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Lily continued smiling politely as she sat down to tea and pie.

"It's alright, Captain," said the Alraune, "You can take your time. You look very pretty in your brocaded coat and pantaloons too. A very pretty pirate captain."

Then again, pretty much anything looked better on her than what she normally wore. Sure, the sweatpants and turtleneck may have been comfortable, but they didn't look great and that was the whole point of clothes as far as Lily was concerned.
Damn right I am. Suzette thought to herself, as she smiled smugly at the compliment. She knew, one day, perhaps she'd roam the skies and seven seas, as a Captain all would fear. It would be a fine career path, if she chose it. Well, she'd probably get elected as either the Quartermaster or the Captain, either way she'd be happy. She gave a nod, "T-thank you."

grabbed the tea-cup, as she wafted in the aroma. A smile crept on her face as the scent enter her nostrils, she lifted it up and took a small sip.

All the while, Ferdie pondered on the acting profession.
Lily took a sip of her tea as well, eyeing Susie all the while. The Alraune stuck a fork in her piece of pie and, still looking at Susie, began to speak again.

"You know, Susie, you seem a little more... confident in that getup," stated the Alraune. She ate the bit of pastry that she speared, and continued, "Or, no, maybe it's something else. But I kind of like it. Anyways, I didn't know you were into cosplay too. Do you have a lot of costumes, or do you just really like pirates?"
"E-er o-oh!" Suzette said as she put down her tea-cup as she glanced at Lily, "Uh yes I do enjoy cosplay, and, well my parents do have an antique shop, so I do have a lot of costumes." She rubbed the back of her head, as she tapped her index fingers together, "Usually just, more of a collection than anything. I don't usually er, get the chance to really wear them."
Anya sat down and took a bite of her Lilypie. It was delicious. So delicious, Anya's mind struggled to invent a new word to invent its tastiness, like 'sugoii' or 'yummalicious.'

"Lily, this is goooood." Anya moaned in pleasure, taking another bite.
"Oh, so you don't go to any conventions? That's cool. They're mostly sweaty, smelly, unwashed dorkfests. In more ways than one. But if you want to wear some costumes, you can do it around Anya and I and not have to be frightened. We both like cosplay too, and I bet you'd look fantastic in any number of things."

Lily took another bite of her pie as Anya complimented her baking.

"Well, better than my meat pie. I'm using ingredients I'm more... accustomed to in this one. Yes, secret ingredients."

Lily's eyes flashed a menacing red.
Suzette glanced at Lily as she shook her head, "Not all too many I'm afraid." She smiled a bit, "Well er, t-that is nice. I do have a wardrobe of costumes I'd like to try on, some I never have." She said as she picked up her tea-cup and took another sip of tea. She glanced at Lily as she mentioned how she was better at cooking this. Then her eyes flashed red. Susie paid it no mind, as she took her fork as she plunged it into the pie, and wiggled it around.

Unlocking a piece she lifted it up and took a bite of it.

Well, well, well. Ain't the only evil one here. Ferdie thought to himself as he glanced at Lily, catching a glimpse of the menancing red. Aaaand Susie just ate it. ...FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC. God damn it, do I have to save her from this? I'm in fucking performance mode if this happens! And I'm sure as shit that the rest of the crew will be flying above this bum-fuck in the middle of jack nowhere!
"What kind of secret ingredients? It's not ranch dressing, I think..." Anya said, carefully tasting another bite of the pie.

"I don't taste catfish either. This is nothing like the fish tomato pie, is it? So what's in the filling, Lily?" she asked, taking a gulp of tea.
"Oh, that's great, Captain. We'd both love to see you in a variety of things, and it would certainly be quite fun. Maybe we should make these cosplay tea parties a thing. Weekly, perhaps? I bet I have a lot of costumes you'd like to see as well, and I know I'd like to see Anya in more. She's normally really cute, but this somehow takes it to eleven."

"Seriously, I'm having a tough time not hugging the kid right now."

Then Anya asked her about her secret and, of course, Lily couldn't tell her. Lily would rather not tell anyone, as a matter of fact, considering how freaked out the mammals got when she revealed the secret. No, she hadn't spiked the pies in any way whether by poison or some alchemical concoction.

She'd simply lopped parts off her own body and added some sweet nectar from inside of her to the pastry. In no time at all, Lily's two friends would likely feel better than they had in a long while thanks to the magical maintenance her nectar would do in their bodies. Yes, it was good for them and wasn't addicting at all past being incredibly tasty. But it was still somewhat disturbing for most mammals to hear about.

"Oh, you know, fruit. There's some fruit in it. Like strawberry. All girls like strawberry, that's just a fact."
Susie swallowed the piece of the pie, and shivered a bit before smiling. "Oh yes, that, that is quite good." She said as gave a nod to Lily, as she grabbed the tea-cup and took another sip. She clapped her hands together, "That, yes, that does sound like a marvelous idea. And, I will admit you have now peaked my curiosity. I wonder what other costumes you have. And..." She glanced at Anya, "I'm inclined to agree with you. She does look rather cute in that costume."
"Strawberries are pretty tasty." Anya agreed, shoveling in another forkful of pie. Whatever was in it was tasty, and smelled familiar somehow. Either way, it was delicious.

"And I am pretty cute. Papa said I was super-cute, even. I was his favorite child. Also his only one. But also his favorite one." she said proudly, puffing out her chest as she took another sip of tea.
"Why, thank you Captain. Tender and flaky, just like master alchemist Alton Brown always says. Anyways, I'm more curious about what sorts of costumes you have."

"I wonder if she has any revealing costumes like I have concealing ones. I'm getting kind of excited for this."

Lily then turned to Anya and scratched the girl behind the ears. She was just the most adorable little maid.

"Well, your papa is right. You're super cute. You must be so proud, to be your father's favorite and only child like that. But have you ever wanted a sister?"
Anya let out a small sigh of pleasure as Lily scratched behind her ears. That was exactly the right spot.

"A sister?" she asked. She'd never thought about what it'd be like to have a sister. It was probably super fun and they'd do stuff together all the time. Anya would be the one in charge, thanks to her natural charisma and heroic nature and also she was older. They'd run around and be lovable munchkins, teaming up to sneak snacks, and they'd work together to do homework right. They'd share a bed at night because they were that close, and they'd look alike and it would be amazing.

"Lily I really want a sister now. Where do I get one?" Anya asked, looking up at her friend intensely.
Suzette took her fork as she took another chunk of the pie and ate it. She glanced at Lily, "Well, er I um, do have quite a bit. Eheh... Ahem." She placed the fork back on the plate of the pie as she took another sip of the tea and watched as Anya asked, how she would get a sister. Susie blinked as she just said nothing and grabbed the tea cup and took another sip of it.

Lily really needed to think a little more before saying these things. Anya really seemed fond of asking questions, after all.

"Well, you know. First you need, uh..."

What the Hell was she thinking? Lily didn't really want to bring up Anya's parents at all, but how else was she going to answer her question?

"Y'know... We'll have to ask your parents about that. When I find them."

In order to not have a crying kitten on her hands, however, Lily quickly added as fast as fucking lightning, "U-until then, I can be a sister, huh? Sister surrogate. Susie too, probably, right Susie?"
Anya's eyes lit up, and swelled a little.

"I think you'll be the best big sisters." Anya said, wrapping her arms around Lily's ribs as she gave a little sniffle. She nuzzled Lily for a moment, then looked over expectantly at Susie.
Lily blushed a little as Anya threw her arms around her and nuzzled Lily's side. Lily didn't want to have to say something so embarrassing, but she also didn't want to chance hurting Anya at all.

"H-hey, it's... it's not like I'm doing this for your sake or anything, OK? I j-just think it might be a little fun is all."

The deep blushing, the defiant expression, and her twintail drillhair made Lily, in this moment, the perfect example of a tsundere. And nerds all around the globe rejoiced. Probably.
Susie glanced at Anya who was looking at her, as if she wanted something. She had a pretty good guess at what Anya may have wanted. She glanced towards her, "Er, y-you want to see the uh, swimsuit don't you?"
"I actually wanted a hug, but that's good too." Anya replied, still hugging Lily tightly. It was good that Susie was finally willing to play dress up and wear something pretty. It'd be good for her confidence to wear nice clothes.
So, it had come between two things. Show off the swimsuit, or have to touch someone. Well, this would be a matter Suzette would normally take quite a bit of time on debating the issue. But, she had come to a conclusion. "W-well, er you did, um, pick it out so. I uuuh can't very well have it on and er, n-not show you." Susie began unbuttoning the brocaded coat, a few buttons from the top. She paused as she decided instead to take off her pantaloons first.

As she did she revealed her smooth legs. After finishing that, she continued her process of unbuttoning her brocaded coat. She placed it down to the side as she fully revealed the swimsuit that was selected. She was wearing a snug cyan sport styled one-piece swimsuit. The suit did draw attention to, various assets of her body. Her face was flushed red as she kept her pupils glancing down.
Lily watched with bated breath as Susie slowly removed her clothes, and revealed her delightfully snug swimsuit. Lily had wished for a two piece, of course, but she knew how unlikely that was given who she was dealing with. This was fine too, though. Very fine indeed.

"Why don't you show off more, dammit? And why do you have so much? I thought Elves were supposed to be lithe and shit. How do you even be an Elf with those monsters? It's not fair. Sure she might have back problems later, but it's still not fair."

Lily fumbled around in her flower for a camera and, with the least amount of shame in the world, asked, "C-can I take a picture?"

Of course, the hypocrisy of calling people who took her picture when she waltzed around as a maid 'disgusting' had not appealed to her at all. And if it had, she would have assured herself that she at least didn't have any impure thoughts at the moment and also she asked.

Though perhaps only half of that was true.

"E-er, um, to commemorate the event. Y-you know. A picture of all of us."
"Eer..." Susie tapped her index fingers together, as Lily asked for a picture. Her face reddened, "U-uh I am, uh, n-not uhm..." Her pupils darted down to the floor below. She kept her focus their for a good five seconds, before glancing back towards Anya and Lily, "W-w-well, if, y-you really want to. I s-suppose, it'd uhm, b-be alright. ...Maybe."
Suzette continued to ponder in thought. Would it be a good idea to take the picture in this? And with them in their outfits? W-well, er, m-maybe. Maybe. I should just ask for more details. But, if I ask for mo- gah. Then again, Lily did ask in a erm, and she er uah... Pardonnez-moi Dieu! Retenez-moi. Susie rubbed her chin in thought, "Er, s-sure. Uh, y-yeah! Why not?"
Lily smiled. She was about to get a photo containing the most adorable little maid she had ever seen, Susie in a swimsuit, and the prettiest, most perfect girl in school. A picture that any number of people would probably kill over, the perverts, but they wouldn't have it. It was for Lily and Lily alone, and the other two if they wanted to look at it.

"I honestly can't think of a single reason why not," Lily replied, "So everyone get into position. Since Anya and I are... smaller, and both dressed in maid outfits, we'll be on either side of Susie to make it look pretty."

Lily had her vines hold the camera after she had finished adjusting it to the correct position, and got in place on Susie's right. Perhaps she should start taking more pictures, and make a sort of album.

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