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Lily smiled at Susie as she began pouring the tea into the three cups.

"Tea. Earl grey. Hot," she replied.

Lily then began cutting the pie, and continued, "I don't really know what you all are talking about, but's it's really fun to dress up every now and again. Why don't you and your dummy both dress up so no one feels left out?"
"Oooh Earl Grey, fine choice." Susie said as she gave a nod towards Lily. She paused for a moment, "Er l-longish story uh, m-maybe." Ferdie twisted his head to glance at Susie, "See, group vouching for it."

She glanced at Ferdie for a moment, before glancing at Anya. "Oh, if er uh, you are still looking for s-something f-for uh, me to wear, can you pick something out for Ferdie as well? Something nice and cute?" Ferdie spun his head from side to side, "Won't be necessary." She patted her unholy puppet, "No, no, I can't let you be left out. I'm sure you'll look adorable in a cute new outfit."
Anya nodded, and opened the third drawer, pulling out a swimsuit, then digging around until she found a nightgown for Ferdie.

"Here you go, master." she nodded, presenting the clothing. It was important to get into character for dress up; that's what made it fun.
Master. Ah hearing that bit from the Neko playing pretend took Susie back a bit, as she remembered that one Coven Meeting, where Sister Amelia had her Skeletons serving some refreshments. Oh they were quite adorable with the few pieces of cartilage that stuck around, most with the empty eye-sockets but one had the right eye still there. Only for it to give in and spurt of the virtuous humor out much as if a balloon full of jam ruptured and the viscous contents slithered out.

Suzette smiled as she shivered a bit in euphoric delight of that memory. Then a new more dour thought occurred to her; How were her little ones doing? I hope they are taking care of them in my absence, and not over pushing them in their tasks. My sweet little darlings, Boris should know I would be very unhappy if my little dears were hurt in the plunder.

She then wondered how the crew was doing. She hoped they were plundering well, and that they weren't having any problems decoding any maps. I need to visit them again. Ooh! That would be fun, especially if I got to go on another mission with them. Ferdie would enjoy that. ... I just hope we don't loot Barcelona again. How did I even let any member of the crew convince me to go out in a bikini for the water strike to get the lost gold of the Spanish Armada, rather than just going in my wetsuit? Oh right, it was a Dare by Snake. ... Why a few of us have to play that game before raiding. Boris at least had the sense to not play, or no, he was just helping out the Quartermaster.

Suzette quickly got over those thoughts and gave a nod to Anya, who presented the clothing to her "O-oh er a-ah no need to call me Master." She stated before pondering for a moment. "You shall refer to me as Captain." She said adopting a far more authoritative tone dripping with some haughtiness. "Not the lowly title of 'Master', a mere synonym of mister by the Brits."

Ferdie just stared, "First off, surprised you packed some of the ventriloquist clothing in the drawers. Second off, not going to wear that."

"Fernande, you'll look quite good in that nightgown. Don't you wish to dress pretty like all the other girls?" Suzette said as she glanced at Ferdie. "You damn well know it is short for Ferdinand, not a form of Fernande! Using the female form blech. And furthermo-" Susie grabbed the frilly nightgown and quickly dressed Ferdie in it, as he ineffectually flailed his puppet limbs in a vain attempt to not suffer through it.

The unholy ghoul puppet was now dressed in a rose pink nightgown with ruffled sleeves with gold lace around the chest.
"Hate. Hate. I will cut out something's heart out with a spoon, then eat it. I think I know who I'll pick for that."

Susie tilted her head and gave a quick clap.
"See? Isn't that much better?" Susie glanced at the swimsuit, that Anya had selected. "Right well I'm going to need to take a uh better look at this and change. Is this r-really what you'd want me to er change into though?"
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Susie looked really happy for some reason when Anya addressed her so politely. Obviously, the maid outfits were the way to go. She also asked that they called her 'captain', which was a little odd but overall par for the course when it came to the Elf. Lily was just glad that Susie was having fun too.

Lily placed each of the three tea cups as well as a slice of pie at each place on the table.

"Then I shall refer to you as 'Captain', Captain," said Lily, watching Anya offer Susie a swimsuit and a tiny nightgown. She really must have missed a few things while she was baking. Susie stuffed her dummy in the nightgown, and Lily giggled.

"Yes, lady Fernande looks quite lovely in that pretty, pretty gown."

Lily wasn't even going to say anything about whether or not Susie had to wear the swimsuit unless directly asked. She wanted to see it, and if Susie didn't wear it now, she'd have to wait another few months for the next possible opportunity.
"Yes, captain master. I think it will look super pretty on you." Anya said, trying to adopt a formal tone. She made it extra formal by giving a short bow, swishing her tail.

She was glad she had maid Lily to back her up. Clearly, they were something akin to sisters now. Only closer. They were maid sisters.
"It's Ferdinand." Ferdie said, as he slowly twisted his head to face Lily. Susie grabbed the swimsuit, and entered the closet, "Do not disturb me, while I am here." She said as she shut the door.

Suzette glanced at it, "A-am I really going to just, wear this?" she muttered out. She pondered on what else she potentially had. But, would I hurt er her feelings if I didn't wear what she selected out? ... Gah.

Ferdie paused for a moment, "The silver lining to this is that I am way more pretty er, not the word I was looking for.... Honest. What I meant to say is that I am, and will always be cooler than you schmucks, even in this. I didn't comment on me looking cute in this, and if you think I did I swear I will rip out your very tongues. ... Oh and I suppose the silver lining of this fueling my hate, and when I unleash its pure unadulterated ferocity! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
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Lily stared at Ferdie with a degree of pity as he went on his spiel about how no, really, he didn't want to be the prettiest princess. Lily could feel the lies in his black, wooden, evil little dummy heart.

"Lady Fernande, I... I could never know how terrible it must be to be trapped in a body that you're not comfortable in. Because I'm so beautiful and perfect and love being a girl. But I understand that it isn't like that for everybody. This is a safe space, alright? I'm here to listen."

Of course! The jealousy, the cross-dressing, the Freudian slips; it was all so obvious now. Ferdie was a girldummy trapped in a boydummy's wooden body. Lily bet that she would score a lot of points if she helped Ferdie out with this thing. Maybe he would be a bit less angry all the time.
Ferdie just stared at Lily, "Damn it, I told you, it was FERDIE." He spun his head from side to side. However, she was right. He would much rather be in Kill-Mode, than performance mode. He always enjoyed it more, as he could actively slaughter. As the ventriloquist doll, he was limited in his accounts of murdering. "You will -not- speak of anything I say here, or I will skin you alive. I will boil your entrails into a nice jelly, and I will spread it on toast. ...Now then. Is it too much to ask for? To have a more pleasing form?" He said, completely unaware of any subtext that could be drawn from the conversation. "I mean I tell her, but noooo, 'You aren't going to responsibly use it'. ...It's hard ya know?"
Lily nodded in what she hoped was an understanding manner. She felt like she was getting a much better understanding of the situation.

"Yeah, I think I understand. It must be hard, I'm sure, especially when your very own... mistress? I'm not entirely certain what Susie is to you. But when she's denying something you so desire, and she's supposed to be on your side. But I think I understand where she's coming from too, a little. I'm not certain what you'll be... capable of in a form like that, but it does require a degree of responsibility I'm sure. I mean, I haven't even, um, done those things yet. And I'm an Alraune. But sometimes it gets a little hard to resist. You know what I'm talking about, right? Maybe you could try proving how responsible you are to her by taking care of an animal or something."
"Done what things, Mistress Lily? Take care of a pet?" Anya asked, turning towards the plant and puppet.

"I don't know if the dorm allows them, but we can probably get one anyways. Like a cat or something." she said, her ears twitching.

"....Wait." Anya's eyes narrowed in thought, then she grabbed her tail and stared at it.

"Like a cat or something. This is not a scheme." she repeated, looking up.
Ferdie slowly raised his eyebrows, pondering on the speech. If he didn't actively kill an animal to satisfy his blood-lust, maybe, just maybe he could stay in Kill-Mode as often as he wanted to, and not just on plunder missions, which, being here he didn't feel he'd get the chance anytime soon. And the Alarune didn't murder anything? Not even a small creature? "Relationship is, oh, a bit hard to peg in just one explanation, ya know? Well the form is capable of oh so many wondrous things. Haven't thought of taking care of an animal or something. I'll also need to talk to her about this." Ferdie said. He paused for a moment, before he spoke up again, "Wait really? You haven't? You never killed anything?" He said completely astounded at the fact that he was stuck with killing newbies. How he now longed to be with the crew again. Then again, none of these people could claim that they were a better killer than him.
"Eh? Uh, y-yeah. I've never taken care of a pet before, Anya. But I think that taking care of you is probably just as good," said Lily, scratching Anya behind the ears.

Lily began blushing intensely when Ferdie stated that the form would be capable of 'oh so many wondrous things', but quickly her expression changed to alarm when the puppet mentioned killing.

"Wait, you were talking about... what? Killing?"

Lily shook her head vigorously.

"Oh, no. No no no. Killing is bad, Ferdie," said Lily, glancing at Anya, "Very bad. O-of course I've never killed anyone- er, anything before. W-why would I even... anyways, you certainly shouldn't be given some sort of murder form or whatever it was you were saying. God. I'm not sure any amount of responsibility could get you that."
Anya raised her hands to her cheeks, shutting her eyes.

"I didn't realize you'd thought of me that way, Lily." she said. Her plan was coming to fruition; nothing could go wrong at this rate.

Then the puppet and Lily talked about how killing was bad forever.

"Killing is bad? But Lily, don't good guys fight bad guys all the time?" she asked.
Unfortunately for Ferdie, they were narcs, and he had to clean up the 'mess' of sorts that he made. "Er no, no, I was referring to uh, something else yeah. Totally not talking about my love of murder, I just use it as an uh allegory." Damn narcs, getting in the way of his slaughter. "Ya know? Cause uh, it's er, uh..." Ferdie began thinking of any word that could be useful in his situation to avoid it, "Embarrassing yeah, for me to talk about. I honestly didn't mean that. I er, meant something else." A plan was concoted in his head, all he had to do was earn the trust of these scrubs, and maybe, he could convince Susie he 'turned a new' leaf or some shit and could get his murder-form. "I, just, ya know don't er... like talking about it much, so I have to disguise it you see. Yeah, yeah. I, just hope you can understand." Ferdie looked down. Work damn it, work damn it! EAT THE BAIT. He paused and reflected on the opportunity he missed, as Anya brought up the heroes fighting villains. He could have just said he killed super-villains!


Meanwhile back in the closet Suzette was rubbing her chin in thought, wondering whether or not she had to wear it. ...Maybe, aha!
"Uh, thought of you like someone I have to take care of? Yeah, kinda. Anyways, good guys killing bad guys is different. From what I'm guessing is indiscriminate murder. And anyways, a lot of good guys put the bad guys in jail these days instead of killing."

Lily looked at Ferdie suspiciously as he stumbled through his explanation. It was probably true that many might prefer to talk about their insecurities through allegory, but she doubted anyone would ever consciously use something as socially unacceptable as murder in its place. Well, whatever. Lily would at least play along for the moment.

"Oh? Goodness, you had me alarmed there for a second. Alright, I understand, Lady Fernande. Your secret is safe with me."
SUCKER! ... Great guess I'm going to have to go with that name? Whatever, it'll help me get MURDER-MODE! Ferdie thought to himself, most happy his impromptu plan was working. All he had to do was build the rep with, whatever story he signed up for. It'd be worth it in the end. He moved his puppet limbs a bit moving for a bow, "Oh, oh, thank you so much." Ferdie knew that he was, absolutely the greatest actor that ever lived. "So, er what would you suggest doing then?"


Suzette changed into the swim-suit, but that was not the only change of attire she would do. She pulled out a black brocaded coat, and some black pantaloons and placed those over the swim-suit.
Okay, maybe, this yes. This is a sound idea. Suzette opened up the closet, "Ahem. Sorry it took so long, but I have changed. I'll answer any questions you may have. After all, I am the Captain."
"What about indiscriminately murdering bad guys?" the cat asked.

"Captain Master, where's the outfit I picked out for you?" Anya asked, tilting her head.

"Didn't you liked it? I thought it would look really nice on you. It accents your features. You know... features." she waved her hands around to emphasize.

"Like your eyes."
Susie's face reddened immediately as Anya talked about how the outfit accentuated her features. "Well, I am er, wearing it. Beneath the coat, and pants." Suzette quickly explained. "And it does look nice. But you can't er, just start out looking really nice can you? Haaave to work up to that point."
"Oh, like unwrapping a present. I get it." Anya said, having an epiphany. She'd have to unwrap Susie then.

The cat grabbed a cup of tea and a slice of pie, and placed it in front of the elf.

"Here you go, master. Now take your pants off." she said, giving a short bow.
Ferdie began laughing uncontrollably. Suzette glanced at the cup of tea and the slice of pie and sat down, before, remembering that incident with the crew, and began giggling herself. "Ahahahahahaha! Erm" She coughed as she glanced at Anya, "You don't think it'd be that easy do you now?"
"Yes." Anya replied curtly, tail swishing in anticipation.

"Susie I thought really hard about what you should wear and I think that will look best on you because it matches better. I can pick out good clothes, right? Don't you think I know how to do stuff right?" she asked, sniffling as she looked up at the elf.
"Just wait okay?" Susie stated, having been foiled by the use of emotional pathos. "You do pick out good clothes, you selected a nice set for yourself, and for Ferdie." Ferdie grumbled a bit. "And I er do uh er ah, like the choice you uh, c-chose for me. But you can wait a bit can't you?" She said. After all I don't really have any clothes that I don't like. ...It is a cute swimsuit, but, why a swimsuit indoors. She coughed as she glanced at Anya, "But er, I'd j-just like to ask, why again the swimsuit, out of all the options? Er ah, you don't uh, need to answer that, if you don't want to. Or feel like you don't uh, have to answer again."
"Well," replied Lily, "I still think that taking a pet in is a good idea. And certainly you'll need to continue wearing the dress. It makes you seem more genuine."

This was the dummy that scared Anya, right? Lily was going to enjoy messing with him. She was going to enjoy it good.

"Anyways, Anya, no kind of murdering in any way is for you. You shouldn't hurt other people, unless you're defending yourself."

Lily eagerly looked towards the closet as Susie came out, but that was no swim suit. That was no swim suit at all. Lily's prodigious disappointment showed bare on her face, but only for a second before she put on that sweet, docile smile that was perfect for any maid.

"Anya, you can't just bring a girl some food and expect her to take her pants off. Not this early in the night, at least. Following your present analogy, it's more like Christmas than a birthday. You have to act really good the whole year, and then on Christmas you can unwrap your gift as savagely and as vigorously as you want. Because you earned it. Like Susie said, you have to wait. But it's going to happen as long as you aren't naughty. Or in some cases, if you are. But this probably isn't one of those."
Suzette glanced at Ferdie, as Lily spoke of something odd. What the Hell did she miss out on? Then Lily brought up the topic of murder. And Susie's face went a bit white. Well, she was fairly certain of what this was. Her dear little hound of war barked up too much, but why did Ferdie bark? And more importantly did they know the meaning of the bark. "R-right. The package, no matter what color, ivory or indigo, or red or blue, or really any er, shades of coloring the package in, or really the detai-" She shook her head as she glanced at Ferdie who raised his eyebrows twice. Right so Ferdie was an idiot. At least he remembers the code. And... at least he wasn't interrogated. Susie didn't know what'd she do if anyone interrogated her dear little Hound of War, Ferdie. Well she did, but, other matters.

Susie placed her right hand on her head as she glanced down, "Er, I don't know where I was going with this. Just wait a little, and I'll surely show it."

"Of course." Ferdie stated, he had the show to do. And hopefully through whatever, story he put himself through, though he was starting to get an idea of what the story would be. Well he'd certainly need to adapt the character, whether he wanted to or not. And he felt in his blackened fetid heart, through his acting from this, he could get what he truly desired from Susie. He did know that he'd need to actively chat with her on the matter, simply answering the code wouldn't be enough. He knew in his deep in his black, rotten metaphorical heart, that he would get his Kill-Mode from this, and all he had to worry about was who to test it out on. Depending if Susie set the usual limits of course. Hopefully she wouldn't keep him at those limits.

"Like, perhaps after tea and desert." Susie said with a nod.
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