily's smile didn't flicker one bit. A headstand was easy enough, and thirty seconds shouldn't be a problem for the superior plant race. Lily bent over, put her hands on the floor, and stopped.


Lily stood back up and shook her head, grinning knowingly.

"Clever girl," said Lily, going to grab some safety pins from her desk drawer. She pinned her skirt together between her legs and grafted the sides tight to the tip of her stockings.

"But not clever enough," she finished, bending over once again and starting her headstand. The safety pins kept her skirt in place, thus saving her from having to show off her undies.

"Not bad, Elf. Not bad at all. I look forward to this battle of wits."
Susie's eyes, did gleam with a bit of joy when Lily immediately went in for the bending process. Come on, come o- Then Lily stood back up and gave a grin. She couldn't help but frown a bit, before Lily gave her remark and went to grab some safety pins from her desk drawer. "I s-surely h-have no idea what you are talking about." Susie stated coyly as she glanced at Lily returning to do the headstand, with her skirt newly assigned with safety pins.

... Bwaah. She glanced at Lily, "Anyway, it's your turn now."
"Wait, what's clever?" Anya asked, looking back and forth.

"The pins? The handstand?" she wondered aloud. Anya wished she could do a handstand. They looked fun. The pins were probably the secret to balancing right.
"Oh, don't be too upset captain," Lily teased, "If you really want to see, I'm sure you'll be able to some day."

Lily got up from the headstand with an amused smile on her face. It really was a creative and cunning dare; Lily couldn't let her guard down with this one. She then turned to Anya, and said, "Don't worry about it too much, Anya. Anyways, truth or dare? Remember, you either answer a question or preform a task."

"Whichever one, I'll go easy on her to ease her into the game. I really hope she has fun with us."
"Hmm..." Anya considered. This was a tricky question. On the one hand, it'd be easier to just answer a question. But what if she didn't know the answer? On the other hand, what if she couldn't do the dare?

This game should be televised, she though.

Oh well. I can do one, then pick the other next round. she thought to herself.

"Dare!" she smiled.
Suzette became flustered, "O-oh no! I'm not upset! Not at all! ... Maybe a little. It's not like I er, w-w-wanted to see." She said as she crossed her arms and gave out a disappointed huff. She moved her focus to Anya who chose 'Dare' for her go this round.

Ferdie chuckled as he returned to humming One Night in Bangkok.
Lily couldn't help but feel a little happy at Susie's stuttering. She was obviously lying, and it was super cute. This was good because, up until this point, Lily couldn't honestly tell whether or not she was having an impact on the Elf at all. This proved that she was, and that Lily was getting to her.

"Dare, Anya? OK, let's see... I dare you you to make up a song for me, and sing it out loud. It should be pretty, and describe how you feel about me."

It was a simple dare, but it also stroked Lily's ego plenty and the Alraune enjoyed ego-stroking.
Anya immediately jumped to her feet and began

[/media] at the top of her lungs.


Susie just watched Anya as she sang the song. She stared at her with an astonished gaze at how eagerly she sung at an ear-splitting volume. Her ears twitched, as she just watched Anya pouring her heart out into that song. At least metaphorically, literally she didn't appear to be doing so. But did it fulfill the qualifications of the dare? Wait, why am I thinking of whether or not it counts? This isn't some Underground Match of ToD being conducted in the backroom of a shady Taiwanese Karoke-bar, with salarymen hooting in anticipation for the incoming slaughter. Nor is it a legitimate match conducted in a German Stadium. Oh yes that legitimate match with the throes of howling, enthusiastic crowds who'd tear apart the streets. All because one of their Truthers was called out by the Ref. This isn't one of those matches. ...No clerics, can't be one of those matches.

Meanwhile Ferdie grumbled. "...Uncultured dreck. Suppose the tyke is loud and young enough to be turned into an opera singer... So they aren't entirely irredeemable." The real question is what class of singer would the child develop into. Ferdie pondered upon it, for a brief moment. Hn, need to go see an opera again. Carmen. Somewhere they have to be playing Carmen. Escamillo is the greatest.

Susie gave a small golf-clap for Anya as she sang the song.
Anya was incredibly loud, and certainly was not a professionally-trained singer. Despite that, however, her song was one of the most beautiful things Lily had ever heard. Because it was about the Neko's love for her, and it was sung with the most shameless love and passion Lily had ever been privy to. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her.

"Oh, Anya," Lily squealed, throwing her arms around the child in the most sincere hug she could give, "You pass! That was very, very good!"

Lily wiped away a little tear that had appeared in the corner of her eye.

"It's your turn, sweetie. You can ask either of us truth or dare," said Lily, who was still engulfing Anya in a hug.
"Yaaaaay" Anya cheered as she was pulled into a tight hug. Her dare completing skills were second to none; she hadn't expected such a choice reaction. She'd have to sing for her friends more often.

"Okay, uh.... Susie. Truth or dare?" she asked from inside Lily's embrace.
Susie tilted her head for a moment as she pondered on what choice to do. She glanced at Anya, "Hmmm." She snapped her fingers together, "I'll go with tru-" Ferdie's head turned to glance at Susie. "Nah, nah you should choose dare this go 'round."

She gave a sigh, "Alright, I suppose I shall er, go dare this time. Small dare streak, sounds like it could be fun."
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Lily unlatched herself from Anya after a few more seconds, and sat back to watch the game. It was the first round she hadn't been involved in, and supposed that it might be nice to have a little break.

Lily could tell that Susie was about to say 'truth' again, which would have been lame, and was happy to see that she had gotten into the spirit of the game.

"Ooh, a dare! Very nice, captain," said Lily.
"Hmm... what's a fun dare." Anya pondered as Lily released her. She pressed her fingers to her temples in thought.

"I dare you... to..." Anya probed the depths of her mind for the funniest dare she could think of.

"I dare you to wear your underwear on your head. For the rest of the game." she said, having an epiphany of cool dares. Nobody rational would wear underwear on their head; that would just be silly.
Suzette just stared at Anya with a fairly grave expression. "R-really, that's really the one you are going with?" In the background Ferdie chuckled a bit. Penance, penance for my sins... Suzette immediately thought knowing this was only a slight penance for the sin she had committed. Following the sin of Lust, it is only fitting that a penance such as that is bestowed upon me.
"Mea culpa." Suzette quickly responded. She went up to the her drawer as she pulled out the pair which, she had the misfortune with earlier. Damn escape attempt should have worked. "Confíteor Deo omnipoténti, et vobis, fratres." She said holding out the pair of underpants and walking back to where she was sitting earlier. "quia peccávi nimis cogitatióne, verbo, ópere et omissióne: meā culpā, meā culpā, meā máximā culpā."

She breathed in deeply as she pulled the underpants open and placed it upon her head. "Ideo precor beátam Maríam semper vírginem, omnes angelos et sanctos, et vos, fratres, oráre pro me ad Dóminum Deum nostrum." She quickly finished as she breathed out.
Lily watched eagerly as the dare took place. Already, Anya seemed to be doing very well in this game. A natural, perhaps. When Susie put the underwear over her head, Lily couldn't help but giggle a little. She looked kind of like a pervert, and somehow, it seemed to be affecting her.

"Wait, that's not French. Is that Latin? That's kinda weird, normally I hear her muttering French stuff."

"Ah, captain, I didn't know you were religious," said Lily, a smile on her face. It was nice to learn new things about her friends. Of course, she only understood a couple of those words, but she picked up 'God' a couple of times in there so she had assumed it was religious.
Suzette just glanced at Lily, and gave a simple nod. "Yes. Unfortunately I haven't attended Confessional lately, I need to do so." She breathed out. My horrid, horrid sins, they need cleansing. My penance is not even close to being fulfilled. She paused for a moment, before staring at Anya.

"You said the whole game yes?" she inquired. Penance, redemption, atonement. She then turned her attention towards Lily, "Well, I suppose it is my turn again. Truth or Dare?"
"Eh? Confessional? Captain, I doubt you've ever done a bad thing in your life," Lily teased, "You seem so sweet and docile, you know? That's a good thing, by the way. I think more people should be so kind and understanding."

After all, if anyone else besides Anya had heard of her secret, Lily was certain that the whole school would have known by now. Yes, Lily knew in her stamen that she had two naive but pure-hearted room mates.

"Anyways, I'll do a dare again."
"Always need to go to Confessional... always." Suzette stated. She paused as she glanced at Lily, pondering on a dare for her to perform. She tilted her head slightly to the left, before tilting it back up. "Oh. How about having your ankles tied together for the next three rounds?"
Lily shrugged. She didn't see why Susie had to go confess so bad, but Lily wasn't particularly religious so what did she know?

"I can dress up like a nun later and you can confess to me, if that will help," said Lily. She was such a good friend, and supportive too. Also she liked having reasons to dress up.

"Anyways, bondage, right? I'm OK with that. Tie me up, captain," said Lily, sticking her delicate feet out, ensconced in adorable little shoes, "but be gentle, alright?"
Suzette's face immediately flushed red as Lily said that she'd dress up like a nun and hear confession. G-god forgive me. She held out her mouth agape a bit, with a mixture of horrified shock at the blasphemy, and a mixture of elation at the horrible blasphemy. She immediately covered her mouth and nose as she sneezed. "A-achoo! A-ahm, u-u-uh i-i-if you err r-r-really want to, but a-ah, I rea-ally should find an erm a-actual Confessional with a Professional Priest. B-but, erm, a-ah i-if you er really want to, I'd oblige. A-and it's not bondage, just, er a silly dare inspired by uhm h-how you used those safety pins yes er, I reallyshouldstoptalkingnow."

Suzette quickly went to her closet, and slammed the door shut. Moving a few hanging clothes, and found a small chest with a padlock on it. She quickly twisted the dial, 1. 0. 1.

Click. She pulled out some black nylon rope. She held it out and stretched it out. This will do. Susie quickly exited the closet, as she saw Lily sticking out her feet. "Right, erm, p-please tell me if er, it uh, t-to tight. Don't want it to be an er a uh too uncomfortable dare." She folded the rope to establish a bight.

Susie brought the working end rope over ankle and brought the bight down below. She then wrapping the rope around her ankles when she had her bight established in the proper place, trying to hit the balance of not too loose, and not too tight. She quickly continued to tie up Lily, until she finished the process.

"Er a-ah three rounds..."
Lily just smiled sweetly at Susie as she stuttered and squeaked. This was the Elf Lily knew. Even if she adopted the whole 'captain' persona again soon, this is what she was really like. Yes, the confident and well-spoken Susie was a nice change of pace, but knowing that the real one was buried just under the surface was nice.

"It's OK, captain, it's not too tight at all," said Lily in a soft, reassuring voice, "And I know it's only a silly dare. I was just fairly certain that bonding someone using bonds was called bondage, and wanted to make sure you knew that I was alright with it. Well, when you're doing it at least."

"Damn, she's really adorable too. I kinda want to hug her, but it would still probably make her uncomfortable. Well, she seems uncomfortable now. I'll try bringing her back to the game."

"Oh, but it's a very interesting dare! I look forward to seeing you try to combo it in the following turns. I bet you'll come up with something clever again. So, my turn?"

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